2011.06.22 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-five)

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So I guess I did not miss much, I was rushing like a wild woman to get back but it was over. Have to watch all the replays which there are plenty of.
Her toxicology test would have findings of that nature on them, hair and bone marrow ,fingernails, toenails. I think.

I dont know I am not an ME. I just wanted to know why one method was used for concluding homicide then not used for concluding COD. Since the factors she used in concluding are the very things that she suspects are the cause of death I dont understand it unless there is a procol allowed for speculating murder and not allowed for COD.

IIRC, they did not find traces of chloroform in her hair. After 6 months of exposure to environmental elements, I doubt they would find chloroform in the bones. Chloroform from what I understand evaporates.

I'm not ME either. Nor a chemist. LOL
From what I remember about Dr. G's testimony :

Manner of Death : HOMICIDE

Cause of Death : Undetermined

Because Caylee's remains were skeletonized, she was unable to determine the "Cause of Death" ...

But ... she was able to rule the "Manner of Death" as a "Homicide" because of the DUCT TAPE on the mouth and nose, wrapped in two trash bags and a laundry bag, and thrown into the woods like "trash".

:cow: It is my opinion that the FACT that this was a HOMICIDE needs to be brought out more ... ESPECIALLY for the JURY !

I hope I got this right ... PLEASE correct me if I am wrong. TIA !
Is there a possibility you misunderstood your MIL? I hate to bring this up because I get :truce: down so fast, but I live in Canada, had no idea who OJ was, was completely unimpressed with his "fame" and we have different racial issues in Canada.

I watched every second of that trial and thought he was absolutely guilty. BUT, I thought the prosecution screwed up so badly over and over again, he could not be found guilty by the evidence. It was a huge tragedy for the jurors, who also thought he was guilty, and but for the mess of the prosecution, he would have been.

I have no idea how Marcia Clark has the nerve to show her face on television and call herself a legal expert. Every time I see her face I throw something at the TV screen and it's been years. I'm still so angry about it.
The SA did not prove their case. It should have been easy. Sloppy, sloppy sloppy

I do the same thing except I yell stuff at the TV while she is talking. My DD always says "who is that MOM?"....I always say something like "how dare she even COMMENT on any aspect of this case!!!" Really, really makes me mad.:banghead::banghead:
Wow, we go on an on about this juror! What the juror said at jury selection is that she does not like to judge someone from the gossip she hears. But she can if she hears/finds out facts for herself. She didn't say she couldn't judge someone ever! :maddening:

That's true. I think if you listen to it context you can tell what she meant. The judge was asking her about what she'd heard about the case and had she formed any opinions about KC. That's when she made the statement that she doesn't judge others (meaning by what she hears from the media). That's how I took it anyway and I'm not as worried about her as most are. I wish we had a link for the video clip of each juror so we could go back and hear their voir dire. WFTV has all the video but it would take forever to find them.
anybody see that interaction with the Inmate and Slabaugh?

We saw Slabaugh actually involved in 2 sidebars today - that is new.
He was standing in the sidebar one time and Mason was talking specifically to him, or to the Judge about Slabaugh.
Another time Slabaugh was standing a distance behind Baez, but still IN the sidebar conversation.

Then I saw the Inmate point at Slabaugh and mouth "you can do it" .. then point at herself and back pointing to Slabaugh and mouth "if I can do it ... you can do it" ...

I expect to see oral legal arguments from Slabaugh to the Judge in the near future, or else have Slabaugh put on the witness stand for some defense purpose ... and expect to see the Inmate also take the witness stand ....


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Finally back, and I read ritanita's overview of the trial today on Trials and Tribulations, and apparently...I missing a whole lot of nothin', am I right? Wow. Another wasted day, Baez!
The main way that I know is to see a fractured hyoid bone, if the bone is found.


This is only if strangulation is suspected.

The hyoid bone was one of the ones missing from Caylee's recovered remains.
I was just watching a replay of JB's opening statement. He says in his OS: Early morning hours, the exact time is not known. It could have been early afternoon, early morning. Actually it was the early morning hours, GA approached Casey and started yelling at her: "Where's Caylee, where's Caylee? They began to search the house, they couldn't find her. They searched in the bedrooms...."

Then he has a "mock up" of the Anthony house for the jurors. He uses a pointer to indicate where GA and ICA look for Caylee outside when they discover she's missing. Points to the back yard where the sliding doors are, then says ICA went to the left of the house (even tough he is pointing to the right side of the house where we know there is a shed and a dead end) and GA goes toward the pool. Now why would ICA run to the side of the house where there is not a gate? Wouldn't she run to the side to see if the gate was open? Also, it's not a huge yard- so ICA would have had to not notice Caylee in the pool, run to the side yard, run back and now GA is already holding Caylee in his arms??? In what, like 10 seconds? Ridiculous!

" It could have been early afternoon, early morning. Actually it was the early morning hours": This part has always cracked me up! Say what? But at least SA has them pinned down to early morning hours since he finally settled on that Can't wait to see the computer info for the afternoon.
From what I remember about Dr. G's testimony :

Manner of Death : HOMICIDE

Cause of Death : Undetermined

Because Caylee's remains were skeletonized, she was unable to determine the "Cause of Death" ...

