2011.06.24 TRIAL Day Twenty-seven (Morning Session)

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ICA's tears are because she is overjoyed her family is falling on the sword for her.

HHJBP wants an estimate on how much longer the defense will take
I can barely hold my thoughts as to this entire lying pack of ......
Grrrr...my feed keeps freezing!

I am shocked that Lee and Casey are crying real tears. But the amazing thing is that Lee is saying exactly what *I* would have considered the reason for feeling hurt, rather than some sensationalist thing like, "I was mad at my father for impregnating her," or "I was mad at Casey for doing it with another man (not me)." GEEZUS
Maybe his invitation to the baby shower was in a manilla envelope on the front door?
I don't know about Florida, but yes there is. My father molested me when I was a child, the judge or whoever didn't believe me, and then several years later my father went to jail for sexually assaulting another child, but they couldn't arrest him for what he had done to me because too much time had passed.

So terribly sorry for what you went through, MissDiva.
RichardHornsby Richard Hornsby
"I would like to thank the academy!" - Lee Anthony accepting his 2012 Oscar for best supporting actor in a reality program. #CaseyAnthony
ICA cried more over LA's testimony than she did when they showed photos of her daughters decomposed body.
Perry said he wants to know when defense will wrap up case. #CaseyAnthony
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 10:58 AM

Lunch until 1:30. #CaseyAnthony -jfell
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 10:57 AM
NO coaching JB!!!!! Leave LA alone!
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