2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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Question: Why hasn't the prosecution shown the computer searches regarding the
100th episode of 1 tree Hill?

They may have saved it for rebuttal but now they have a real life scenario. Rachel Whalen, Casey's jail mate whose 2 year old son accidentally drowned in the family pool and was found by the grandfather. The only difference to Whalen's story is the grandfather called 911.
I'm so exhausted I'm typing "good morning" in threads about the DT creating reasonable doubt. :floorlaugh:
I think they'll convict as well. Mostly because of the jailtape videos. Of how it's the Anthony's against the bad evil world. How they're all a hand, sticking together.

Will 'diminished responsibility' come into it, do you think ? Reason I ask is because if the jury members reason things out the way the majority of us do, surely they'll be of the opinion that there's something 'not right/nor normal' about the way KC behaved during those 31 days

It seems, based on what we know, that KC is a fantasist with only the flimiest grasp of the real world, hence the claims of working for an extended period of time, when in fact she wasn't. Then the thefts - they weren't the work of a mastermind and it was just a matter of time before she was discovered. The partying, etc. during those 31 days - it seems she was able to push reality aside. None of the above is how the majority of us thinks and behaves. When the jury takes all this into account, they may well understand how she was able to ignore/deny the death of her child
I took my children and grandson to a petting zoo yesterday...and there was a tortoise, my first thought was...it must be a vegetarian:floorlaugh:...

Everytime I hear the word "coyote" I find myself getting all defensive on behalf of the state of Florida. :floorlaugh:
You can tell in this video at 4:45 just after a long side bar AND when Casey and Lee start crying at the same time Jose asks over and over to JA objections
"were there any other reasons you didn't go to the hospital"... Jose askes this 3 times.. then walks over to the other defense team... THIS IS WHEN LEE WAS SUPPOSE TO SAY THERE WAS SEXUAL ABUSE...

SO that's why Lee was crying so much, that's when Jose wanted him to mention sexual abuse.
I got this info from this video that was posted earlier http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osvTlLpvOrA&feature=youtu.be

I don't know if the videos got shuffled, but I'm seeing it on this one at about the time you listed: http://www.youtube.com/user/1947Sierra#p/c/80879C7D9488E50F/4/rQjw2aVJ0Oo

While watching this live streaming yesterday, my take on it was not RHornsby's - I was not sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for Lee to talk about molestation. My mind wasn't even in that ballpark. JA was objecting to JB asking the same question over and over (I thought JB was doing it just to reinforce the poor family dynamic, denial, etc), and Lee was just emoting his sense of betrayal at his family shutting him out. I wasn't detecting any potential bombshell coming. Just a man crying over some bad family resentment and feelings of isolation. When Lee finally said, "No, no other reason" my sense at the time was that he was pretty much implying, "Isn't that reason ENOUGH to be upset?"

Only after watching it again today after listening to legal analysts opine that JB and Lee had reached an agreement that Lee would say he was angry because he thought it was George's baby, and Lee backed out at the last minute - watching the video this morning I can see that JB looked angry that Lee said there was no other reason, and I can see that in sidebar he probably told HHJP that the reason this testimony should be allowed in over objection was because Lee would be talking about molestation.

I can't imagine that HHJP would have listened to JB's argument at sidebar that Lee be allowed to ask "why ELSE were you angry?" - and HHJP himself cautioned Lee that he was supposed to answer "besides the reasons you've already stated" if the anticipated answer was "No other reason". So clearly there was the JB expectation that Lee would bombshell us and he didn't.

But to my uninformed mind watching it unfold in real time (like the jurors) I was just taking it for what it seemed. Lee upset over feeling left out with some legal wrangling in the background over semantics. Wasn't expecting a bombshell at all.

eta: and I can see NOW especially after Lee is still sniffing into the mic after the non-bombshell, JB walks over to CM who is looking like "I can't believe this" and CM gives him the "what can you do? let it go" gesture and JB mumbles "no further questions" all defeated and small.
I'm so fruuussstrated with this case. :banghead: I've become too emotionally involved. I cannot wait for a verdict. I can't even watch Casey Cam anymore. I actually caught myself growling at her like that dog in the youtube video.
I enjoyed LA's testimony yesterday. It was like a magic show.

Jose made Lee cry by just asking him a question about an event in his life.

Ashton then asked Lee to talk about that event that made him cry and Lee never shed a tear.

Ashton should have went on with a test of what makes Lee cry.

Lee Anthony, did you cry when your sister told you she had not seen Caylee for 31 days?

Lee Anthony did you cry when you told your parents not to take a LDT?

Lee Anthony did you cry when you took over the family investigation of Caylee's disappearance and refused to look at any clues that Caylee might be dead at the same time taking in thousands of dollars of donations from people who thought you were really looking for Caylee no matter what happened?
Good Morning all, Waffles Yummie! Thanks
I enjoyed LA's testimony yesterday. It was like a magic show.

Jose made Lee cry by just asking him a question about an event in his life.

Ashton then asked Lee to talk about that event that made him cry and Lee never shed a tear.

Ashton should have went on with a test of what makes Lee cry.

Lee Anthony, did you cry when your sister told you she had not seen Caylee for 31 days?

Lee Anthony did you cry when you told your parents not to take a LDT?

Lee Anthony did you cry when you took over the family investigation of Caylee's disappearance and refused to look at any clues that Caylee might be dead at the same time taking in thousands of dollars of donations from people who thought you were really looking for Caylee no matter what happened?

