Some of the things she has said are quite interesting, especially about risk-taking behavior in younger people. My straight-A daughter really went over the edge when she lost her brother. Scary.
How brilliant was it for JA to end after the woman told the story of the mother of the deceased boy who didn't want her son to experience his first storm alone? And KC threw her baby into the woods and never looked back. Wow.
Such a touching story. JA says "no more questions". Wonderful.
JB says, they'll probably end tomorrow.
and he immediately went and shot the pony.First Rhett fired the nurse in London for leaving Bonnie in the dark. Then he would not let the funeral go forward because he wouldn't leave Bonnie in the dark until Melanie intervened.
and if you are a sociopath does any of this hold true... how does a sociopath typically grieve?