2011.06.29 TRIAL Day Thirty-one (Morning Session)

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Aug 14, 2008
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PLEASE review this forum thoroughly before posting today:

:tos: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=159"]Here they are![/ame]

PLEASE avoid posts that are:

- bashing the defendant's looks or grooming, in words or through visual images

- using derogatory or demeaning terms to refer to players in this case

- snarky to fellow WSers

- otherwise sending the thread off-topic.

Posters who continue to ignore the TOS or the Rules of Etiquette will find themselves on a Time Out.

If you come across a post that violates TOS or the Rules of Etiquette, or that is clearly taking the thread off-topic, the appropriate response is to hit the red triangle "Alert" button, leave a message for our mods, and move on. Please do not quote the offending post or comment upon it in any way. The mods are equipped with brooms and light sabers and will do everything in their power to make sure that WS continues to be the premier true-crime forum on the Web.

Thank you to the many posters who have helped the mods by alerting on questionable posts these last days.
Dear Websleuths Members.

We do not allow name calling. End of story. Even if you call someone a "Jerk" it is against our Terms of Service.

If I continue to see name calling today I will start handing out time outs.

Bashing other members posts. Not allowed.

Please, you must listen to the moderators. When they ask you to do something or not to do something PLEASE DO AS THEY SAY.

Our moderators are overworked because of the trial. They stay on the board day and night sometimes 14 hours straight to make sure Websleuths runs smoothly. When you ignore them you make more work for them.

Now is not the time to get a time out for violating TOS. I'll be watching closely today and will give time outs without hesitation if I see the inappropriate postings continue.

Please do not respond to this post on this thread. If you have any questions or comments email me at tgrif@xmission.com

I would like to personally thank the overwhelming majority of posters on Websleuths who particiapte in a mature and interesting manner. Hats off to you for all you do :)

Let the trial begin.

Here we go!

Casey is present, her team's not present. State is present.

HJBP: We'll see whether or not they show up...
Holy cow. Defendant is present but her counsel is not?! I can understand AF not being dialed in yet, but none of the rest of the team?
Everyone is there, except for DT...even KC is there
Omg I can't believe that none of the defense team is in court. They just love pushing it to the limit.
What? It is 8:30 - time for the call and no Defense Team? WTH? This is really shocking!
AF is proving yet again that she's the best of the bunch, to me anyway, by being present and arguing, by phone yet, while the rest aren't even in the room!
AF is on the phone. No other counsel is present! :gavel:
Good morning, All.

HHJP to AF - Ms. Anthony is present. None of her other co-counsel is present. SAO is present.
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