2011.06.24 TRIAL Day Twenty-seven (Morning Session)

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LA: I was very hurt. I didn't want to believe it, you know. (about not to see ICA at the hospital)
JB: were there other reasons that you were angry?
LA: no

both Kc and LA wiping tears - I believe these are genuine tears of both of them
they didn't find it important enough to tell me after I had already asked - i was very hurt - I don't think I wanted to believe it...what do you mean they didn't want to include you (object-sustain) were you angry because they didn't tell you - object leading -sustain

why were you angry OObject asked and answered sustained
other reasons - why were you were angry - no

Jb asks for a moment - both kc and LA still teary - big sighs...
no further questions
recess for lunch - recess til 1:30

rise for jury

Why were you angry and did go see Casey at the hospital.
Lee was upset that Casey didn't tell him she was pregnant.
Lee is crying during his testimony.

I was angry at everyone in general. They didn't want to include me. I felt it kind of important. I didn't want to believe it. [difficult to understand through his tears]

Why were you angry? Other reasons you were angry?
While ICA rarely shows emotion re: Caylee, she sure shows emotion over family dynamics. Wonder what that means?
Hmmm, crying are we? I guess that happens when you unjustly accuse your brother.
Mom and sister ran the family. Divided it and alienated anyone who didn't go along with them.
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This whole family has been DESTROYED, I really feel sorry for LA a this moment. This is very pitiful.

I'm now seeing the big picture here. ICA was the queen bee, and LA was left out ALOT. Not just about the pregnancy. Hence the reason he's so emotional discussing this topic.

Call me crazy, but I see that plain as day.
Does this make sense to anyone? Lee didn't visit Casey and Caylee at the hospital because he was hurt at not being included? Did I miss anything?

Nobody in this family can stand being ignored or not included. A really co-dependent group.
Good Lord, Jose is so incompetent. He does not know how to phrase a question and interrogate a witness. At first I thought it was his strategy to elicit tidbits before the objections could be sustained. Now, I think he is just way the heck out of his league.

I am dying to know what Lee is upset about! Why are they crying? I think Casey's tears are real at this time.
Casey ready to cry when Lee testifies he didn't visit Casey in the hospital after giving birth because he didn't want to be there.

Crying because the question was phrased with the name "Casey" no mention of Caylee, by the way.

More flipping emotion there with ICA tha when she looked at her baby's skull ARGH!
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