2011.06.29 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-One)

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When court recessed this morning, Casey said something like "I'm through with him" to someone on her DT. After Cindy's early testimony in the case after which Casey had her emotional tirade, she said something like "just get me acquitted so I can as far away from (her, them) as possible." Clearly, anyone who gets in Casey's way or doesn't dance to her tune becomes disposable and needs to be irradicated from her life.

This is exactly why Casey got rid of Caylee: The little girl was in the way and not allowing Casey to do what she wanted to do, when she wanted to do it.

Disposable people. In Casey's world, everyone becomes disposable. Scary.

Very well put! irradicated {shiver} ITA!
IF KC and her team think they can fool the jury with their insinuations, and KC's crying or glaring they forget one thing!! When KC breaks her "acting" after the jury leaves, I do believe that Judge Perry can see quite clearly what she is doing and her true personality..For KC to take such glee in watching her father be crucified by JB is sick sick sick..and HHJP sees it...

KC it will be up to the Judge to decide in the final end your sentence!! You are playing only one crowd..but the Judge is the most important one to convince!! Shame on KC and DT:maddening:
Can I ask if anyone here knows what happened with the AM phone call and the motion for mistrial?

Grounds & argument for & questions asked?
I don't think GA brought that gun home in an attempt to cause ICA to be sent back to jail. He was wrong to buy it and bring it home, but I bet he thought he could hide it in his car and that would circumvent the rules. I hope JA can make the point that GA didn't buy it to get ICA in trouble.

I do worry about GA's admission that he was thinking of using the gun to force ICA's friends/boyfriends to give up any info they had about Caylee's whereabouts. That makes him sound violent, dangerous, and unpredictable. I understand that he had been jerked around by ICA's stories when he just wanted to get his granddaughter back safe and sound, but still. Hmm.

The wheel well of his trunk is not the inside of his home. Unless he parked his car in the garage, it's really a moot point IMO.
Originally Posted by MomCat
Ah...but they do. The imnates buily a new chair for it a few years back, in fact, to replace the chair from (circa) 1923. Nice new oak. Uses the same old original electrical setup however.

Strange...I keep a kosher kitchen, but I could swear I hear bacon sizzling...

(brought over cause got me fingers slammed in the door when thread closed)
Please don't associate bacon with the inmate...I like bacon. Just sayin.

Sorry, guess I shoild have called it what we call it around here: The Unmentionable Meat. Or as a friend who tried to sneak a (ahem) hamm sammich in insisted it was really "Pink Turkey."
I am so glad that George is telling the truth. :yes: What he has said on the stand today has been the most human and truthful words ever in this whole case(other than LDB and JA). I hope he has the strength to follow through.

When he said he needed to be with Caylee, that was truth. I could understand that and relate to that. It is a sad thing when someone feels they need to take their life, and even more sad when it happens-all human beings understand those feelings. Those feelings make more sense to me than Casey who did not feel those feelings.

Hope I am making sense. I don't want to say "anyone" would feel suicidal(I have been inpatient for suicidal thoughts twice in my life, when I was younger)because I don't want to make a statement like that but I just mean it makes more sense IMHO for a person who is grieving to react like George and not like Casey. Even if you had been sexually abused. Go George.


I'm definitely not saying this for any sympathy, but I lost my Mother and my Daughter in the same year and yes I felt the same way. I wanted to die to be with them. I'm Catholic and believe that suicide is a sin and I know my Mother and Daughter are in Heaven so I have to wait patiently to hopefully join them in Heaven. I know exactly how GA felt exactly!! You can't make this stuff up! The man is broken
Okay coming to side bar a little late. I wish GA would have told JB when JB was badgering him about violating the inmates bond order, I wish GA would have said the gun was in the car, I didn't bring it in. I hope if JB comes back with this question after lunch GA had time to think about that and tell JB that.
I don't think GA brought that gun home in an attempt to cause ICA to be sent back to jail. He was wrong to buy it and bring it home, but I bet he thought he could hide it in his car and that would circumvent the rules. I hope JA can make the point that GA didn't buy it to get ICA in trouble.

I do worry about GA's admission that he was thinking of using the gun to force ICA's friends/boyfriends to give up any info they had about Caylee's whereabouts. That makes him sound violent, dangerous, and unpredictable. I understand that he had been jerked around by ICA's stories when he just wanted to get his granddaughter back safe and sound, but still. Hmm.

I agree. :)
Though I don't think GA EVER would have used that gun on anyone. Still, I know people can't go around pointing guns at people. I think he was extremely distraught and was thinking/hoping at least ONE of ICA's friends knew SOMETHING and could help. Because as we know, ICA was NO HELP!
I heard Mr Anthony use the words "SHE" referring to Casey this morning during the gas can thrown on the ground testimony that was a little more harsh than he ususally refers to her.
i think he harbors "hate' deep down inside and tries to keep it from surfacing. Like hes fighting a battle from within.
So just to clarify here about something JB was attempting...

He was questioning Cindy this morning about her ' not believing' that Caylee was really dead. And when asked about relevance, Baez answered that " it shows that she felt the same way that Casey had in the same situation." REALLY?

Is he implying that Cindy was out drinking and entering Hot Bod contests at the time she was in denial about the baby's death?

:eek: :floorlaugh:
I wish we had more shots of Cindy during George's testimony-- I have the feeling she may be cut from the same cloth as KC in many respects. jmo

There is a line of psychiatric research arguing that narcissism is inherited and may be genetic. CA clearly exhibits NPD symptoms as does ICA. Two narcissists, one sociopath.

Yes! Ive seen my husband cry twice in our 11 year marriage and its nothing how I would cry. Very few tears, voice faulters, able to regain composer alot quicker.

I think that is how most men cry. Because, they are brought up to think crying is a sign of weakness. Men will do everything BUT cry.
Takes a real "special" kind of person to sit there and ALLOW Jose to do what he is doing. There is a "special" kind of hell for that young woman.

I'm an atheist...but I so hope I'm wrong and you are right...she sure deserves it
Wonder if any of the jurors are thinking, 'I could've been following this circus for the past three years.'
I am still holding judgment on Georges true intentions until the end of the day. Seems like there are a lot of things he could say but isn't.
I agree - I suspect a bottle of blood pressure pills could kill you if a large enough amount was taken.

It can. I accidentally took about eight at once. They were in a glass dish
and I forgot they were there, mixed it with coleslaw. Had to call poison control, induce vomiting, go to the ER. It was a mess. It can easily kill you. IMO
For the viewer to decide for themselves!
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjXR4MEMCYM"]YouTube - ‪What's a wink and touch between pals????‬‏[/ame]
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