TOS applies to signature lines and photos too, peeps!
Verbal or visual bashing are against TOS. This includes photos, images, side-by-side comparisons, montages etc. that are demeaning or derogatory to ANY player in the case, or that imply unflattering comparisons between a player and another person based on looks or mannerisms. Superimposing someone's head onto someone else's body, or PhotoShopping someone to distort their appearance in some way, or putting words in someone's thought or speech bubble, are all clues that a picture may be tiptoeing across the line.
If you have doubts about whether your siggie falls into this category, it probably does.
Please change out your siggie if it is in violation of TOS, or a certain alien with a raygun may have to zap you into TO-Land. We definitely don't want that!
Thank you very much for your responsible posting during this :banghead: portion of the trial!