Did you tell any of the deputies that you had found a bag that you thought might have bones in it?
No sir.
Did you tell Richard Cane that that bag might have bones in it?
I told him I thought I had seen a human skull.
But did you tell him you had seen a bag with bones in it?
No. (emphatically)
Did you tell him you saw the bag?
I was never closer to that bag than 30 ft.
CM: The area on Aug 11 was it dry or under water.
It was dry.
At the time you were in the woods, were you aware of there being a reward offered for finding Caylee?
I believe so.
Were you aware the reward was for $250,000?
Were you aware right around the corner were media trucks and people?
Were you going to tell anyone that you had found a skull and a bag of bones?
No. I never said I found a bag of bones.
And you didn't tell anyone else you found something that appeared like that?
My roommate.
But not the media trucks? Or all those people there?
No sir.
And did you describe to anyone what appeared to be white and the tope of a skull sticking out of a bag?
Yes sir.
And was the bag in August 2008 the same one you saw in Dec. 11, 2008?
I wouldn't know sir.
Do you believe it was the same bag?
I won't know.
Do you recall your depo from 2010 where LDB was present, JB was present, I was present, and your lawyer was present?
On page 18, line 19, you were asked do you believe the bag was the same you saw in December? You answered, yes sir. Do you remember that?
I probably said yes it is.