2011.06.28 TRIAL Day Thirty (Morning Session)

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Apparently state added two Gentiva employees to witness list. #CindyAnthony's former employer. #CaseyAnthony
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 8:45 AM​
Saying a prayer for Mr. Kronk today...
If it weren't for him Caylee might not have been found.
Watching CNN live and already I am getting video that freezes a lot. It is me? Is anyone else watching CNN live? It got so bad yesterday for me with the video/audio freezing that I gave up.
Good morning. I hope the DT plan to destroy RK backfires
Apparently state added two Gentiva employees to witness list. #CindyAnthony's former employer. #CaseyAnthony
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 8:45 AM​

Oh I am so glad to hear that. I knew the Mac trucks were coming! LOL
Apparently state added two Gentiva employees to witness list. #CindyAnthony's former employer. #CaseyAnthony
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 8:45 AM​

Isnt Gentiva the company that Cindy A worked for? Maybe they will be able to tell us if cindy a was at work the day that the computer searches were made?

If im wrong, some one correct me..
Good Mornintg All! Just thinking that the DT case is supposed to wrap up by tomorrow or Thursday.....does anyone know what their defense is yet? Please fill me in because after all of this time...other than trying to poke holes in each and every little bit of how there could have been a mistake - and all of the typing I have done since this trial began - I am still at a loss as to how JB's opening statements are going to be confirmed in the next 2 days....
Jose was talking to Linda, mason walks up and says something to Linda. Jose ignored him. Mason walks aways then comes back again to say something to Linda, once again Jose and mason ignore each other.
Watching CNN live and already I am getting video that freezes a lot. It is me? Is anyone else watching CNN live? It got so bad yesterday for me with the video/audio freezing that I gave up.

No problem at all with CNN. Watch every day.
ICA in the courtroom. Looks like she's dressed to testify?.. hmmmm

snazzy-er shirt than usual, hair done, happy, chatty...
Once again Casey entered the courtroom and smiled at several attorneys while ignoring Baez until he handed her some papers.
Isnt Gentiva the company that Cindy A worked for? Maybe they will be able to tell us if cindy a was at work the day that the computer searches were made?

If im wrong, some one correct me..

You are correct. This will be good.
ICA all smiles. I bet some of that (the way she's always happy in the beginning of the day) has to be the simple fact that she's actually not in a cell.
And we're off! To a sidebar. :/
Good Mornintg All! Just thinking that the DT case is supposed to wrap up by tomorrow or Thursday.....does anyone know what their defense is yet? Please fill me in because after all of this time...other than trying to poke holes in each and every little bit of how there could have been a mistake - and all of the typing I have done since this trial began - I am still at a loss as to how JB's opening statements are going to be confirmed in the next 2 days....

I think its the pasta/ velveta defense..

You put velveta on the spagetti before you throw it at the wall and see if it stickes... lol

actually .. I have no idea.. other than.. their defense is that everyone else it wrong and bad except ica..
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