2011.06.29 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-One)

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:floorlaugh: @ your last line. Who do you think will win in getting to do the cross? I say Jeff Ashton. :rocker:

I don't know...I would love to see the two women face off.:innocent:
Good Morning Everyone

I am listening to River Cruz(sp) on the Levi page show and she is beyond mad. I think it is a big mistake for the defense team to put her on the stand. She is a walking time bomb. I can't wait to see CA face when she is testifying. I guarantee her and GA will not be sitting close today.
Regarding computer viruses: since the trial started, and I have several windows open during, I've been running a full computer scan every night. I've found and disposed of trojans several times. I use AVG.

Really??? I haven't had any issue's. My computer scans everyday at noon.
I woke up this morning with two thoughts...the first is will I never get enough sleep again? Being a West Coastie, start time for us is 5:30am and I can't balance my life enough to sleep early so I get about 5 hours sleep a night or less and have done so for about two months now - talk about sad and obsessed.
The second thought was that ridiculous tirade by Baez yesterday to HHJP and the court about the SA was Baez practising his post guilty verdict media tour and what his schtick is going to be. I think he knows he's lost the case so badly he has simply thrown caution to the wind - he's lost it - there's nothing else to lose.
As far as the DT trying to bring in the idea of 'ugly-coping' or whatever they are calling her partying during the 31 days, this is my thought. If I were a juror, and there was no mental health expert called to discuss this, I would dismiss it completely. I would also place no weight in the grief counselor's testimony based on the fact she didn't even meet ICA.
Do we know who is still to testify for the DT, they say they have approx 6 witnesses left?

I'm guessing, Jesse Grund, River Cruz, the psychologist/grief expert(if they allow her to testify) George, Cindy, Lee Casey.

Good morning gang!

I think there is actually 6 AFTER the grief dr. During the discussion about whether or not this dr. could testify HHJP asked the DT "after the dr. testimony how many more witnesses do you have?" and they said about half dozen.

We have hear over and over again from the defense attorney's that THEY do not have to prove a thing. Well I believe that they CAN'T prove anything where their opening statement is concerned. But yesterday George didn't look as good (appeared he was covering up an affair-far cry from helping a murderer IMO), Kronk can go either way with each jury member, but the Cindy/Lee thing yesterday????? Bizarre. But if their goal is to have Cindy impeached, what happens to "And it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car." Does that go poof if her testimony is impeached? Does that not become as damaging any longer after yesterday's little side show?

Yes, in truth, they do not need to prove anything, but in practicality, they need to do something to lend credence to their theories, which they haven't. Maybe technically it is true that the State has the burden of proof, but in reality, a technicality like that will not give the DT the upper hand in the minds of the jurors.

I don't think the State's goal is to have Cindy impeached, I think the DT team is trying to show how dysfunctional this family really is. It's about all they have working for them. With their wild accusations made in the OS, if they can plant a little seed of validity by showing how messed up the Anthony's really are, they will have made a step in the right direction. Unfortunately (for them), I think they went WAY overboard with their accusations and theories and have pushed their stance to the point of ridiculous. This essentially has shifted the burden of proof to them and their lack of followup (regardless of whether they have to prove anything or not) has just gone on to paint the picture that they don't even believe their baseless theories.

I think that Baez and ICA came up with this over the top, outlandish theory that they figured would throw things off base enough to obfuscate the State's case (seems to be a recurring theme with ICA and her lies) . Unfortunately, it had the opposite affect and has only made the deliberate and methodical case the State presented seem more credible by comparison. Sure, the DT may score a few points here and there by showing that some people are lacking in credibility, but it's a pretty big step from lacking credibility to performing the deeds that the DT says they did. For example, RK may not have been truthful about how many times he talked to his son, but it is a pretty big jump to come to the conclusion that because he misstated how many times he talked to his son, he must have stolen the body and kept it until he did so he could get the reward money. Same thing with GA/CA.

As to your question about the "car smells like there has been a damn dead body in it" statement...I think the fact that it was a reaction and excited utterance by CA will make it retain validity in the minds of the jurors, even if she was shown to be lying about other things after the fact. I really don't think yesterday hurts the State's case at all, or at least not in any huge manner.
Good morning, fellow justice junkies!