Will 'diminished responsibility' come into it, do you think ? Reason I ask is because if the jury members reason things out the way the majority of us do, surely they'll be of the opinion that there's something 'not right/nor normal' about the way KC behaved during those 31 days

It seems, based on what we know, that KC is a fantasist with only the flimiest grasp of the real world, hence the claims of working for an extended period of time, when in fact she wasn't. Then the thefts - they weren't the work of a mastermind and it was just a matter of time before she was discovered. The partying, etc. during those 31 days - it seems she was able to push reality aside. None of the above is how the majority of us thinks and behaves. When the jury takes all this into account, they may well understand how she was able to ignore/deny the death of her child

She may have the capacity to ignore reality but, it won't buy her anything since there was indeed the death of her child as a result of her fantasist abilities.
I don't know if the videos got shuffled, but I'm seeing it on this one at about the time you listed: http://www.youtube.com/user/1947Sierra#p/c/80879C7D9488E50F/4/rQjw2aVJ0Oo

While watching this live streaming yesterday, my take on it was not RHornsby's - I was not sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for Lee to talk about molestation. My mind wasn't even in that ballpark. JA was objecting to JB asking the same question over and over (I thought JB was doing it just to reinforce the poor family dynamic, denial, etc), and Lee was just emoting his sense of betrayal at his family shutting him out. I wasn't detecting any potential bombshell coming. Just a man crying over some bad family resentment and feelings of isolation. When Lee finally said, "No, no other reason" my sense at the time was that he was pretty much implying, "Isn't that reason ENOUGH to be upset?"

Only after watching it again today after listening to legal analysts opine that JB and Lee had reached an agreement that Lee would say he was angry because he thought it was George's baby, and Lee backed out at the last minute - watching the video this morning I can see that JB looked angry that Lee said there was no other reason, and I can see that in sidebar he probably told HHJP that the reason this testimony should be allowed in over objection was because Lee would be talking about molestation.

I can't imagine that HHJP would have listened to JB's argument at sidebar that Lee be allowed to ask "why ELSE were you angry?" - and HHJP himself cautioned Lee that he was supposed to answer "besides the reasons you've already stated" if the anticipated answer was "No other reason". So clearly there was the JB expectation that Lee would bombshell us and he didn't.

But to my uninformed mind watching it unfold in real time (like the jurors) I was just taking it for what it seemed. Lee upset over feeling left out with some legal wrangling in the background over semantics. Wasn't expecting a bombshell at all.

eta: and I can see NOW especially after Lee is still sniffing into the mic after the non-bombshell, JB walks over to CM who is looking like "I can't believe this" and CM gives him the "what can you do? let it go" gesture and JB mumbles "no further questions" all defeated and small.

I disagree with your opinion regarding the jurors not expecting a bombshell. I think they were/are. It didn't come.
I hope this is stressed to the jury. *
When Casey was being interviewed by the police officer, he repeated to her that accidents happen, and if this was the case, now was the time to state it, but she did not budge....
I believe this was because what happened was so bad, that NOTHING was worse than the truth. So she had nothing to lose to lie, even poorly; dragging officers to her fake place of employment. It was all done to stall and buy time; focus the search on a fictitious nanny so her daughter's body would have enough time to decompose and destroy the evidence. If Caylee had really drowned, Casey would need her remains to be found to show the evidence of drowning. She knew that what she did was worse than anyone could even conceive and so it made perfect sense to lie and lie, to stall her being found, and so hide the truth forever.
We know that the SA's admitted into evidence the photobucket records, under stipulation by both parties.

I do hope that they bring up at some point in their closing arguments that the inmate deleted hundreds of photos of little Caylee within a day or two of her death.

I think that will have a big impact on the jury.
I do believe LA was supposed to reveal the 'family secret' but couldn't bring himself to do it. I wonder if Mallory had anything to do with that decision. I wonder if she said she would walk if he made the world think he was a molester.
LA's testimony yesterday meant nothing to me. I couldn't care less when ICA's babyshower occurred, I couldn't care less if he ever looked at Caylee's nursery, and I couldn't care less if LA was hurt about being left out with respect to ICA's pregnancy. NONE of that goes toward helping explain what happened to this precious child. And THAT is all I care about.

But that's just me. Maybe this jury is eating this stuff up. Who knows?
I hope this is stressed to the jury. *
When Casey was being interviewed by the police officer, he repeated to her that accidents happen, and if this was the case, now was the time to state it, but she did not budge....
I believe this was because what happened was so bad, that NOTHING was worse than the truth. So she had nothing to lose to lie, even poorly; dragging officers to her fake place of employment. It was all done to stall and buy time; focus the search on a fictitious nanny so her daughter's body would have enough time to decompose and destroy the evidence. If Caylee had really drowned, Casey would need her remains to be found to show the evidence of drowning. She knew that what she did was worse than anyone could even conceive and so it made perfect sense to lie and lie, to stall her being found, and so hide the truth forever.

Probably because if she had confessed, Caylee's body might've still have been recovered. And a cause of death could've been established!
Good morning everyone! It's a gloomy morning here in Orlando. Off to feed the neighbor's cat. See you in the trial thread:seeya:

Good Morning Everyone,

The DT is "spinning their wheels" with all the "family drama" and "family shenanigans" that they have played out in Court the past couple of days. I believe the Jury is NOT buying any of it and can clearly see it is a "farce".

I don't know what made me think of this early this morning, but I just had a tought about the GRAND JURY !

The Grand Jury does NOT indict for an ACCIDENT !!

The Grand Jury "Indictment" against ICA was for MURDER !!

The Grand Jury indicted ICA back in October 2008 -- 2 months before Caylee's remains were even found !

So the Grand Jury saw NO evidence of the DUCT TAPE ! The Grand Jury did NOT buy the "Zanny the Nanny" story, the 31 days and the rest of the "fairy tales" ...

This Jury should have no problem handing down a verdict of GUILTY !

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