2011.06.28 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty)

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As I listened to RK talk about the snake, I can just hear the Orange county residents now, "Oh, boy, Our meter readers at work!" LOL
His calls to OCSO, call to Crimeline, various LE interviews with him, exclusive interview on Good Morning America, etc.

Come on...the media? seriously? you? :floorlaugh:

I love ya..but come on. Hand it to Roy...he's hitting it out of the park for the prosecution...
Stop with the bashing and boob comments. There is a thread in the Parking Lot if you want to talk about the appearance and clothing. Good Golly.
The way that I look at George's and RK's testimony...neither one had anything to do with Caylee's death. I'm just thankful for their testimony and hope they can move on with their lives. If George found RC attractive...whatever...if Roy Kronk had an ulterior motive to search for Caylee...thank g-d he did. She deserved to be found.

Various circumstances and facts... also what he was thinking on August 11. Basically he is playing "stupid and simple" (possum) today, as if nothing he said before even exists.

We'll dissect all of this later in the Kronk thread. I'll bet DawnTCB and myself will have more to say later.

You really have to be very familiar with his previous testimonies to understand the games he is playing right now on the stand.

And while breaking for lunch, ICA purposely stood there and WOULD NOT LEAVE when the guard motioned. ICA turned around and gave her the stink eye 2-3 times, smoothed her clothing, stared straight ahead, and then FINALLY moved away from the table. I bet the guard had to LOUDLY tell her to move it!


If I was the guard...she would move when I asked..I'm not a helpless little 2 year old. And she would know that straightaway.
Everyone keeps remarking on how well-prepared RK is...which makes me wonder why he should need to be, if he is just going to tell what happened...

Also, I do believe that CM is suffering from sort of early signs of dementia and have thought so since I first saw him in this trial. Very hard to believe, based on this case, that he has been a respected, effective attorney.

IMHO, if I found myself in the middle of this kind of case, never having to testify before, I would hope some nice person would prep me and assist me in realizing just answer the question and don't embellish. When I get nervous I start to run at the mouth. I would be so frustrated they are implying something that wasn't the case. His attny could help him understand the SA is going to cross examine and ask questions that will clarify. I would hope that someone would do that for me.


And while breaking for lunch, ICA purposely stood there and WOULD NOT LEAVE when the guard motioned. ICA turned around and gave her the stink eye 2-3 times, smoothed her clothing, stared straight ahead, and then FINALLY moved away from the table. I bet the guard had to LOUDLY tell her to move it!


If she keeps acting so uppity after she goes into prison (for good) she'll get written up and punished while she's in there. :loser:
George Anthony rambled on the stand, trying to "explain" everything, even things not part of the questions.

His one possible good point was saying KH/RC wasn't credible. Maybe.

Roy Kronk made CM dig and dig and pull to get info from him. Priceless. I'm sure RK's attorney schooled him heavily and it's working. I think J Cheney Mason was getting frustrated with him. :clap: It was great.

George should learn from RK on how to be a credible witness. Kudos to RK for dressing properly. GA really needs to pay attention to Mr. Kronk. I think Mr. Kronk is the best of the defense witnesses in terms of great control and how to conduct oneself on the stand. Take a bow, Mr. K. :takeabow:

Agree. GA= T.M.I.
Yay Roy !

Is the defense planning on wrapping up soon (praying) this is just , words escape me, do we know, Thursday ?

Iornic (lol) isn't it. The DT that got all out of joint when BP told the jury when the DT case would start, because they aren't obligated to put on a case at all is putting on a case that will last until CM skeletonizes at the defense table and ICA goes gray.
They better hurry up or JB's unborn baby will be starting Grade 3 before we get to a verdict. :crazy:
I don't believe GA. I believe he lied about the affair. "Comfort" and "console" are code words for sex. Especially for sex addicts who don't see it as an affair or a relationship it's purely physical for them.
He hesitated, hemmed and hawed. He may never said to RC verbatim "It was an accident that snowballed out of control." He might have said "it spiraled out of control" and therefore feels he isn't really lying.
GA likes to see himself as a hero who "consoled" a dying woman, when he was going over there for sex. I believe GA has a gambling problem, is a pathological liar and is a sex addict. The family is dysfunctional and the lies have lead to this fiasco.
It's possible GA hid CA's dead body because he feared ICA had dirt on him to blackmail him. Possibly molestation, child abuse on her or Caylee. Something is not right.
Had to bring this over from morning thread since the break happened while I was composing...

