2011.06.20. HLN - 'In Session' News Coverage - Caylee Anthony Case

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News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

Christi Paul HLN
OK folks; all Judge Perry said is it's by "joint stipulation" that they're recessing until 9am tomorrow. No other explanation. Perhaps the Pros will be deposing a couple of these witnesses in question so those witnesses can testify? That's our guess. You?

Prime News, Vinnie wants to know...
What do you think of Judge Belvin Perry?

Nancy Grace is live from the Orlando courthouse with the latest bombshells in the Tot Mom murder trial! What will Casey Anthony's defense team say in court next? Tune in tonight 8 PM ET only on HLN!

LKB hired as HLN, 'In Session' contributor Baden will be on for duration of trial.

Prime News Want to talk to Vinnie about the Casey Anthony case? Call us! Lines are open right now!!! 1-877-TELL-HLN (877-835-5456)

Dr. Drew HLN Hello from Dr.Drew! It's time for you to submit your questions and comments for Dr. Drew's "On-Call" segment regarding the Casey Anthony trial. We'd love to have you as one of our callers.
Just submit here http://on.cnn.com/iXQDGW and we may call you shortly.

Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell
Questions or comments about the Casey Anthony trial? E-mail your name + phone # + comment/question to jane@cnn.com to talk to Jane live on the air!

Nancy Grace Casey Anthony murder trial day! Have a question or comment for Nancy? Call RIGHT NOW: 1-877-NANCY-01
Watching Spitzs recaps on HLN now- the woman host has 3 times already referred "Casey's skull" and that Spitz did autopsy on "Casey's remains". All I could think of was.... I wish.......MOO
Rewatching Dr. Spitz.

I just do not understand how the Talking Heads could say this witness 'poked holes in the state's case.' I heard that said on several cable stations, and seriously, it makes no sense to me at all.

He is uncertain and bumbling, and even sounds a bit 'deceitful' in parts.
Vinnie P :

Going to have a ' Battle of the Experts' pitting Dr G against Dr S later today.

[ I think it starts in 10 minutes?]

"A panel of forensics experts will debate the two testimonies."

Let me guess, Dr Baden or his wife perhaps?
Dr. Kessler= saying that the ME may have been incompetent.
Dr Hunter= she did meet the standard and did not miss anything, but if she had opened it we would not be arguing this now

[ re: duct tape] the murder weapon?

Dr. Kessler=was it staged photos, like dr S suggests?

Dr Hunter= look at it in it's entirety-- one certain thing,it was not placed after skeletonized.

[manner of death]

Dr Kessler=cannot rule out accidental drowning, because the review by dr G was 'shoddy.'

Dr Hunter= yes, one can rule out accidental drowning here.
Is Dr Kessler bff with Spitz? trying to agree and make him look better? He sure has to refer to his notes alot. Maybe Spitz wrote him a note on what to say!
What was it that one of the body language people said - people look down when they are ashamed of what they are saying....just caught the last few questions and Kessler seemed to look down for every answer....telling???
My first thought was is/was Kessler hired by the defense at one time?
there is also something to be said about the age difference in these two ME's and then compared to dr.G/Spitz... perhaps a generational ME thing?

IMO, Dr. G has a strong reason for not opening the skull since her answer was "absolutely not" when CM questioned her and we will hear it in rebuttal and it will become a non-issue.
I think we all get so caught up in the minutia TH's included that we are quick to lose sight of the obvious. There wasn't anything in the skull. Short of a signed confession or dvd of the commission of the murder what could have been in there? I am glad these Doctors aren't dentists, I don't know about anyone else but mine uses a mirror and light. He is one of the new breed of JUNK dentists and sometimes uses one of those new fangled X-Ray machines.
My first thought was is/was Kessler hired by the defense at one time?
there is also something to be said about the age difference in these two ME's and then compared to dr.G/Spitz... perhaps a generational ME thing?