But ... she was able to rule the "Manner of Death" as a "Homicide" because of the DUCT TAPE on the mouth and nose, wrapped in two trash bags and a laundry bag, and thrown into the woods like "trash".

:cow: It is my opinion that the FACT that this was a HOMICIDE needs to be brought out more ... ESPECIALLY for the JURY !

I hope I got this right ... PLEASE correct me if I am wrong. TIA !

You are correct. She ruled out accident because 100% of accidents are called into 911. Furthermore, the child remained "missing" for 31 days before her remains were discovered in a trash dump site.
Originally Posted by Soulmagent View Post
My point being is that the she could not confirm Homicide without using the same opinions that she would have to use to conclude a cause of death.

Dr.G may have made the right determination but it is all still in her method of operation so why did she decided to use the method for deciding homicide and then stop short on the COD?

You don't believe Dr. G? I don't think anyone here minds, because it's okay for you to think ICA is innocent, unlike most of us. lolol

Really, isn't this all rather a mute point? Dr.G reported Caylee's death was a homicide. Dr. G concluded it was a homicide because of the way the body was found and where it was found. She also plainly stated that children who appear to have drowned---their guardians/parents call 911-something like 99.999% of the time.

Dr.G also testified that---
There was no reason for this child to be found with duct tape wrapped around her head 3 times.There was no reason for her blankie from home to be with her.There was no reason for her to be stanched in trash bags and thrown away like trash...

The state does not need to prove cause of death.
Cause of death was not known in Laci Peterson's case, but her husband was convicted of 1st degree murder.
That's true. I think if you listen to it context you can tell what she meant. The judge was asking her about what she'd heard about the case and had she formed any opinions about KC. That's when she made the statement that she doesn't judge others (meaning by what she hears from the media). That's how I took it anyway and I'm not as worried about her as most are. I wish we had a link for the video clip of each juror so we could go back and hear their voir dire. WFTV has all the video but it would take forever to find them.

But I feel no matter how much we analize the jury (who we can not even see)
it is never really known what the outcome of the verdict will be as in a case like this one. It could go either way always. You just never know.

The outcome I am looking for might not happen but you can bet I am sure hoping it will. The more I watch of her the madder I get. I have to be careful what I say because I will get in trouble,,,,lol:sick:
Awesome [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcvNvok5BzE"]YouTube - ‪Jose Baez on Casey Anthony case‬‏[/ame]

maybe this will be played at JB's disbarment hearing
You are correct. She ruled out accident because 100% of accidents are called into 911. Furthermore, the child remained "missing" for 31 days before her remains were discovered in a trash dump site.

Yes, and Baez really better have a good one for backing up/proving his OS. Of course I guess someone else did it.

O/T hi remember you from IS and JQ!
The impact of this case is affecting my relationship with a family member. When I rec'd a call from my relative last night we discussed the case and she expressed to me that she believes ICA will be acquitted. Moreover, she expressed that she just didn't believe that there has been enough evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that ICA murdered ICA. Words ensued. I could feel my blood pressure climbing but I did keep the conversation on track and my emotions under control by declaring that the outcome would be interesting whatever the verdict. Believe me it took all my resources to control myself. When the converstion was finished I comisserated with my DH who has become convinced of ICA's guilt even though he virtually knew nothing about this case in the beginning. Then I started thinking back to OJ's trial. My MIL, (now deceased, God rest her soul), watched the trial daily and concluded that OJ was innocent before the verdict was final...Go figure.


BBM : I am so sorry to hear this ...

I am lucky ... my sister believes that ICA is GUILTY as all he77 and believes there is much evidence to CONVICT her ... but she also believes ICA may be acquitted because of the possibility of Juror #4 ... I on the other hand, am more OPTIMISTIC a CONVICTION will be handed down by the jury.

I am fortunate that I can discuss this case with my sis for hours and hours and we agree on almost every issue.

No I don't think he would have his own page -- but it's just me. I thought it was a cute comment though:

I was caught out at Ross getting glasses for the Jury and I's "sleep over" the other night. (Thanks Greg / monsters.fm)

Do I see Your Honour setting up his own web site -- nahhhhh....



The page actually says it is not HIS or affiliated with him, just a way to show how much we love him. :)
By the way, this case came up TWICE in my customer service training today:

The teacher mentioned "that crazy trial in Florida where people are beating each other over the head for tickets, and now they are giving them tickets each day so everyone knows who is getting in." (We were talking about good versus bad customer service situations, and I nearly fell out of my chair when he mentioned this, LOL.)

And one of the customer service lines we had to say to each other twice, once truthful and once lying was, "I put your check in the mail yesterday." I nearly burst out laughing but caught myself, LOL.

I can't escape this trial, LOL!!!!
You are correct. She ruled out accident because 100% of accidents are called into 911. Furthermore, the child remained "missing" for 31 days before her remains were discovered in a trash dump site.

And, in Baez's opening statement he said, "...we all hear it, every week we hear about another child drowning in the family pool". Dr G said that there are many child drownings, but every week!! There are 52 weeks a year and Dr. G has been practicing for how long? She said in 100% of the cases of child drownings that come through her morgue, 911 was called. 100% And that is not counting the ones who are resustiated. That is powerful testimony in my opinion.
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