2011.06.24 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-seven)

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:crazy: You know what... it JUST occurred to me that I saw this episode on The Young and the Restless, and in the end ICA's in jail for life but has an evil twin who comes to town, who was locked up for years, that nobody knew about and THAT, was, the family's secret. :crazy:

Your cut off Gibby lol, just kiddin I remember that episode on AMC :floorlaugh:
All I know is that I now am exhibiting a flat affect, just like ICA. I have NO EMOTION anymore. I can't get excited about the prosecution, I can't freak over the defense. I am just....dead inside. That is how I feel today.
So I guess in a sense JB is right, just listening to the A's this week made me "flat"....I can only imagine living with them.

I can understand how you feel except I feel it by reading the many emotions expressed on the WS site day after day. It is draining.

The thing is, this trial is about the facts, not the emotions. It will be judged on what happened, and not so much the why. Good thing, huh?
as far as lee. i think he is a sociopathic personality just like his sister.
he was jealous kc was getting all the attention, and caylee would get it
after being born. he was probably getting tackless hints of moving out an get his own place.
that they needed the room for the baby.
that is the only reasonable explanation for his behavior on the stand today.
Darn I just looked at the clock and I have another "obligation" to do. And speaking of collective anger, I've been expecting some to be coming my way to do with CA and compassion.

So later this evening, I am willing to discuss why I believe CA's grief about Caylee on the stand was real, and why I don't share the group belief that CA is spitting on Caylee's memory by testifying as she did.

She is terrified ICA will be found guilty and given a death penalty. Fortunately the jury will see that and see what CA is trying to do. Just look at what a different "persona" she presented today from the last times she was up. She wasn't fooling anyone.

But I digress. Compassion to me is not limited to the boundaries of what is acceptable to me in my own behaviour. If it was I'd never work to get a girl off the street, I'd never open my door to my brother who fell off the wagon again, and I certainly wouldn't drop a dollar in the cup of a street person I knew was going to probably not spend it on food.

But later, we can discuss.

BBM I agree
She had know, or she should have had her at the hospital removing the huge tumor.

She is not the first young unwed mother and she won''t be the last. I just wonder why all the denial....

Was KC out partying the whole time she was pregnant? Did she not have friends then? Complete strangers would have known that girl was pregnant, geez.....


That is what I don't get either....there is way more to this than just parents who might want to hide the fact that their unmarried teenaged daughter is pregnant. But the problem with that is that they tried to hide/deny it when it was PAINFULLY OBVIOUS and that just made them look even crazier IMO. I am also VERY confused about the fact that Lee felt like it was being hidden from him when he figured it out.....and being told just "let it go" when he asked CA?? Ok, maybe that part (if true) I can see because if they were not wanting anyone to know maybe they felt like Lee might spill the beans before they were ready to let people know so they just told him "let it go". But there is just something about today's testimony that I can't quite put my finger on.......why was Lee so upset that KC's pregnancy was being hid from him? So upset that he didn't go to the hospital to see Caylee when she was born? Hellllooooo??!!! He was/is her BROTHER, not husband, boyfriend, or lover....which I could understand the hurt and betrayal then if he WAS I guess. Please someone tell me they get what I am trying to say because for the life of me I can't figure out how to say what it is I am meaning!! It just sounds too weird to me for a brother to be so upset about it to that degree. Right? So upset as to ignore anything going on in the house that has to do with the upcoming arrival of his niece. Maybe I am just looking too much in to it and it is actually quite innocent and understandable? Help.....
I after today had a chance to sit back and think. I hope that the jury is doing the same thing. I should of expected this from the Anthony's all along. I was under the misconception that in a court of law that they would testify as to what depositions stated. I thought that they would of course not want to say somthing to put ICA away to the death penalty.. however I didnt expect what appears to me is to be flat out changing testimony. It seems things are changing even the fact that CA stated to the prosecution that the ladder was taken DOWN by her. I do not see why the prosecution does not go back to those exact words.

I guess I have to have faith in the prosecution. I hope that rebuttal they will have everything lined up to shoot down any inconsistant statements. I trust they know what they are doing.

I may in fact stop watching the trial for a few days because I can not stomach to see people close to Caylee be the ones to let her down.

I am very, very curious as to what the meeting that LA claims he requested was about.
Please, someone clue me in here! What's the big deal about LA testifying today? So what if he wasn't included or didn't know she was pregnant? What does this have to do with the murder of Caylee?
All I know is that I now am exhibiting a flat affect, just like ICA. I have NO EMOTION anymore. I can't get excited about the prosecution, I can't freak over the defense. I am just....dead inside. That is how I feel today.
So I guess in a sense JB is right, just listening to the A's this week made me "flat"....I can only imagine living with them.

You will come out of it, cause I had the flat affect as well. Teh and her SpongeBobbiness helped me realize this site, WS, as well as THOUSANDS of others are waiting for justice, and I believe it will happen. :) Lean on me, and I'll lean on you.

