2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

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I just read this one on twitter.

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Someone knocked Cheney Mason's cart (files) over and he stopped walking and told everyone to get back. #CaseyAnthony -jfell

Not laughing - okay, maybe a little bit :)
Ok - side by side here

First is H Gagne's child playing in Caylee's bedroom
Second is the pic entered into evidence yesterday



But is was CM who asked for the sidebar that started this mess today.
If this were true, why would the State be smiling and KC be crying?

I never saw her crying. Early on I saw her blowing her nose - just like I do in the mornings. I saw her come out of chambers angry - she threw her hands up and slapped them down on her thighs again. Then I saw her sit with a puss on and read the "real-time" transcript on the laptops.

I swear - everytime someone in the gallery sees her blow her nose or scratch an eyelid, you get tweets about her "sobbing and bursting into tears" (rolls eyes).

JVM has reported that when you sit in the gallery (particularly upstairs), ICA is so far away that you cannot see if she is crying or not - or if there are tears or not.

Never saw her crying at all this morning - real or fake.

#JeffAshton went to depo. If #josebaez also went, then he's still on case. #caseyanthony @vinniepolitan @hlntv
3 minutes agovia Tweet Deck

I don't think Jose went to the depo. They showed him leaving the courthouse.
It's the arm on the door handle. It just does not look right. Looks photoshopped.

I measured from the floor to the bottom of the handle on my sliding glass door and it measures 36".


The little girl in this image would be 34"-35" tall. How tall was Caylee?
No, because it is for the weekend. Court resumes on Monday morning, not tomorrow.

Me thinks we are all a bit testy! (Including me. :floorlaugh:

LOL! Just as I was logging in to reply, she said 'for the day'!!

To me it should be 'day' because they've never had Sunday court - doesn't weekend = the weekend, as in more than one day?

At any rate, I'd rather she got her OTHER facts straight...... ;)
You know what bugs me about that photo? The shoes. I could be wrong and there may be photos that prove me wrong. But I don't believe for a minute that CA or ICA would put Caylee in a cute little dress with those shoes.

I think that every time I see that pic.
You know what bugs me about that photo? The shoes. I could be wrong and there may be photos that prove me wrong. But I don't believe for a minute that CA or ICA would put Caylee in a cute little dress with those shoes.

Agree----the shoes do not "fit" the outfit
Just wanted to add my personal, amateur, FWIW opinion.

I just watched the footage of the attorneys leaving the courthouse. Typically, JB is sporting shades, smirking, yucking it up with fans, and chatting with co-counsel.

The body language I just watched is a total departure from his "norm".....and might I add....a bit of a "tell".

JB was the only member of the DT that was NOT wearing sunglasses. It's as if he was trying to PROVE he had nothing to hide by letting people "SEE" his eyes. since he never does that.....to me that says.....I just got spanked but I don't want anyone else to think so.

Additionally, he was in the middle of the "pack" and the others were at a good 3 -4 foot distance from him.

Just an observation.
It's obvious Cindy will WIN as she states in this voice mail left to Tim M - YouTube - ‪Cindy Anthony leaves a message for Tim Miller‬‏ This woman will go to any lengths to save ICA.

What is Cindy referring to at the 2:40 mark where she says "do not accuse my son of any inproprieties when has not done anything".

In the beginning a fund was set up for the public to donate to.At one point ,Lee told someone (can't remember if it was just one person or many) to send the money to him and he would put it in.
This is my best recollection,but I don't have any super memory drugs like we've been hearing about,so my facts could be slightly off.
Ok - side by side here

First is H Gagne's child playing in Caylee's bedroom
Second is the pic entered into evidence yesterday



Wouldn't any re-sizing, whether to scale or not, have re-sized the door as well? The hand of the girl in the photo is on the door handle.
Nope Dorthy Sims went

It strikes me as possibly a little bit strange that after ICA came out from behind closed doors with her attorneys ... she continued to watch and read the monitor, while her attorneys were still back there. IIRC, Sims was not in the back and was sitting by her at that time, right?
I don't think Jose went to the depo. They showed him leaving the courthouse.

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Dorothy Sims is with Dr. Kenneth Furton waiting for deposition. Ashton just opened door for them. #CaseyAnthony -jfell
and then they went into the jury room and informed the jury that they were released until Monday. Court reporter always accompanies him for that
that is why the pundits said this is gravely serious. If he needs her to do out a transcript for him, it means he needs to render and important decision. Thus, it is a big deal. Guess we will know Monday.
Beth Keras talks about death penalty requirements in Florida....she says JB being second chair in other dp case makes him ‘paper qualified'
I think this is our problem. JB is not death qualified and CM is pointing that out. Too little too late, IMO.

We're heading for a mistrial. The question now is can she be retried again if it's a mistrial? IMO.
Madam court reporter we have something we gotta do....

That's what Judge Perry said.

I still think that had to do with telling the jury Court was over for the day. Maybe they were also going to try and plan a special outing for them to try and make it up to them.
This is why witnesses are asked what they saw, heard, smelled, felt at trials for crimes, accidents, divorces, you name it.

Just try it. When in a group sometime, watch some random event happen, ask every person in the group what they saw, heard, etc... Every person will have seen something somewhat different no matter how many people are in the group. (yep, I have tried this little experiment before.)

So,how on earth does a jury reach a decision??? Especially in a convoluted case like this one! I wish them insight and fortitude (among other things) IF they EVER get to deliberate........this gets crazier everyday!:crazy:
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