2011.06.21 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-four)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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AND while im OT and yammering...
Miss James, LogicalGirl, RR0004 . . . .
there are sooo many people on here from first thing in the AM till late late at night..

Do none of us have LIVES or JOBS?

By a show of hands.. who has been here since first thing this morning?!


Hahahaha! Haven't you heard that saying - we can sleep when we're dead? Apparently that's what I'm trying for. :crazy:
Whoops - one of my dogs is actually glaring at me - apparently it's time for "out". Sigh - these distractions....
Strange! Please link to *chatter on acquittal*. TIA.

I've been searching for the past 45 mins and cannot locate what I thought began my curiosity on the odd acquittal process (via mistrial w/ dbl jeopardy twist). I thought it was at the end of a Bill S recap video in the past few days due to the DT antics with their 'reports'...and HHJP being backed into a corner. Unfortunately I am not able to locate a link at this time. :pullhair:
But, I do know it was being discussed in sidebar the same day.
I'm getting bleary eyed now, but will look again tomorrow.
AND while im OT and yammering...
Miss James, LogicalGirl, RR0004 . . . .
there are sooo many people on here from first thing in the AM till late late at night..

Do none of us have LIVES or JOBS?

By a show of hands.. who has been here since first thing this morning?!


I'm almost never here first thing in the morning. I'm on the west coast and don't usually get here until about 8:00-8:30 Pacific time. By then, the court is only an hour to a half-hour away from the lunch recess. I spend the lunch recess eating breakfast and catching up on what happened during the morning through the local news sites and videos.
before i go off to bed, i just want to point out how NO ONE is talking about Dr.Bock.

We don't even have a current thread on her....
She bored me to tears and was completely lacking any sort of credibility. Ja's shock at her suggestion of DOGS burying the bones made me laugh out loud like this.. HAHAHAHAHA

What can be said about Dr. Boch. Ummm? She seemed like a really nice lady. Taking a nature work with her would probably be pretty cool. You could learn a lot, and may even stumble upon a body like in an Agatha Christie novel.

But... You will notice Dame Agatha always had the common sense to not actually put Miss Marples in court. I mean watching Dr. Bock testify today was like watching Angela Landsbury try and give testimony in the matter of Hanibal Lecter vs the all you can eat buffee.
Apparently they haven't. That's what Baez was complaining about today in court with his hundreds of phone books nonsense. And LDB said she has information from the morning of the 16th (the time frame that GA was home) that makes the possible of the accident defence impossible. (eg, ICA's IM's asking "what's up Dude?" etc.)

The complaint Baez was making about the SA's late discover with the computer CD's made it obvious - he wanted to know what he was supposed to do with it, or find anything at this late date, when he'd released his computer people. He didn't realize it was a copy of what he was given over two years ago.

So we know the prosecution has - but the Defence......:loser:

I assumed he was lying .Actually,I assumed everyone else assumed he was lying. Guess what that makes me? :waitasec:
I've been searching for the past 45 mins and cannot locate what I thought began my curiosity on the odd acquittal process (via mistrial w/ dbl jeopardy twist). I thought it was at the end of a Bill S recap video in the past few days due to the DT antics with their 'reports'...and HHJP being backed into a corner. Unfortunately I am not able to locate a link at this time. :pullhair:
But, I do know it was being discussed in sidebar the same day.
I'm getting bleary eyed now, but will look again tomorrow.

No need. I just try to keep up and hadn't heard any of that chatter.

IMO her chances of getting an acquittal are quite tiny. I'll keep my ear to the ground too!
Bummer, just remembered tomorrow is only a half day for court...wonder if they will get any witnesses at all in...:(
AND while im OT and yammering...
Miss James, LogicalGirl, RR0004 . . . .
there are sooo many people on here from first thing in the AM till late late at night..

Do none of us have LIVES or JOBS?

By a show of hands.. who has been here since first thing this morning?!


