2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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Well, here's a theory. What if Baez knew the testimony Cindy and Lee gave was not true and he put them on the stand knowing it was lies. That is a big NO NO. Mason might have found out and said I will not be a part of this. It's one thing to know what a witness will say on the stand and have them testify but not know it is not true. It's quite a different and severely legal issue for an attorney to put a witness on the stand full well knowing that their testimony is a lie.

All just my speculation and opinion

It's called 'suborning perjury' and it's NOT a joke. Disbarment Express!! Woot Woot
JVM is now speculating on HLN that it is something that affects Casey. Casey was crying, and Casey only cries when she is affected.

They are now showing video of the DT leaving the courthouse. Jose looks cool as a cucumber, and almost as if he's enjoying the attention he's getting as he's surrounded by the press.
HLN is reporting that, all defense attorneys are walking to CM's office. They have footage and JB is all puffed up.
Piptone tweeted that CM was yelling at Baez and KC. Piptone also said he couldn't hear what was being said.

Piptone was not in that room. How does he know who was getting yelled at? Taking that particular tweet with a grain of salt. JMHO.

he knows cause no one else was in the room
I really think it has to do with sex abuse again. The last time the judge sealed transcripts it was about that. It would also explain ICA crying. It was about her.

Right softail. Follow the tears. Whenever ICA cries it's has something to do with her. If it had to do with a mistrial that wouldn't make her cry. She would be thrilled.
ICA was very agitated before coming into the courtroom today; angry, hands flailing about.
Even if there is a possible plea deal in the works,JA would still have to depo Furton ,in the event the deal falls through and the case continues.JMO
HLN showing JB and CM leaving. JB pretending to be on the phone so he doesn't have to talk. Commercial
alrighty then - not jury tampering, not the depo today, not a plea....

that leaves Witness tampering, threats, dissatisfaction with attys...

wonder what it is?

Maybe <modsnip> ICA fired an attorney for not getting LA to lie for her.
I remember watching a special on the Anthony's and it showed a little girl playing in Caylee's room with her toys. This is a little girl that Cindy was babysitting on a refgular basis.

Does anyone remember that?
I do and I remember being shocked that anyone would allow her to babysit. I was also shocked that CA used the child as a prop during the interview, playing with Caylees things in her room. I remember the interview, just not who was interviewing her.

I think it was 48 hrs from 2009 [ame="http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=5392977n&tag=contentMain;contentBody"]The Untold Story of Caylee Anthony - 48 Hours - CBS News[/ame]
CM asked for the sidebar that started this

CM seen yelling at JB and ICA

CM loud voice heard

I think CM wants off and that will cause a mistrial unless HHJBP can find a way to continue.

BUT a judge does not have to grant a "motion to withdraw as counsel"....they can make them stick it out to the end. So I don't think it is CM wanting to withdraw.

I think more along the lines of a strategic "motion to have counsel removed" filed by little miss anthony.

Defense teams say "See you Monday" while walking out of courthouse. #CaseyAnthony -jfell
1 minute ago via Twitter for iPhone
If Mason is yelling at Casey and other DT lawyers then he wants off the case or wants to take it over.

Or, evidence has come up that disproves the alleged drowning..Remember, the State was looking into AWhalen and her time at OCJ, who she spoke with, who might have overhead her...If Mason is yelling at ICA, what other reason could it be but her getting caught in another, elaborate, fantastical lie...Why would they even believe a word she states and look like fools for 'believing' in her..

Whatever this is, it must be huge..His Honor didn't appear angry when adjourning court for the day...I can't read him well, he keeps his emotions in check...JMHO

ICA crying a little bit before court...is what JVM has just stated...JCasares states all the DT are walking to CMason's office...

LKB said, she doesn't think this is about a plea deal...something going on with disclosure, witness tampering but whatever it is, it is big...

BKaras stating she didn't see ICA cry...so I don't know what the heck to think or what the heck happened with this 'legal' issue arising...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
HlN said there was 6-8 witnesses waiting to testify today. I would love it if we could get a heads up on who was there so we know whats coming up on Monday, of course unless this trial goes down the tubes.
Casey Anthony News13 Someone knocked Cheney Mason's cart (files) over and he stopped walking and told everyone to get back. #CaseyAnthony -jfell
Does anyone have that picture or could point me to a link where it is contained? I thought it looked a little off yesterday but couldn't devote much time to it at that particular moment. TIA!
this one?


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Actually Kathie B was the first to tweet that she could hear that

Thanks! Then I ask how Kathie B knows who was being yelled at if she wasn't in the room and she couldn't hear what was being said? :)
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