2011.07.01 TRIAL Day Thirty-three (Morning Session)

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Why is Jose talking to someone else while the judge is addressing him? What a <modsnip>

You can see him making some sarcastic comment to CM as HHJP is talking to him. I wish he would slap him in jail, he is so disrespectful.
Is he keeping the jury at the courthouse or sending them to motel?

He wants JB to get on this and do it quickly.....I hope
Let's get on with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JB whining to HHBP re: Gentiva - .....Dr. Werner - anthropologist and another Dr. waiting outside....DT feels it is a trial by ambush

LDB - testimony of CA keyword searches.....things she said during her testimony....he can speak to them now.....Ms. sims yesterday @ 5:15 first time I heard they wanted to depose.....ask them to testify re: CA tesimony last week....keyword searches there is nothing about those terms she testified to on the entire harddrive or deleted unallocated....look for evidencet that she engaged in a remote log in....there were none and that was brought up yesterday...
JB - unallocated space and rest of computer...we would have loved to have the opportunity to have our expert go in and take a look.....what hits they came up with....what didn't come up...took 2 days to look...waited til our case closed ....I mentioned to LDB violates your previous order.....now we are right about to close new experts want to come in with unverifiable opinons.....they haven't issued a report that is a requirement....once expert have rendered opinion they must generate a report....it not just him but appears to be Dr. Warner and Dr. Goldberger testified again....here is where I got into big trouble about new opinions and this court was firm...

HBP - is Dr Goldberger render an opinion and did he write report....

JA - Dr. Goldberger is going to say wash of cranial activity ...didn't contain any brain matter to refute Dr. Spitz can tell brain dust in skull....anthropoligy
JB Dr Warren is not a forensic pathologist and Dr. Spitz testified to ...

HHBP - do you want to take his depo?
JB - this is not submitted in his report...Dr. Spitz put this in his report....Dr. Warren could have refuted this report over a year ago....create new opinion for the rebuttal.....Dr. Goldberger did not put saline interior of the skulll....this is not a sub opinion....Dr. Eiklenboom had the strongest of sanction against him...a report was done I told him to do that night....I would ask for sanction for the SA.....they chose ....they can't decide to ambush the defense after resting the case.

JS - cannot possibly be a surprise that this noted Dr. will testify it is not necessary to open the skull and the cranial wash and there is nothing there.....

HHBP - where is he his report? Mr. Baez not in his report?
JB: never identified what was in the cranial was....he is a toxicologist....can't say organic or not but talk about chemical composition and test he ran...can not testify to organic matter....and he did not! the anthropoligist now the SA wants hiim to testify about a forensic patholgist .....

HHBP bottom line if you want to take depo - give you balance of the morning to finish his depo but we will be here tomorrow and back here Sunday.

JB want it excluded

HHBP were not you here when I said exclusion would be a harsh reality....one hand saying all this is big surprise...on other hand I will let you take depos but we will be back here tomorrow and back here Sunday....both sides asked for tomorrow off to prepare for closings...if you need the time we will let you take the time...we will be back, tomorrow and Sunday and Monday and Tues and Wed....stay to do work I will let you do it...

JB - we will stay here and take the time to do it as long as it takes

HHBP - I want to see the report you are telling me it is not in the report...

JA - I do disagree
JB - we both agree it is on there. - organic matter and he is here now

JA - he is going to say it is NOT organic matter....it is NOT that what he will testify to...not that it is.....

HHBP - how long you need

JA - just the new informatoin - should be brief
JB so you are saying there is new info?
JA NO.I.AM.NOT! I am ready to go

HHBP - remember jurors back there....real problem or imaginary problem...if I found out this is an imaginary problem.....these folks are ready to return to their homes
recess indefinately....another thing I need to craft is that you all never did agree on a statement deal w/Dr. Rodriguiz....
JA-.I know we argued about the language....

HBP - be prepared to be here late this evening....I don't care what you all do first.....
allright HHBP leaves the stand

Oh gosh. ICA has tied her blouse in a knot at the back. Seriously. Like they do in model fashion shoots to make it more form fitting.
Casey back to the camera smiling. Another knot at the small of her back in this yellow blouse.
Court is now in recess. We'll be closing this thread until court resumes.
Morning all!

I'm late tuning in... Can someone give me the Cliff's Notes version of what I missed? TIA!

JB is arguing all the rebuttal witnesses and now wants to depose them saying what they are going to testify about is not in their reports. Short summation JB knows he has lost this case and is trying to grab at anything and everything he can.
Anyone catch that? Guard motioned to Casey a couple times before she left. Did she not want to go in the back?
Caylee's justice delayed....this court in in recess, indefinatly....wow, I've never seen this....
Judge in NOT happy, and neither am I.

This is insane!!
ICA arguing with the guards because I guess she thought she could just sit and socialize in the courtroom while court is in indefinite recess.

Guards firm with her, and after a minute or two she stomped off.
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