I feel for the jury. Lucky me, I am sitting here chain smoking like crazy. My nerves can't take much more.
Let me get this straight.
GA found Caylee dead in the pool, went off on ICA, and then stashed Caylee's body in the trunk of ICA's car in order to frame her for murder?! And then he took the body out of the trunk, and stashed it in the woods, where it was later discovered by RK, who then took the remains, stashed them under the bed or something, and then brought them back...in order to get a reward.
That about it?
I wonder if any of the jurors have suffered a loss to suicide or had someone they loved attempt it. I wonder how many of them had dealt with depression or has a family member dealing with it. Very few people have not been touched by deep depression in some way. I think Baez is taking a big risk not showing some compassion for these feelings and the very real emotions behind them.
I need to take a break...I canNOT bear to withness any more of this unrelenting torture of GA---stay strong for Caylee, JOJO!
OMG he is soooo combative and evasive and refusing to answer the question. What is wrong with just saying we came home the 12 not the 11th?????
I feel like I need a shower.
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2011.06.29 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-One) - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community