2011.06.28 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty)

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The fact that family and friends did nothing to help always bothered me.
But what bothers me more is that you see no family pictures of life before Caylee. We've seen ICA;s yearbook picture, and thats it. Where are the pics of ICA and Lee at Xmas as kids? Where are the pictures of them at Grandmas? We saw tons of pictures of DRIScott Peterson as the golden boy, with his loving family around him. What about pictures of ICA and Kio Marie.
ICA and Lauren and Caylee. I want to see pictures of Lee and ICA trick or treating. Am surprised that no one is trying to spin her as having a normal childhood. It makes me shudder to think that CA and GA are not trying to promote a normal person aka someone that wouldn't, couldn't kill their child.
Someone seems to have omitted the entire first several chapters of the script.

Great catch! I hadn't thought of this before but now that you mention it - I won't be surprised if speculation that Cindy is writing a book (or planning to) is correct and this "book" could/would include never-before-seen (published/licensed) photos of ICA including many from her childhood. :loser:
JB said today there are 6 more witnesses.

1. Jessie Grund ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. Casey?
JB said today there are 6 more witnesses.

1. Jessie Grund ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. Casey?

Kronk is being called back and I think maybe his son will be called as well. I don't think Jesse ends up taking the stand. There is also a grief counselor but not sure she gets on either or if she does it is limited. River/Krystal, George, Cindy, and Lee once again would be my other guesses.
Kronk is being called back and I think maybe his son will be called as well. I don't think Jesse ends up taking the stand. There is also a grief counselor but not sure she gets on either or if she does it is limited. River/Krystal, George, Cindy, and Lee once again would be my other guesses.

So do you think the last 3 would be:


if the D sticks to the story that Kronk and George were a tag team hiding Caylee.
Okay, I swear I'm going to bed. I've been reading 3 pdfs worth of emails.

Some of these are very illuminating and make me lose a hell of a lot of sympathy for Cindy,

Dominic knew a lot of interesting characters, http://www.wftv.com/pdf/21148535/detail.html circa page 170 Danielle Brofi emailed with Cindy a lot and told her this some drug cartel that Jesse was involved in that would have her killed just for talking to the A
So do you think the last 3 would be:


if the D sticks to the story that Kronk and George were a tag team hiding Caylee.

Kronk is supposed to be called back tomorrow morning. I think he will be followed by his son and then River/Krystal. I guess after that will be grief counselor if approved. I do think Casey would go last if she was going to testify and I think she will do it despite her lawyers telling her not to.
Missed most of today's trial and am watching the video right now. I think the A's have this "dissention" within the ranks all figured out, as many have stated - including myself. It's said that the best defense is a good offense. It's also said that if you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with BS. Holy snake oil let's not cross that Brooklyn Bridge.
Kronk is supposed to be called back tomorrow morning. I think he will be followed by his son and then River/Krystal. I guess after that will be grief counselor if approved. I do think Casey would go last if she was going to testify and I think she will do it despite her lawyers telling her not to.

Originally I voted she would not testify but now with the competency issue and just the fact that she has had to sit there for weeks without telling her side of the "story" I agree she won't listen to the advice of her lawyers.
Kc was writing letters to her family and giving them to JB, she would write one for the jail to see and one he would sneak to family.

SAY WHAT???? Is there proof of these "duped" letters? I am way out of the loop and this is news to me. Pls help to bring my old brain up to snuff!
Ha Ha Ha OK you know you are tired when you say you are going to close a thread, shut the computer down and have to restart it.

Let's do this. I know some of you are from out of the Country and on a different time zone. So there are enough of you here I'll leave this open for the night and we will get to it tomorrow.

But be good because GRAM has lost her gray matter and needs a few hours sleep before we face trial again in a few hours.

:blowkiss: Last one out turn out the lights.
Okay, I swear I'm going to bed. I've been reading 3 pdfs worth of emails.

Some of these are very illuminating and make me lose a hell of a lot of sympathy for Cindy,

Dominic knew a lot of interesting characters, http://www.wftv.com/pdf/21148535/detail.html circa page 170 Danielle Brofi emailed with Cindy a lot and told her this some drug cartel that Jesse was involved in that would have her killed just for talking to the A
Dare you read these and go to sleep?
I believe that's why she has the extra security.

Everyone seems to be thinking it's because of the competancy but she had no guards on Monday when it was announced but today she does so it kinda blows that theory out
BS said something was up at the courthouse...doors were locked at one point this morning. I assume that's why there were additional guards.
BS said something was up at the courthouse...doors were locked at one point this morning. I assume that's why there were additional guards.

That could mean one of two things.

1. They are trying to keep someone out.

2. They are trying to keep someone in. :innocent:
Just watched the proffer of the guards who are in contact with KC on a daily basis. So, she's been the same person every day since the first date of incarceration until now? Happy and engaging? Hmm. Dear Caylee, how have you been doing since June 16, 2008?
Not an expert here, but from everything I've read it was a decision regarding a jury recommending the death penalty without specifying what aggravating factors they used to make that decision. The judge, when imposing the death penalty (upholding the jury's recommendation) cited the aggravating factors he found to be relevant, but the question was, did the jury base their recommendation on the same factors, different ones, or any at all. No way to know. At least that's my understanding of it. Feel free to correct me and educate me if I'm wrong.

It seems to me that if Judge Perry wants to protect this case, then he can follow the new guidelines IF this jury votes for the DP. But I doubt they will. I think she will get LWOP [ hopefully] or something close to it.

But I really don't see them calling a mistrial over this new ruling or that would mean they would have to call mistrials in every capital case from now on until it is all settled. Not going to happen, imo.
Just watched the proffer of the guards who are in contact with KC on a daily basis. So, she's been the same person every day since the first date of incarceration until now? Happy and engaging? Hmm. Dear Caylee, how have you been doing since June 16, 2008?

If my father 'framed' me by putting my dead baby in my car trunk and lying to the cops, blaming me, you can bet I would NOT be 'pleasant and engaging' every single day.

That one officer was the warden I believe. He was the head honcho. If I were innocent and being framed I would be telling him about my horrendous situation, and I would be upset and angry, not exceedingly happy and always smiling.
BS said something was up at the courthouse...doors were locked at one point this morning. I assume that's why there were additional guards.

Yeah I was going to come back and add that to my post but got into watching (dissecting) videos that I lost track of it.

I read a tweet that mentioned the doors being locked and something about sunglasses(?) but found nothing when I googled for it.

I was also going to add that it may also be because of her attitude with the guards over the last few days and how she tries to blow them off or dictate to them what she's going to do.
It seems to me that if Judge Perry wants to protect this case, then he can follow the new guidelines IF this jury votes for the DP. But I doubt they will. I think she will get LWOP [ hopefully] or something close to it.

But I really don't see them calling a mistrial over this new ruling or that would mean they would have to call mistrials in every capital case from now on until it is all settled. Not going to happen, imo.

Especially since it could years before it's all settled.
If my father 'framed' me by putting my dead baby in my car trunk and lying to the cops, blaming me, you can bet I would NOT be 'pleasant and engaging' every single day.

That one officer was the warden I believe. He was the head honcho. If I were innocent and being framed I would be telling him about my horrendous situation, and I would be upset and angry, not exceedingly happy and always smiling.

She was happy and pleasent in the jailtape videos as well! While her daughter was "missing"! Laughing like everything was right in her world.
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