IMO, Dr. G has a strong reason for not opening the skull since her answer was "absolutely not" when CM questioned her and we will hear it in rebuttal and it will become a non-issue.

Oh my, Kessler not only said it was a shoddy autopsy but that there is no way the hair would have remained in the position he saw it in. So he accused Dr. G of lousy work and also staging the evidence.
Oh my, Kessler not only said it was a shoddy autopsy but that there is no way the hair would have remained in the position he saw it in. So he accused Dr. G of lousy work and also staging the evidence.

Didn't he also say their forensic department was no longer accredited? For certain he slammed her work...
Rewatching Dr. Spitz.

I just do not understand how the Talking Heads could say this witness 'poked holes in the state's case.' I heard that said on several cable stations, and seriously, it makes no sense to me at all.

He is uncertain and bumbling, and even sounds a bit 'deceitful' in parts.

Like he's hiding a big secret, and doesn't want to reveal it. Unreal...
Oh my, Kessler not only said it was a shoddy autopsy but that there is no way the hair would have remained in the position he saw it in. So he accused Dr. G of lousy work and also staging the evidence.

UNREAL. Did the forensics examiners first on the scene 'stage' their photos too? Maybe they went to the Anthony's and got the duct tape roll and stuck it to the hair.
Warning: Mark Geragos will be on Joy Behar's show tonight.
Proceed accordingly.
LKB is on now. ugh!!!

Ugh is right. What was her line about wanting to talk about Spitz's handling of JA?

She is unreal. There are no words.

ETA: If she honestly thinks the jury won't have the mental picture of JB saying George's pen** was in Casey's mouth at age 13 and she went off to school.....and that the jury won't say 'hey, we never heard any proof of that'.....well, she can sell herself the bridge I want to sell her.
I wonder what would happen if all of these shows would stop having her, Dr. Baden and Jennifer Barringer on? And Mark Geragos too - if these people can't be bothered to watch the trial, they shouldn't be allowed to comment on and confuse the innocent public.
The tv stations are overloading me on this case. I never thought I'd say that as I've followed the case and any information available for 3 years. Every program, from The View, Dr. Drew, Good Morning America has Casey Anthony all day every day. I've had enough.The hired talking heads who don't know the facts and are rushing to get their faces on television make me angry. The repeating videos and the more shocking parts of the defense opening statements are being played to death. Having really unpleasant personalities, like LKB, make me turn OFF the tv, not keep it on. And my last vent is the overly loud and overly frequent commercials on TruTv. I will never have that station on in my house once this trial is over. Okay. I feel better.
WOW! Guest on HLN with Vinnie Politan just said Lynch Mobs love HHJP. With the disclaimer he was holding back so as to not commit career suicide. I didn't catch his name but his is a local Attorney.. I am watching to see if I can catch his name.
Richard Hornsby ??? who is he?
[ re: abuse allegation]
vinnie: how does DT prove the abuse accusation?

LKB= "the state has to first prove there was a murder, they have not done that yet so they may not even have to worry about the abuse accusations. ..and then they can put her on the stand , or not.

"You are hung up on the abuse, vinnie. It is not that important here"

[ she saw the child dead in Georges arms..]
Vinnie: how do they prove the accident happened?
LKB= "I am thinking she might testify in the penalty phase.
But they do not have to prove anything. Again, do not be so hung up about them having to prove anything they said."

Vinnie: what are they going to accuse him of?
I anticipate that they will say he was lying about kicking the skull.So what else is he lying about?
"For example,
did Kronk come across the remains and then duct tape the skull back together? "

[ oh lord, where did Kronk get the Anthony's Henkel tape?]

[George and the cover up ]
Vinnie: What about George?
" he needs to protect himself from manslaughter charges. But I want his cell phone records for the 16th, i am waiting for those. Those might be very interesting"

She said it was 'like Grant storming Richmond' the way he handled Ashton.

OMG. Is she serious? REALLY? How does she sleep at night?

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