2011.06.29 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-One)

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omg I took a break from my over-identifying with the dysfunctional family thing but was back to catch the end of the trial today. Let me just say that I think putting that grief expert on the stand was a HUGE mistake! Talk about leaving everyone with memories of their own grief and lost loved ones. I spent so much of the evening sniffling about my dog that passed. You KNOW that jury has grieved in their lives and you KNOW it's now sinking in just how much different ICA is from everyday humans. :rocker:

Bad defense move in my opinion. Very bad.

Now i'm hooked back in though and eagerly awaiting this wrapping up! Alllllmost there! i just may have to wake up at 5am tomorrow!

om gosh guys! are you not all blown away by today? I know I am... how are you all feeling coming into the home stretch?

I'm glad you asked! :D

I have such massive mixed emotions. I will severly miss coming here every day to see that I am not the only one. The only one watching this so intently; the only one ticking off friends and family with my obsession about this case (I have one friend REALLY ticked at me right now); the only one studying the history of this case so intently.

Yet I am so relieved that it appears that Caylee will have justice (I hope, I hope). And I want to see that.

I also think this case has some really enormous social implications about the societal debts to be paid when narcissism is nurtured and encouraged. And in that sense, I hope that the media circus has gotten some of that message out, but fear at the same time that people may forget all too quickly.

But then there's the much less serious side of me that says I may actually get some sleep and get my house cleaned again!! :crazy:
Although george seems to be more truthful today, I can't disregard all the lies he's told. As for suicide, people intent on that just do it, they don't talk about it.
With all due respect, I disagree. In fact, I know for a fact that what you stated is not true.
I could explain further, but my focus right now is on Caylee Marie Anthony.
Furthermore, as far as all of the "lies George has told" as your post states........oh nevermind, not worth it.
omg I took a break from my over-identifying with the dysfunctional family thing but was back to catch the end of the trial today. Let me just say that I think putting that grief expert on the stand was a HUGE mistake! Talk about leaving everyone with memories of their own grief and lost loved ones. I spent so much of the evening sniffling about my dog that passed. You KNOW that jury has grieved in their lives and you KNOW it's now sinking in just how much different ICA is from everyday humans. :rocker:

Bad defense move in my opinion. Very bad.

Now i'm hooked back in though and eagerly awaiting this wrapping up! Alllllmost there! i just may have to wake up at 5am tomorrow!


ICA is probably thinking along those same lines...HUGE WASTE
I loved that George gave it to Baez. IMO-- whether he knew, when he knew, what he knew........I'm just glad he stuck it to JB.
om gosh guys! are you not all blown away by today? I know I am... how are you all feeling coming into the home stretch?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1N29vkIT3eo"]YouTube - ‪Garbage - Stupid Girl‬‏[/ame]

"you stupid girl, all you had you wasted"

(I'm angry at what KC did to Caylee)
As one of the many on this forum who have shared their raw, personal experience about grief, thank you everyone for being so sensitive, not only to me but to many others.

It's true that Karioth's testimony had one redeeming factor (the tender recount of the Mother and Doctor in the rain) and I'm grateful that JA was wise enough to end his cross on such a perfect note. True grief and the bond between Mother and child which were in stark contrast to ICA who is void of such grief. Other than that, I thought Karioth's testimony was wildly inappropriate and it made a further mockery of how low the DT is willing to go. JB and ICA have turned this trial into a 3 ring circus and today I became painfully aware of how much I resent that.
I was simply appalled at Simms' classification of Casey as a loving/amazing mother. That was such a bald faced LIE it just made me sick. I know she's entitled to a defense but seriously this is just absurd.
OK, my friends...It's almost 1:00am here in FL and I just woke up with my hand on my mouse and my chin on my chest (wasn't drooling yet but close, lol). I really enjoy everyone's opinions and try desparately to read them all, but my eyes won't stay open. See you all for breakfast. :seeya:
"When we have finally spoken, everyone, and I mean everyone, will sit back and say 'now I understand' 'that explains it'." -Jose Baez

Casey must take the stand because no one, and I mean no one understands. They have explained NOTHING!!!!
om gosh guys! are you not all blown away by today? I know I am... how are you all feeling coming into the home stretch?

Utterly exhausted.

I almost cried during GA testimony.

But then after the grief lady set everyone off and everyone began sharing the most personal, touching stories... well, I haven't cried that much in ages. I felt wrung out. Wiped out. Flattened.

But maybe it was all for the good? Because now, hours later (don't quite know how to describe this) I feel... lighter. Lifted, somehow. Better. As if a lot of what I had been holding tightly inside was released or set free by what was being shared.

Strange, eh?

Gonna go hug hubby now, and kiss every one of my cats. Feeling very blessed to have had these loved ones that were once in my life but who are now gone, and doubly blessed for the ones still within arms reach. Maybe sometimes we just need the reminder.

And a ((((((((((hug!)))))))))) to you too, nursebeeme.

Yes. Feeling better. And thank you so much for caring enough to ask.

So... how are you holding up, NB?
I think LDB was crying for Caylee.....because she was dumped in a swamp like trash. There was no grieving mother with blankets and an umbrella for her on dark, rainy nights. Nope....Caylee's mom was busy doing guys, stealing money, renting movies, eating....breathing.....
I just NOW finished reading today's trial thread. OMG!!!!!! If the defense doesn't rest tomorrow, I will lose my mind. ENOUGH OF THIS CARP ALREADY!!!! Thank GOD for JA to continually turn this BS around! LDB too!

