2011.06.24 TRIAL Day Twenty-seven (Morning Session)

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The State's CIC is dissolving and they are trying to hold it together... no problem with that, but JP is helping them, and I have a big problem with that!!

What??????????????????????????????? JP is helping them???
You can't be serious.....
Love how LDB is stressing the accuracy of CA's timecards....vs her testiphony yesterday saying she fudged on them....
Cindy says she worked that entire week because she was just back from vacation. Timesheet shows vaca. #CaseyAnthony
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 10:23 AM
how is it outside of scope that she asks CA if ICA said there was an accident if DT brought it up?!?

objection sustained - next question - no further questions -

CA lets out a big sigh....

LDB w/CA - show exhibits to JB-he asks questions DS looks on -LDB walks to front - hands papers to JB - (or pictures) -

LDB w/CA - after granddaughter missing from home from June 2008 - maintained her bedroom - kept all clothes in her drawers - kept presents she received because she had a birthday during the time she passed and remains found.....have garage sales get rid of clothes too small - some of them....store them in plastic containers to sell later for another purpose...on 6/15/08 was Caylee potty trained? pretty much - still carry diapers if we went out - home she would wear panties/underwear - if driving we would put pullups on her....when did Caylee make switch from diapers to pullups? sometime early 2008 - in photo SA - show CA pic - show wear underwear? object-overrule - looks like a diaper - doesn't look like panties or pullup - something coming out of back of shorts - testimony she was wearing shorts in April 2007...yes...in prior testimony pictures taken before 2nd birthday - Aug. 2007 - correct- object overrule- yes several months before her 2nd bday......in Aug 2007 Caylee was still wearing diapers - series of photos RF - RL.... GA or myself or KC ...mostly myself or GA.....kc and I bought Caylee's clothes ....shop @ target....she got gifts to......Circo brand is a Target store brand.....recognize any of the clothing in photos...if something you don't recognize - segregate that out (object-overrule -she is just lookin @ them - not testified)....

CA going thru picture - selects one picture - only one not certain of #RE not sure if shirt or dress - looks familiar but cant say....mostly tops and one pair shorts that is Caylee's from her room.....items in Caylee room in 6/2008 maintained by you until seized by LE....I believe so....what size clothing did you have in Caylee's drawers - had 2T's and 3T's as well....many children was stocky as a baby - as more more mobile began to thin out....between age 1-2 as she becomes more mobile as becomes age of 3....fair to say clothing items that Caylee had that could last as much as a year even if she is growing taller - yes - shorts 314 in evidence and ones in the video - shorts kept in your house...when last time you saw them end of 2008
when last saw them? ok thought you were talking about pictures we just saw sorry

those particular shorts kept @ your house? I hadn't recall Caylee wearing those every day....several pieces of clothing not @ my house everyday...object speculation - overrule.....

LDB - clothing items recognized as having been in home. you washed or bought clothes sometimes transported in a diaper bag or backpack...being placed in kc, GA or your car.....change of clothes...any recollection last time you saw those shoes appeared in video or picture I handed you....please repeat 1 more time?
when was last time you saw those shorts? there is quite a few things I didn't dress her in and that outfit was not one of my favorites....unless kc dressed her in them...don't recall seeing Caylee in them after 2007....shorts were kept @ your house...yes they were @ our house - just dont know if every single day....how heavy is ladder? have to use 2 hands to lift it....it is nothing Caylee lift or move on her own...correct

how heavy sliding glass door in picture of Caylee holding handle.....you had to put a good force....she was a compliant child - if gave instruction she would listen to you...she knew about climbing up the ladder - correct....how deep is pool? goes up to 4 feet - just a little under 4' we don't fill it clear up....standing @ edge - if object not @ edge of pool can you retrieve it without getting wet? no - must get wet to retrieve....

when was Caylee opening back door - Spring 2008....never let Caylee alone @ your house - absolutely not....incident you discussed relative to ladder being back on pool and side gate open...testimony on prior occassion - absolutely no way Caylee could open the gate - NO Way open gate from back to front yard....testified before it was the week before gas can incident...today you said it was nite of 16th but you said before it was 17th....I knew it was in first 2 days we didn't see her....called GA when discovered it....housephone or cellphone - only 2 options ...only his cell to reach him....
did he pick up or did you leave message? don't know I do know I spoke to him but don't when communicated.....In June 2008 - you already made other errors in your sworn statement you indicated last time saw Caylee object- overrule - daates in error in the past....date last saw Caylee had an error - yes mam - video that refreshed memory of date last saw her....told people @ office about incident believe someone swim in pool - also told them about gas can incident (object- overrule) yes

are you sure you were @ work June 16 2008 - time card reflects it does it? I imagine it would but haven't reviewed that time card in 3 years....may I approach witness - you may.....located entry for week ending 20th? yes - shows work on 6/16/08 accurate - yes - are you sure work on 6/17/08 - yes without looking @ this I am sure - every day that week thru 6/24 when gas can reported....time card accurately reflects June vacation doesn't it? yes it does....

KC was home between 8/22 and 10/24?/08 - contact with your daughter (object sustain X2)

did your daughter tell you there was an incident involving the pool - she continued to tell you child was kidnapped bya babysitter - that is correct


So does the SA have something good here...CA is saying that she told YM that the pool ladder was down on the 16th when she got home and that he was told this within 24 hours of Caylee being reported missing...but WHY would she have told him anything about the 16th if she believed Caylee went missing on the 9th...which is what they orginally reported and what the family originally believed!!!
Did KC tell you about an accident involving pool? She continued to say that the child was kidnapped. CA: No

Baez redirect.
SIDEBAR #5 (10:50-10:57)


I have no further questions.



