2011.06.30 TRIAL Day Thirty-two (Afternoon Session)

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[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=142563"]2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two) - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
This really isn't funny at all!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
His actions could have caused a mistrial..................

That's why I'm all for him getting the severest penalty possible. Hopefully discourage the other nuts out there who might want to do something like this. A mistrial after all this would be such a mess.
another cult hero ready to make the TV rounds....hope not
Priceless! All kinds of fun things happen in courts all the time. It was always hard to keep a poker face on!
I don't feel sorry for this guy at all. He's oviously a Casey groupie, he commited a SERIOUS offense.
He deserves to all the scorn that will now be heaped upon him.

The Judge was kind & caritable to him.
In all fairness I hope they do the same to Baez, flipping the bird is stupid but what Baez did was worse.

Yes, Dragonlady...I was just about to say the same about Baez -- he and the entire DT have showed no respect to this honorable court and the law all during this trial. I am shocked at some of the behavior they've displayed (and IMO this includes the Anthonys -- during the entire 3-ring circus).

Call me old-school, but I still have respect for the law of our land and the people that uphold it. IMO, dumb stunt by this guy for his fifteen minutes of fame (everybody wants to be a media *advertiser censored* these days).
The good news sir is that you now have a roommate... Ms. Anthony..Bad news is... the rooms are really really far apart.. Rich IORNY HE IS A SERVER! food, time whatever..
Just when I thought this trial couldn't get any crazier. Way to bring the hammer, Judge!
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