I think the SA knew RK would not come off as a "great witness" so they didn't call him. I think they can do a great job on cross......but there is just something about the man's personality that is off putting. He did nothing wrong, and was in fact an angel for finding her....but he is still "off putting".
Sloppy prep by DT
I don't think the SA needs to do any cross
MarkNeJame Mark NeJame
@LeonardPadilla, my friend. I gave #RoyKronk 5k for finding Caylee. You were supposed to also. Don't renege as he did a great thing.#
Uh, why would Kronk tell the media he found something that looked like it might be a skull? I wouldn't. I hate the media, though, so maybe that's just me.
Kronk isn't a CHEMIST nor is he an ARTIST
bobkealing bob kealing
#mason seems disorganized and #RoyKronk standing his ground about where he went.