Even after Caylee was missing in June of 2008, you kept her bedroom? Yes.
She kept all of her clothes in her drawers and she kept her presents from her birthday while she was missing. In the past, as Caylee outgrew her clothing, she would get rid of some of the clothing at a garage sale, or she would store them in a plastic container.

On 6/15/08 she was pretty much potty trained, but they would still carry diapers if they went out. A lot of times she would wear underwear - if at home that is what she would wear, but when out they would use pull ups.

She switched from full fledged diapers to pull ups in early 2008.

Photo marked as State's #314 - is she wearing a diaper?


It looks like either a pull up or diaper, not panties. There is something coming out of the back of the shorts.

She was wearing these shorts in April of 2007. Previously, you stated those pictures were taken shortly before her second birthday - august? Yes.

OBJECTION - improper impeachment - OVERRULED

In 2007 Caylee was still wearing diapers.

Witness shown RF, RE, RH, RI and RJ.

Who did laundry? GA, herself or ICA. It was mostly CA or GA.

Who bought the clothing? ICA and CA - then relatives and friends.

She did a lot of shopping at Target and recognized the Circo brand is a Target store brand.

She was asked to identify clothing that she recognized.

OBJECTION - tags aren't clothing - OVERRULED - she's just looking at them

RE is one she is not sure of - shirt or dress?

The others are mostly tops and a pair of shorts. They were in her room in June of 2008 until they were seized by LE.

The clothing in Caylee's drawers were 2T's and 3T's as well.

Caylee was a little bit stocky and as she got older and more mobile, she began to thin out. That took place between the age of 1 and 2 and then more so at 3? Yes.

Is it fair to say that there are clothing items that could last for as much as a year even if she is growing taller? Yes.

The shorts - State's 314 and the ones in the video - shorts that were kept in her house? Yes.

When was the last time you saw them? Sometime toward the end of 2008.

Those shorts? Yes.

When was the last time you saw them before June 16, 2008? She said she misunderstood the question.

The shorts in the video? Those particular shorts - she had not recalled Caylee wearing them for some time.

Were they kept at your house? You mean every day? There were several pieces of clothing that weren't kept at the house every single day.

Were they kept in a backpack or something similar?


She had seen the diaper bag or backpack taken in a car when Caylee was taken somewhere. You had a change of clothes.

Do you recall when you last saw those shorts? Those weren't shorts that I dressed Caylee in quite a bit. There were quite a few things that I didn't dress Caylee in. This was not one of her favorite items. She had more clothes hanging in her closet than she had there. Unless Caylee dressed her in them. She did not recall seeing Caylee in those shorts after 2007.

She could not say that the shorts were at her house EVERY single day.

How heavy is the ladder? It takes her 2 hands to lift it. Caylee could not lift it.

The sliding glass door needs a pretty good force to open it up.

Caylee was compliant and would follow instructions. She would listen to her.

She was very careful to give Caylee instruction about going outside, life vest and climbing the ladder.

The pool could go up to 4 feet deep - so, just a little under 4 feet.

Standing outside the pool, can an adult reach in to retrieve objects in the pool if they are not on the edge? No - not unless it is within a few inches of the edge of the pool.

Photo of Caylee taken at the sliding glass door? It was taken in the Spring of 2008.

She would never permit Caylee to be left home alone at the house.

Regarding the ladder being back on the pool and the gate being open - it was your prior testimony that there was absolutely Caylee could open the gate? Yes - absolutely no way.

Regarding the date of the ladder incident - it was in the week of the gas can incident. Today it was the night of the 16th, but she had earlier said the 17th or the 18th. Early on she was asked about it and she knew it was in those few days.

She called GA when she discovered it. She wasn't sure if she used the house phone or the cell phone. She would have called his cell. He did have a work phone and sometimes they would speak from that phone.

She doesn't recall if she left a message - she did speak with him.

Dates in June of 2008 - you recall you have already made other errors - specifically in your sworn statement....

OBJECTION - response outside of scope - OVERRULED

In first sworn statement there was an error as to when she last saw Caylee. It was the video of her with CA's dad that refreshed her recollection.

She went to work and told people at her office about the incident where she believed someone was swimming in the pool? Yes.

And the gas can incident?



Are you sure you were at work on June 16, 2008. Yes, she knows she was at work.

She was shown her time card and found the entry for the week ending the 20th. She agreed it showed she was at work on the 16th. It is accurate.

She is sure she was at work every day that week. She had just come off vacation. She was at work every day through the 24th - the date of the gas can incident.

The time card accurately reflects the vacation.

ICA was home between 8/22 and 10/14/08

OBJECTION - outside scope - SUSTAINED

Did you have contact with your daughter during that time

OBJECTION - outside scope - SUSTAINED

Photos of Caylee getting in and out of pool. Did ICA tell you there was an accident?

OBJECTION - outside scope - OVERRULED

No Mam. She agreed ICA continued to assert that she was kidnapped.

No further questions by LDB.
She just tightened the noose on CA. She'll prove all this wrong on rebuttal.
JDB showing that CA says her timecard is accurate. CA saying ICA told her Caylee was taken by the nanny.
Wowza...wants to bring in the notes!

G-d bless them for reading here!!!
LDB...minute by minute, day by day blowing the defense theory to threads.

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