Does anyone know why ABC so badly wanted the dead snake photo?? It's not like it was a pic of Caylee's remains...

After having seen RK testifying and my sister (who lives in Orlando) saying he's always spoken like that, I have this image of the phone call to him from the Good Morning America producer:

GMA producer: Mr. Kronk, we'd like to pay you $5,000 for that photo of the dead snake. Whadda ya say?

RK: (Thinking to himself "Whaaa??? They wanna pay me 5 grand for a picture of a dead snake??) <silence while he's pondering this question>

GMA producer: (Is sure he's hedging and thinking of selling the photo to someone else) OK, ok we'll pay you $10,000. How's that?

RK: silence as he ponders this new offer, thinking to himself "are you kidding?? What is up with these people? Why would anyone pay 10 grand for a photo of a dead snake??"

GMA producer: (Now POSITIVE that RK's silence means he's holding out for more money) "OK, OK. $20,000!! We'll pay $20,000 for that photo!!

RK: (Really stunned now, but finally figuring out what's going on, finds his voice finally) "OK, sir."


They didn't want the snake picture that badly, they paid for it so they can say they don't pay for interviews, but they do pay for things like pictures and videos. So, they want to have RK on the Today show or whatever, but they don't want to pay him directly, so the pay for license of his snake picture. It's pretty common. They are trying to look ethical.
BTW...I thought Orange County initially paid Kronk's legal fees?

Someone mentioned that Crime Line gave 3x the reward money ($200,00 x 3??)...really???!!

That was me - it was 3x the Crimeline reward so $15,000 and it was OCC - I misspoke earlier.
Everyone keeps remarking on how well-prepared RK is...which makes me wonder why he should need to be, if he is just going to tell what happened...

Also, I do believe that CM is suffering from sort of early signs of dementia and have thought so since I first saw him in this trial. Very hard to believe, based on this case, that he has been a respected, effective attorney.
Because the defense have accused him of vile things and smeared his name. He needs to be well prepped for his own safety. One innocuous elaboration or over explaining something, and Mason would probably slither in and ask questions in a way to insinuate Kronk killed Caylee, then played hide and seek with the body.

Witnesses need to be well prepared, even innocent ones.

My opinions...
I feel for Magic fans but I think Casey has a better chance being found innocent than Dwight staying.

Ha!!! I'm sitting here all morning thinking "Dwight" was a MAGICIAN!!!!!
(Honestly!!) Guess you can tell not a B'ball fan...LOL
Everyone keeps remarking on how well-prepared RK is...which makes me wonder why he should need to be, if he is just going to tell what happened...

I would never take the stand, especially in a murder case where it was being suggested that I moved the body, without being prepared by counsel. It wouldn't matter how innocent I was.
George Anthony rambled on the stand, trying to "explain" everything, even things not part of the questions.

His one possible good point was saying KH/RC wasn't credible. Maybe.

Roy Kronk made CM dig and dig and pull to get info from him. Priceless. I'm sure RK's attorney schooled him heavily and it's working. I think J Cheney Mason was getting frustrated with him. :clap: It was great.

George should learn from RK on how to be a credible witness. Kudos to RK for dressing properly. GA really needs to pay attention to Mr. Kronk. I think Mr. Kronk is the best of the defense witnesses in terms of great control and how to conduct oneself on the stand. Take a bow, Mr. K. :takeabow:

George does not want to come across as a credible witness. He wants to come across as a liar. This is part of the plan, IMO.
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