I am hoping for an uninterrupted (ha!) day of trial viewing today. Although, I have a phone interview at 9:30 am, so wish me luck! (A possible opportunity to work from home!) Gotta save up those Disney Dollars for the next vacation!

I listened to both NG and Dr. D last night -- interesting to me that NG believed GA (re the affair) and Dr. D didn't. At least, I think it was Dr. D. If it wasn't it was whoever JVM had on the last half of her show....

I believed GA. Then again, I am a pushover. As others have stated, though, I don't really see what this has to do with the big picture. Look at all the politicians we elect who have been less than honest regarding extramarital dalliances...some would argue that it doesn't detract from their ability to do their job. Not that I'm condoning having an affair. My husband has already been warned about how he will be maimed should I discover such an indiscretion. :D
Regarding computer viruses: since the trial started, and I have several windows open during, I've been running a full computer scan every night. I've found and disposed of trojans several times. I use AVG.

Thanks that is what I use at home. I told my boss I was going to put that on mine at work.
Good morning, WS Fam!

Though it's been excruciating, listening to the DT, I am hopeful their bumbling and fumbling will continue and sweet Caylee will have justice soon.

I can see why the DT has to throw people under the bus, but they're really accomplishing nothing other than to make themselves seem as low as KC (IMO).

GA may have no moral character, but I find it very hard to believe that a former LEO/homicide detective would in ANY way imagine that the death of his granddaughter would not be investigated to the nth degree - and therefore NOT call 911 for an "accidental drowning" and then go so far as to try to hide the "accident" and then dispose of the body. He would know that an accidental drowning wouldn't end up with any kind of charge against KC other than perhaps negligence. But here in FL, with drowning deaths being woefully common, that's unlikely. The only time I've seen charges brought against a parent has been when drugs/alcohol are involved.

As for RK, CM deliberately (IMO) did NOT show or offer to show RK his previous testimony/statements to help refresh his memory or give him something to refer to, and thus the confusion about dates - and testimony - resulted. For the life of me, I couldn't pinpoint a specific date or time from three years ago, no matter how badly it would help a situation! Much less recall exactly what words were said. I think his inability to recall an exact date and exact words in NO WAY impeached RK. And all I can say to the DT is "Bad form, guys. Shame on you. And really - total fail."

Good Morning Everyone

I am listening to River Cruz(sp) on the Levi page show and she is beyond mad. I think it is a big mistake for the defense team to put her on the stand. She is a walking time bomb. I can't wait to see CA face when she is testifying. I guarantee her and GA will not be sitting close today.


And if I can go o/t for a moment. Love your av. I have two mini-doxies myself. One red and one black and tan. :seeya:
Good morning everyone.

Here's to hoping the defense rests today! :martini:
We have hear over and over again from the defense attorney's that THEY do not have to prove a thing. Well I believe that they CAN'T prove anything where their opening statement is concerned. But yesterday George didn't look as good (appeared he was covering up an affair-far cry from helping a murderer IMO), Kronk can go either way with each jury member, but the Cindy/Lee thing yesterday????? Bizarre. But if their goal is to have Cindy impeached, what happens to "And it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car." Does that go poof if her testimony is impeached? Does that not become as damaging any longer after yesterday's little side show?


I look at it this way.

Before cindy knew Caylee was dead at the hands of her daughter
1. my space page
2. Calls to 911

After she knew Caylee was dead at the hands of her daughter
1. lies about duct tape
2. lies about computer searches
3. lies about not sending people to search where the body was
4. all the other lies

Break it down to BEFORE and AFTER what was known.
I'm leaving in an hour to go swimming with my daughter. I am still steaming and drained from CM yesterday. :maddening: I'll catch the highlights later or tomorrow.
What was the deal with the last proffer yesterday? The one where Baez paraded out jail people. Sounded like nothing more than a "my client is a good egg" proffer. Is any of that going to be let in?
Good morning gang!

I think there is actually 6 AFTER the grief dr. During the discussion about whether or not this dr. could testify HHJP asked the DT "after the dr. testimony how many more witnesses do you have?" and they said about half dozen.


But we all know they lie...:floorlaugh:
Good Morning Everyone--hoping the circus ends today (unless ICA takes the stand) and we get on to the rebuttal case and some sanity.
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