2011.06.28 TRIAL Day Thirty (Afternoon Session)

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Aug 14, 2008
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Jesse Grund has been called to the courthouse per Natisha Lance.
Dang I missed this morning - has it been RK all morning?
So who do we potentially have left for defense witnesses? JG? God help us if they put LB on the stand, I don't think even JB is that stupid? Are there any more major players out there other than the "Mother of the Year" herself?
What has KC all in a huff, barking at CM and handing him paper she wrote on, looking like someone messed in her cornflakes?
VinniePolitan Vinnie Politan
Casey ex jessie grund on way to courthouse!!!
gentle reminder that name calling and bashing of anyone is not acceptable. please post responsibly. ;-)
KC was just signing a bunch of papers at the D table. Hmmmm...
Dang I missed this morning - has it been RK all morning?

Started with Joe Jordan, then GA, CA, LA, YM, then Roy Kronk (can't remember if correct order though)
Bet the DT had a bigtime lunch pow-wow on how to break RK. :floorlaugh:

Now this is what I'm talking about!
Common sense.
I was a bit worried at some point last week regarding the verdict.
After the past few days though, I've come to really believe that this jury is going to examine all of the evidence and use common sense in their deliberations.

Obviously, I was unable to post about all of the member's that inserted common sense in their posts, but I will say thank you very much too all of you.

Common sense and the evidence is what is going to get Caylee Marie Anthony the justice she so deserves.

We love you sweety Caylee.

Yes, lawyers are philosophers, that is exacty WHY they aren't jurors (we'd always have a hung jury). Philosophers think "yes, it COULD have been an accident, she could have staged it - all physically POSSIBLE". Common sence, there was a dead body in that trink, defence is vehemently denying it, and WHY stage it and not report the death???? WHY make an accidental drowning look like first degree murder? what do you have to gain? I don't know how she died, but it was no ACCIDENT made in good faith, she was up to something she shouldnt' have been, ICA, and the death was the result
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