My 19 yr old daughter called me in the middle of the DNA experts testimony. She was stranded and needed a ride to her car. I was like 'really?' :phone:

Okay, I picked her up, and she was like ' You want to go to lunch?' I said 'really?' I am USUALLY the one asking her, the ambivalent 19 yr old, to go to lunch and stuff. LOL So we got Chinese take out and I rushed home to see the Cross exam and redirect. My DD said " Mom, you are obsessed, you need HELP." :innocent:

Okay, she is right. See ya'll in the morning for the half day testimony. :eek:fftobed:
My 19 yr old daughter called me in the middle of the DNA experts testimony. She was stranded and needed a ride to her car. I was like 'really?' :phone:

Okay, I picked her up, and she was like ' You want to go to lunch?' I said 'really?' I am USUALLY the one asking her, the ambivalent 19 yr old, to go to lunch and stuff. LOL So we got Chinese take out and I rushed home to see the Cross exam and redirect. My DD said " Mom, you are obsessed, you need HELP." :innocent:

Okay, she is right. See ya'll in the morning for the half day testimony. :eek:fftobed:

I'm almost never here first thing in the morning. I'm on the west coast and don't usually get here until about 8:00-8:30 Pacific time. By then, the court is only an hour to a half-hour away from the lunch recess. I spend the lunch recess eating breakfast and catching up on what happened during the morning through the local news sites and videos.

Me too. This morning I set my alarm though because I wanted to see River Cruz
LIVE if she was called. I am going to do the same tomorrow, just in case.
I went out and bought fresh bagels and cream cheese for tomorrow. Like it or not that is what hubby and DD are having too. I think they are going to go on attack against George tomorrow.
I've been searching for the past 45 mins and cannot locate what I thought began my curiosity on the odd acquittal process (via mistrial w/ dbl jeopardy twist). I thought it was at the end of a Bill S recap video in the past few days due to the DT antics with their 'reports'...and HHJP being backed into a corner. Unfortunately I am not able to locate a link at this time. :pullhair:
But, I do know it was being discussed in sidebar the same day.
I'm getting bleary eyed now, but will look again tomorrow.

Was that the RH comment on lunch time today? He was saying something along those lines in his commentary. But someone else mentioned it also - but who.....maybe one of the pro SA lawyers on NG?

I'm almost never here first thing in the morning. I'm on the west coast and don't usually get here until about 8:00-8:30 Pacific time. By then, the court is only an hour to a half-hour away from the lunch recess. I spend the lunch recess eating breakfast and catching up on what happened during the morning through the local news sites and videos.

LOL lucky you! I am now apparently programmed to wake up at quarter to five - west coastie also, make coffee, take dogs out quickly wearing usually miss matched sweats but who cares when I haven't brushed my hair, check my email, log on to WS, and log on to Wesh for the interactive video, check out what everyone has been chatting about in sidebar and away we go - all rise!

And here is it almost 11pm my time and apparently I am not yet asleep...:loser: Oh well, I did sleep thru NG tonight...
Whoops - one of my dogs is actually glaring at me - apparently it's time for "out". Sigh - these distractions....

My German Shepherd has learned a new trick since this trial began. She comes up and NOSES my laptop off my lap and sticks her big goofy face in it's place instead. "REMEMBER ME? Let's go outside!"
My German Shepherd has learned a new trick since this trial began. She comes up and NOSES my laptop off my lap and sticks her big goofy face in it's place instead. "REMEMBER ME? Let's go outside!"

LOL - no wonder we love love our wonderful dogs......
:woohoo: After 3 phone calls from my DS in AZ, I finally caught up with everyone. I hate to leave all you wonderful WSers but, it's 2:05am here in FL and I need to get some sleep...don't want to be late for court in the morning. 'Night everyone :seeya:
No need. I just try to keep up and hadn't heard any of that chatter.

IMO her chances of getting an acquittal are quite tiny. I'll keep my ear to the ground too!

I think what egnarts was talking about there is that Baez has backed HHJP into a corner with all of his screw-ups that are obviously directly contravening the expert order from December.

He wants to be fair to the Defendant, and let the expert testify, but Baez has ignored the order and blatantly tried to ambush at least three times in the last couple of weeks. So HHJP can't do much more than threaten contempt charges at the end of the trial, without causing appellate issues of ineffective council or expert evidence testimony cut out, and he doesn't want to call a mistrial either at this stage.

So HHJP really has backed himself into a corner regarding Baez's antics. But acquittal does not even enter into the picture. There is nothing presented todate that could cause one - in fact - the bus moving ICA to a guilty verdict has turned into a landslide hurtling down a mountain side.
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