2011.06.28. HLN-PN-NG-JVM- 'In Session' News Coverage - Caylee Anthony Case

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JVM just showed Cindy on stand saying she did not send anyone to search Suburban Road. Then right after Lee was on saying he had an argument with his mom about sending people to search Suburban Road. To me, that was one of the most bizarre happenings today. No witness in between these two. Further, they were both in the court room while each other testified. I just sat there in shock. What makes them think they can do that in front of the jury and then have the jury believe other things they say.

I think that is going to hurt Cindy's credibility the most. I think they will doubt her computer search testimony even more now. Lee's testimony makes more sense than hers because those PI's worked for Cindy. So it is logical they were searching there under her request. imoo
At least JVM is the only show today, that gave credit to Linda Drane Burdick's clear, concise, brilliant cross of Ray Kronk's involvement with the Anthony's.

I'm done for tonight, before my family and friends have me committed!
What the heck would have happened if Cindy said yes, she sent them.
Cindy was supposed to be looking for a live Caylee. She was making the rounds of talk shows, and selling T-shirts.
IF she admits to any kind of doubt, she was soliciting money under false pretences.


Nancy Grace is on now.........

The Anthony family cover up

Bombshell tonight: GA back on the stand, denied he ever had sex with alleged mistress KH, as the SA prepares to bust CA for perjury, RK testifies..........

Audio/video clips
Nancy Grace needs to change her opening. Its old.

Her headline tonight.... Her BOMBSHELL?

George Anthony: I did not have sex with mistress. :banghead:

Clips of today's testimony

NG asking how the PIs knew to go to the area where Caylee's remains were found....

JC: GA took the stand, defense went to questioning about alleged mistress, that she was searching for Caylee too, told GA/CA she had a brain tumor, he admitted he went to her home to try to comfort her........GA testified CA knew about it. GA denied saying it was an accident that snowballed, denied shaking Casey confronting her about killing Caylee; two inconsistent statements with what KH said. KH gave sworn affidavit that there never was an affair then later changed her story.

NG reading statement to LE.

Aphrodite Jones: discussing text GA sent to KH. GA admitted sending text, visiting her condo on multiple occasions to comfort her. Doesn't think any woman in America would believe something wasn't going on.

NG said there would be hell to pay if her husband was out comforting someone while supposed to be at work.

AJ: ........this woman supposed to be a volunteer out to help find Caylee.

Dr. Caryn Stark: Trying to tear down GA because he's the most vulnerable, weakest link........

NG: Any way they (DT) can make him look bad they're going to do it


Talking about KH.

Caller: asking about defense theory of someone holding on to Caylee's remains then putting them where they were found and asking how this helps clear the defendant....

NG introducing legal panel, Ray Guidice and Christopher Amolsch
So the DT told the judge they have about 6 witnesses left. Who are they?

The grief nurse, Jesse Grund, and ? River Cruz I suppose. Who else?

Showing more video clips

JC: CA asked if she sent PIs over to wooded area, denied it. LA testified CA told him she sent them there.

Ellie: Yesterday jury saw video of DC/JH in woods, defense says remains weren't there in Nov., LA saying "yes" CA told him Caylee was dead and the PIs were sent there.

Natisha: CA saying tip about Caylee's location came from a psychic

So the DT told the judge they have about 6 witnesses left. Who are they?

The grief nurse, Jesse Grund, and ? River Cruz I suppose. Who else?

Roy Kronk supposedly again tomorrow and my guess is the other 3 would be George, Cindy, and Lee. Again.

More video clips, RK testimony

NG talking about GA being offered up like a sacrificial lamb.......RK taking a grilling; tell me what's wrong with taking a reward for finding the body?

Ginette Lucas, psychic, on the phone. Telling NG what directions she gave PIs, describing location marked with pavers. NG showing photo of white stones believed to be pavers. Told them they were looking for a bag of trash, not a little girl..........

NG asking what vision came to her to lead her to give these directions. GL trying to explain.....NG has to keep asking her the question. GL explains further.

Caller: Asking if Caylee's remains had been released for a proper burial.

Woody Tripp, former LE commander: Yes, LE uses psychics. Probably risky to put before jury.

Ray Giudice and Christopher Amolsch discussing putting a psychic on the stand at trial.........

So the DT told the judge they have about 6 witnesses left. Who are they?

The grief nurse, Jesse Grund, and ? River Cruz I suppose. Who else?

Would that number include recalls? RK back up in the morning. One of the Anthony's? If they are leading up to Casey then maybe Lee or someone to bolster the abuse claim in some manner.

The psychic if they are that insane.
Ginette Lucas looks like Jon Benet!
Why are they searching at the house if she was only using it as starting point???

The question that needs to be asked is who told Ginette the instructions to give DC, why there was no prolonged conversations as she claims ... Only short calls and, why does she always get the directions to the abandoned house wrong when she initiated them ... She needs to check her notes from JB directing her to direct DC.
I have a hard time watching Ng b/c the majority of her show is the musical montages of pictures/key phrases from the case every 5 minutes. If I knew nothing about the case, I guess this would be interesting but I would assume that most of her loyal viewers are well versed in the case. The talk with the lawyers is interesting, but there is too little of it.
Also, I drives me nuts that everyone is afraid to correct NG. Last night she was saying that "tot mom" faked the competency and no one corrected her that most did not believe this to be the case, including JC, who was just on shows before saying she thinks the lawyers did it b/c of her testifying.

More video clips........today's testimony

NG talking about RK taking a grilling on the stand. Why? He's the good guy! Why is he being destroyed by the defense? The defense theory doesn't make sense!

AJ: Watched the jurors today and she can see the wheels turning in their heads; thinks jurors will think he did want to collect the money.

NG talking with a pediatrician about the way Caylee's remains were found. Doctor saying when remains are left in the elements will decompose much faster; conditions depend what bacteria in water, animals. Expert could tell how long plants had been growing through skeleton.

JC: Thinks RK did see remains in August; she saw the pictures in court today. He saw something off white, glossy smooth; believes it was skeletonized then.

NG asking JC about RK phone records; defense can also subpoena them.

JVM thinks confusion will cause reasonable doubt. Confusion will cause the jurors to think the Defense theory is all vague LIES. They will think DT lies like their client. They will feel cheated of any understanding or evidence to support the Defense theory. They will feel insulted by the whole Defense team. This is my opinion.

I missed this part. The first part of your statemnt about reasonable doubt makes me think that JVM thinks ICA will be acquitted but the rest of the statement makes it look like they will convict.
I happen to agree with your analysis that this defense was so confusing that it will lead to the conviction but I would like to hear more if JVM thinks it is creating reasonable doubt...
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