I was seething at Karioth, btw. I lost two grandparents in six months and have NEVER acted ANYTHING like Casey. I am so sorry for all the loss that was talked about by many of you. My heart is with you all. Karioth did get some points back with me when she talked about that one mom who lost the boy. I think she has good intentions, but it was a BAD BAD decision to get attached this trial in ANY way for her.

I also wanted to thank y'all for being so darn funny today! It helped me keep my sanity. And made me realize I shouldn't read Websleuths in my night class when the students are doing group work or are on one of the two breaks I give them, LOL. Faefrost, you about KILLED ME with the stuff you said when Sally Karioth was on the stand!!!! Richard Hornsby and other lawyers also had me laughing out loud. Thank you for that. Dear God, laughter was SORELY needed today.

And on a more somber note, George...I have to say I am totally burned on this family, but it seems he did right by Caylee on the stand. I just can't muster up sympathy for anyone in that family anymore. But maybe I'm a little less mad at him now. I just keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, though. I can't help it with this family anymore.

I also really thought we'd get an outburst from ICA today when Jeff was doing his hypothetical! God, I am so wanting this to be over. I just can't take much more of this. Enough already. Three years is just ENOUGH of this! Caylee deserves justice NOW dangit!

I do hope we get a Fourth of July verdict. How AWESOME would that be?!?!?!!?! The day of USA's independence the same day Casey's is taken away? Oh the IORNY!

And yes, the drinks will be aflowin' for me this weekend! Even more so in victory if we get a guilty verdict!!!! I just know I am going to bawl when it happens. I've waited three of the LONGEST years of my life to hear the word GUILTY!!!! And I'll be sure to be here with all my peeps when it happens!

Now I'm off to bed, see y'all tomorrow!!!!
I think DCS referred to ICA as "petite," as well. Way too small and meek to ever hurt a fly, don't ya know?

That really humored me...

I am the same size that Casey used to be... possibly smaller.
I am barely 5 feet tall. I can't top 100lbs if I eat nothing but chocolate... even if I'm all muscle.
I get mistaken for a kid when I walk into a restaurant carrying a kid.
I can still shop in the kids section half the time.

Yet, people fear all 5 feet of me.
Seriously, they are afraid of me. :waitasec:

I have a 6'5 bodybuilder ex who is terrified of making me mad.
My dad's ex wife will torture my entire family but if I enter the building she freaks out and leaves.
(They now just fake a call with me when she appears somewhere and she scurries off.)

I don't get it. I'm not social, I can certainly hold my own but I've never been violent.

Casey could hold her own.
I highly doubt Casey would let anyone do anything that she didn't want to do.
Casey could have held her own against Lee.
Casey ran that house as far as I'm concerned, especially once Caylee was born.
I would like to talk about the gas cans some more. :wink:


my jokes today

court was late back from lunch: ....did the gas can go out for lunch and get tanked?

oh, sorry, i miscounted the witnesses left for the DT. i thought the gas can was one since it has been on the stand so often.

sorry, i know you saw these earlier. i was just on a roll with the gas can jokes today :woohoo:
Whew, it's been a day hasn't it my friends?

I felt George's pain today and cried along with him. I was furious with Baez for being so snarky with George. When George said "My daughter and I and God know the truth" and Baez said " you want to throw a dog in there or something?", I thought I was going to blow a gasket!!! :furious: How can Baez be such an *advertiser censored* to a man that is clearly broken? Here's a tip for you Baez, God WILL get you for that!

George's pain was so visceral that he could barely speak. He couldn't understand WHY, HOW, or WHAT happened to his precious Caylee and frankly, neither can I. Then I remembered the jail video of ICA telling George that he was the BEST father and the BEST grandfather anyone could ever have yet she sat there as if she was sleeping with her eyes open. :banghead: She showed such emotion when Lee testified and when the "grief" 'spert (I won't say expert, she was only a 'spert) was talking about HER. She watched her father fall apart on the stand, lose his breath, sobbed loudly and she never blinked an eye? I just don't get it and really, I don't want to get it. I don't ever want to think like ICA or have non-emotions like ICA. I want to be able to feel empathy for another human being, I want to be able to cry when someone else cries, I want to love with my whole heart, I want to be a giving person without a selfish heart, I want to bring happiness to others, not sorrow and pain.

I feel in my heart that Caylee is smiling down on her "JoJo" and thanking him for being the only one in her family that has stood up for her. I hope "JoJo" has a restful night's sleep, knowing in his heart that he finally did the right thing. I hope that "JoJo" will find peace, happiness and contentment. I pray that Caylee continues to touch the lives of millions of people all across the world and brings more awareness to the abuse of children.
I think we should all pause for a moment to thank our wonderful Moderators for the terrific job they do all the time, and most especially on really tough days like today.

Thank you, Mods! :woohoo:
Is anyone else nervous about River Cruz and the accident testimony tomorrow?


After GA's testimony today, JB is really going to look like a fool calling her. What is she really going to prove? At this point, nothing.
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