Now here... hold my margarita while I share nachos with you... :therethere:
Re: your bolding ^

I have always wondered about that statement ......... however, much to my dismay, I'll probably never know. :(

Just to jump off your post on to something else, nothing about today's "circus" really surprised me. I always knew LA would lie, as well as the other two. And, of course, the DT, same ole, same ole.

However, the BOMBSHELL for me was hearing for the first time ever, Caylee was born a month early! Per CA. These folks just slay me, as we say in the South.

My grandmother had an old saying.

The first child can come at "any time".

It's the second child that normally takes 9 months.

But, yes, that was a bombshell moment wasn't it !!!
And, she weighed how much??
I agree with Rachelle---MAJOR LEAGUE odd reaction by Lee to being left out. And, by the way, didn't ICA have girlfriends. The only people mentioned attending the baby shower were relatives and work friends of CA, as I recall. Not that this is news, but THIS IS ONE WEIRD FAMILY that gets weirder every day!!!
Please, someone clue me in here! What's the big deal about LA testifying today? So what if he wasn't included or didn't know she was pregnant? What does this have to do with the murder of Caylee?

I watched the whole thing and to be honest, I don't really know what the big deal was. He was being evasive, that i could tell, doing the Anthony thing of not answering a direct question with a real answer. JA was for reasons unknown to me really grilling him on whether he did or did not know ICA was pregnant, and whether he did or did not know there was a baby shower. Lee was sullen and bitter and complained that no one told him anything and that he was shut out of the family, essentially.

From the defense's warped perspective, I think they were trying to demonstrate the 'denial' of the Anthony family and how it was taught to ICA. Which in a weird way is true of course - just not in the way the defense wants us to believe. But anyway, from JA's cross I'm not sure what the prosecution was trying to point out. Except that the Anthonys are all liars, even under oath, and when you try to pin them down they are like a kid with chocolate smeared all over their face insisting they didn't eat the candy.

That is what I don't get either....there is way more to this than just parents who might want to hide the fact that their unmarried teenaged daughter is pregnant. But the problem with that is that they tried to hide/deny it when it was PAINFULLY OBVIOUS and that just made them look even crazier IMO. I am also VERY confused about the fact that Lee felt like it was being hidden from him when he figured it out.....and being told just "let it go" when he asked CA?? Ok, maybe that part (if true) I can see because if they were not wanting anyone to know maybe they felt like Lee might spill the beans before they were ready to let people know so they just told him "let it go". But there is just something about today's testimony that I can't quite put my finger on.......why was Lee so upset that KC's pregnancy was being hid from him? So upset that he didn't go to the hospital to see Caylee when she was born? Hellllooooo??!!! He was/is her BROTHER, not husband, boyfriend, or lover....which I could understand the hurt and betrayal then if he WAS I guess. Please someone tell me they get what I am trying to say because for the life of me I can't figure out how to say what it is I am meaning!! It just sounds too weird to me for a brother to be so upset about it to that degree. Right? So upset as to ignore anything going on in the house that has to do with the upcoming arrival of his niece. Maybe I am just looking too much in to it and it is actually quite innocent and understandable? Help.....

I guess I was thinking the same thing about understanding if he was boyfriend/spouse. It was just weird.

I just seen the memorial again and that was weird too. If he was meaning CMA to be Caylee I think he would have said Caylee, it was her memorial. The whole thing about being so proud and hope you are proud of me too? I think CMA is ICA. Something weird going on with brother and sister in my opinion...
Yes, that's what I heard also. That he is in a different place. Lee has moved from not wanting to believe it to acceptance. He just doesn't want to be part of helping her die. And his regret about not having more of a life with Caylee to me was just bleeding out all over the stand. And his regret that his sister has done this thing.

I think he just didn't want to help either side.

I agree with you... with reservation. I think Baez expected him to drop the lie bomb and he said "no." With THAT, Baez had to go to Mason to ask "wtf do I do, boss?" I think Mason THEN said say no more questions so we can rehab him at lunch.

I think that didn't work at lunch.

However, I reserve the right to take my words back, eat crow, and throw things if I'm wrong. LOL
You will come out of it, cause I had the flat affect as well. Teh and her SpongeBobbiness helped me realize this site, WS, as well as THOUSANDS of others are waiting for justice, and I believe it will happen. :) Lean on me, and I'll lean on you.

Now here... hold my margarita while I share nachos with you... :therethere:

Gibby thank you. I feel like crying.....:tears::tears:
I just had to pull my real self back from this a bit. Seriously, I don't know these people and they don't know me. It means nothing in my real life. I feel silly for getting so immeshed in this. I am now trying to view this WITHOUT giving my all.

Thank you though for your help and words of encouragement.
I agree with Rachelle---MAJOR LEAGUE odd reaction by Lee to being left out. And, by the way, didn't ICA have girlfriends. The only people mentioned attending the baby shower were relatives and work friends of CA, as I recall. Not that this is news, but THIS IS ONE WEIRD FAMILY that gets weirder every day!!!

Thank you!! I thought I might be the only one that thought this! But as they say (well as I say anyway) great sleuthing minds think alike! :)
I think that they should all save their tears for the end, where they beg for her life....not now...I forget what it is called, but I can hear AF saying it 100 times to the pj's...kwim?
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