2011.06.28 TRIAL Day Thirty (Morning Session)

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DNA Solves
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Crystal Hollaway? I know her by River Cruiz. She came to the command center in October of 2008. He knows her as someone who volunteered and maybe as a friend and someone who was going to help them find Caylee.

She was just a friend, no different than any other volunteer.

He did not have a romantic relationship with her. To him that is very funny and he was never intimate with her. He never borrowed any money from her.

He went to her house on 2 or 3 occasions.

You know you have to pass a guard gate?


She has a condo, not an apartment. When you go there, it's gated - you have to show ID.

The first time he went there was based on a conversation in which she related to him that she has a brain tumor and was dying and she needed someone to comfort her. He felt that being a good guy that, because she was helping them, it was the least he could do would be to show her compassion or respect. It was always doing the day.

Were you supposed to be working when you went to see her?

OBJECTION - JA - may we approach?

SIDEBAR #4 (10:57-10:58)


Were you supposed to be at work? He didn't have an exact work schedule - just started new job - his employer was very lenient.

You weren't going there for any romantic interlude?

OBJECTION - asked and answered - OVERRULED

He went there just to console her.

She also explained the brain tumor to CA. CA did not go to her apartment, but CA knew he was going there.

Prior to finding Caylee, did you tell her Caylee's death was an accident?

To this day, he never found her. To say that I had said something to her that something snowballed out of control? That did not happen. He would never confide to a volunteer. He has always given info to LE and attorneys as honestly and freely as he could.

You never told CH that this was an accident that snowballed?

OBJECTION - asked and answered - SUSTAINED

Your answer was no?

OBJECTION - asked and answered -

So the record is clear. Yes or No.

He never told her this was an accident that snowballed out of control.

Did you ever send her a text message that you needed her in your life?

He did send many texts to volunteered and he agreed he did send her this text.

Did you ever leave her any letters that you were trying to speak with her?

It is possible he left her a letter in an effort to cheer her up and make her feel comfortable in her life with what was going on.

Did you at any time tell her not to say anything about her affair with you?

OBJECTION - assumes facts not in evidence - OVERRULED

Sir, I never had a romantic affair with CH or RC. She has a questionable past and she also has been arrested for fraud and breaking and entering.

OBJECTION BY JB - move to strike

I did not have an affair with her, so the answer is NO.

Are you aware she never said anything about the affair until the police came to her?

OBJECTION - assumes facts - SUSTAINED

How many times did you talk to her on the phone between Oct and Jan? He did not know - once, twice, ten times.

He did not believe he spoke to her late at night. He did not believe he would.


When was it that you knew this lady? He met her at the command center at the skating rink some time around mid October 2008.

After Caylee's remains were found, your relationship ended? Yes, it did.

Did you ever tell River Cruiz that while your daughter was home on bond that you grab your daughter, threw her up against the wall and said, I know you did something to Caylee...... No, I did not.

Witness excused subject to recall. (11:06)
Who cares if GA ever had an affair or how many affairs he ever had? How many men did Casey sleep with? No doubt in my mind Casey wins the sleaze award if that is what the DT is going for.
I think GA is a liar just like the rest of them lol

HHBP - objection overrule-
JB -when you visited her were you supposed to be @ work.
GA - my hours were flexible for employer - just put in the hours
JB-just visit her for brain tumor? GA - yes she explained that to my wife...only person went to her apartment was you not your wife? my wife knew where I was....did you ever tell RC or KH that Caylee death was an accident that snowballed out of control.....that is false....I never confided to any volunteers - I gave information to LE, DT or SA gave that info freely..
Never told RC accident snowballed out of control (object- asked & answered sustain X3)
so record clear is the answer yes or No Mr. Anthony?

GA ask one more time? JB never told her an accident snowballed out of control...ever sent her text messages that you needed her in your life....I sent many texts to many volunteers that I needed them in my life....did you ever leave her letters?

GA on one occassion I left a letter - cheer her up, make her comfortable, yes I did - don't see anything wrong with that....

JB - just a moment - talks to dS who shakes head no...

JB back @ podium...did you @ any time ever tell her not to say anything about your affair? object-overrule
GA I never had a romantic relationship with Krystal Holloway....she has been arrested for fraud, questionable past....objection

I did not have an affair with her so the answer is no.....JB - didn't say anything to LE about your affair with her until....object

how many times talk to RC ....dont know how many times once, twice, don't remember....ever speak to her @ night? don't remember don't know could have but I dont believe so....no

JB - no further questions


JA- when was it when you knew this lady...
GA -met her @ command center mid Oct 2008 near skate rink...
after Caylee's remains found your friendship ended...yes
ever tell RC that when KC was home you grabbed her by throat, threw her up against wall and said "I know you did something to Caylee - where is Caylee?"
GA no never did that to my daughter

witness stand down

DT calls CA

I LOVE JA! Brought up the throwing ICA against the wall- even though GA denied it- it is out there!!!!
JA is soooo brilliant! He blew that wide open with one question!!

River Cruz / Crystal Holloway is a LIAR!
GA is being asked by JB about Krystal Holloway a.k.a. River Cruz, how he met her at the command center, says he did not have a romantic relationship with her and thinks that is funny, never borrowed money from her , went to her condo and how you pass a security gate to get in, went their to talk to her because she said she had a brain tumor, never went at night, didn't have work schedule so wasn't there when he was supposed to be at work, CA had knowledge he was at her condo, never told RC the snowball accident story, (JB just so we're clear sir) never told her snowball accident, did send email, one time left her a letter something to cheer her up, I never had a romantic affair with RC/KH and she has a record (HHBP: just answer the question), don't know how many times he talked to her on the phone,
GA - met her around middle to 3rd week of Oct 2008, never threw ICA up against the wall
ICA could care less about what her Dad has to go through. NOW here we go, heereeee comes CA!!!
OK not the blood bath I expected....we have introduced RC as a lier.

CA up next

now it gets interesting
Even if GA did have an affair with KH (which I believe him when he says he didn't), what freaking difference does it make? How is it relevant to what happened to this precious child?!

Exactly!!! Or this the DT trying to imply RC helped hide Caylee after she "drowned?"
Wow, that's it? No subject to recall?

Oh carp, Cindy.
KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
I never told her oit was an accident that snowballed out of control.. According to George
5 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Said he visited her because she claimed she was dying from brain tumor.. Cindy and lee are here
7 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
George is on stand. Denies romantic or sexual relationship with Krystal Holloway..
8 minutes ago
In fact, on the day Casey Anthony was being escorted out of jail on Aug. 21, 2008, Cecelia Holloway was being booked there for violating probation on another conviction in Seminole County for dealing in stolen jewelry.
Court records state that both sisters have prior arrest records for attempted burglary of a structure and thefts.
Cindy back up (IMHO GA's testimony was neither positive or negative)
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