2011.07.01 TRIAL Day Thirty-three (Afternoon Session)

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Aug 14, 2008
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wow! looks like we may actually have court today... I am going to go ahead and open the doors as wesh live blog saying that spectators are filing in and reporters are there
I missed most of this morning's excitement ... buckle up!
What do you want to bet the first thing that will happen is Baez whining some more?
Happy Canada Day to any Canadians out there! :canada:
What do you want to bet the first thing that will happen is Baez whining some more?

That's a given. *sigh*

1. Seat belt? Check.
2. Pillow to scream into? Check.
3. Chocolate comfort? Check.
4. Websleuths for sanity? Double check!
Justice for Caylee first.

Then RESPECT for the jurors time, FFS. Camera time almost over, ICA & JB!

Btw, I'm SOOO excited I just took the time to actually 'ignore' someone on here! Yay! The only poster who affects my BP! I recommend it whole-heartedly!
Anyday now....... I thought they said 1pm, its 1:12pm, I have a conference call at 2pm, I bet thats just about the time it gets good!!
Okay, we're back in court waiting... we'll see if my 1:20 prediction is even close... Linda and Frank here. No Jeff or defense

by jimlichtenstein via twitter at 12:12 PM
What do you want to bet the first thing that will happen is Baez whining some more?

I hope not Aedrys, I drank enough whine way too early this morning. Ready for the Ashton Express to "bring it on". Justice for baby Caylee .
HERE !!! did I miss roll call.

All I see on tv is a live video of a dead door
The #CaseyAnthony prosecution is in place. As of ten minutes ago, the defense team was still at the restaurant across the street.
by stevehelling via twitter at 12:13 PM
So I am on ABC now, but does anyone have a link to a live came that shows the courtroom and then a smaller casey cam? I know I was watching it one day, but can't remember the link. TIA
I bet the defense is waiting for the elevator again...
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