2011.06.28 TRIAL Day Thirty (Afternoon Session)

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FGS!! CM, ask your client what the truth is!!

sorry....sitting on hands.....
RK is not on trial so why exactly is he acting like he might say something ,he is guarded for sure and really it doesnt make sence.

They have accused him of finding a body, hiding it and then putting it where it was eventually found. I do believe that is a crime. He's been investigated, phone records subpoenaed and some have even accused him of having to do with Caylee's disappearance. He has every reason to be on guard.
I am sure being made out to be a body snatcher who is morally bankrupt and dragged in to Court in a murder trial for it, would cause some to put a guard up.
Yes, exactly.

My God, I'd be terrified of saying anything at all if I were in Kronk's shoes right now.
Uggh I can't wait to hear "no further questions". I can't stand listening to this.
Am I the only one getting how important it is that RK moved the skull? SA is saying it was submerged in the dirt and had roots growing through it.

Caylee's skull was on the surface, it was her pelvic bone that was half buried in the muck..

I can only be grateful that Hoover and Casey didnt find Caylee, given all the probing they did with sticks and tearing open garbage bags!!:crazy:
I'm sure ICA is very pleased with this slamming of RK. Good job CM
OK DT, let me see if I've got this right.

It's quite natural, OK and expected for Cindy Anthony to have her selective memory come and go, and she can chalk it up to medication or stress or the cycles of the moon and tides, but it's not OK for anyone else to not remember every single word they've said in multiple LE reports, interviews with the media, or attorney depositions?

It doesn't matter this go round, the state will go over the highlights of his testimony.:seeya:
IMO with the rest of you, this is really making the defence look very bad badgering him, just get out while you can and get that poor guy off the stand!

RK w/CM - spoke w/his son 12-15 times between Aug and Dec from his cell...gave number...on any of those conversations did you tell him your were going to be famous/rich/.....NO.....make money? not really - talk about when he got out of coast guard going into business.....any time comment to Detectives that Roy has to eat too? no sir.....12/2009 recorded statement with YM ...pg 44 - engage in conversation with YM ,,,,,Roy has to eat too....jokingly I probably did....story change regard what you found and how found it....once had chance to think about it made mistake in orginal statement....marked #FM - recognize statement handwriting date 12/11/08 - evidence....object-sustained...cant hear....
on that day anything about bag poke w/stick - yes....bag opened small human skull with duct tape and hair dropped out...yes that was my original statement...didn't say in statement that you had lifted bag...don't remember...did in fact lift out back arms length straight out...standing....didn't put in statement that or stick meter reader stick into eye socket of skull...no...we had a verbal conversation where I said those things I just neglected to write them down...forgot to tell them? no sir....@ depo w/JB and myself ....really dont remember....lift bag 4' off ground - true when did that skull dropped out...skull rolled out...I told you I made mistake on first statement...forget statement ....did lift bag-yes...skull roll out- NO did you move skull...I told you I moved it with my stick had I known I wouldn't have done that....what version is correct...what I told you today.....

CM looking up statements

I have to disagree with the idea that the DT is just doing their job. This man (RK) did one thing~he found little Caylee's remains. That's it. He has not made any accusations against a single person in this case including the defendant. Why is he being treated as if he has and would need to be discredited? This really goes way beyond any DT tactic. Unnecessary and is going to backfire on them.
Kronk says in his initial statement he said he lifted bag and skull "fell out" "rolled out" says he lifted it until his arm was straight out
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 1:59 PM
People will not want to get involved. I once witnessed a man hitting a woman at a gas station. He threw her on the hood of the car and all the people around were ignoring it. I hollered over asking if she wanted the police. When she said yes, I went to the pay phone and called 911. I waited for the police and gave them a statement. While on the phone, the man came and tried to stop me from calling, but I am pretty stubborn.

I felt that I did a good deed and forgot about it. Several months later, I was served with a subpoena, very late in the day, at work ordering my appearance the next day in court. When I called the attorney, representing the woman, he cursed me out for telling him that it was extremely difficult for me to appear without notice. I was the only employee for a pediatrician and there was no time to get coverage for the office. I did appear. I waited a very long time, over an hour, before a court employee even spoke to me and asked why I was there. Once I was called, I was asked what I saw and was done. I did. request to speak to the judge about the demeanor of the atty on the phone. He allowed it so I told him about the foul language I wa exposed to by this man. I would hope that something was done about it.

Would I do the same again if I witnessed something? Yes, because I think the woman was I'd danger. I would not stay to give a statement the next time.
And Casey just sits there and doesn't have to say a word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Something wrong with this picture!!! :(
jury must be wondering same things as we are

CM not making any inroads

word semantics

dumb game CM
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