2011.06.30 TRIAL Day Thirty-two (Morning Session)

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Holy Man......sitting on hands and arms.
Sounds like Ms Cruz wanted more with George then he was giving
Wow! KC is just looking at her dad with daggers and then looking at the witness. I even thought I saw KC sniffling! Sheesh!
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...
Help me here old Websleuthers.....Did George say "It could have been an accident that snowballed out of control" to LE in an early investigation??

All I remember is that Dect Yurri said that at the Univ Studios interview
Is it just me?

Or is there just SOMETHING about Sunny Hostin that is totally
irksome, irritating, annoying, and entirely affected?

Or, is it just me?

It's not just you. I feel exactly the same way.

It's not just you.
KH never heard from him again, awwww. I wonder why! *cough cough stalker cough cough*

Oh, now she had to instruct the guard not to let him in the complex even though he is the one who allegedly stopped the contact. :waitasec:
SA is going to tear her apart....

Regardless, this still ruins GA's credibility. I was just warming up to GA yesterday too and the jury most likely felt the same way..... not after this.
She totally looks like she has a vengeance when talking about the memorial...
How could George be so Stupid to text her after LE confiscated all electronic devices, during their investigation??:banghead:
wait when did they supposedly break up? Caylees 4th birthday or Dec 09?
I know...just another pile of dirt. More dirt has come out about the family than about the criminal

JB w/Krystal holloway aka River Cruz, Dad used to call me River, Mom maiden name Cruz, met GA @ tent while he was looking for his Granddaughter - she went there every day, GA went to her residence @ least 12 times.....did you have an affair with GA? Sidebar!
(GA is in court w/CA and he is wearing button down shirt with a tie)...JB & JA went to sidebar w/HHB

JB - object is sustained....heart to heart conversation with GA what happened with his Granddaughter...he was sitting on my couch I was on the floor, he said accident that snowballed out of control....his eyes filled with tears...I didn't elaborate or ask him anything further.....around Thanksgiving time...wasn't prompting or asking him...we were talking about his daughter.....I didn't think he could raise somebody...don't give us your opinions...I didn't think he could raise somebody who was capable of harming her child...I did look up and he had tears in his eyes...I didn't ask anything after u that....when relationship end w?GA? I believe it was the 4th balloon release, when the A's had their memorial for Caylee still in relationship with GA...show you a paper...(big sigh from KH) did you go to media or tell anyone about your relationship w/GA....how were you found by police? object= when did police contactyou? 2 yrs later after...they present you....if I knew GA and if I had an affair with him......any documentation of relationship with GA? yes the text......how many tex messages did they show you? several ask for any documentation...provided them with my phone and letters he had written me...letters he had written...strike that.....text message you are looking @ now.....can you read? HHBP not offered into evidence can't read.....photo of that text message - fair and accurate representation of text....received in evidence as DT exhibit...read date and contents...Tues 12/16 from GA just thinking about you I need you in my life...how did relation end? he was supposed to come over and he didn't....I didn't think it was approapriate that he was sleeping with him and he didn't come over and I was crying and my sister texted him and I never saw him again......

Establish a foundation....is there a guard gate/post at your complex...did you instruct guard not to let him into your complex any more...object overrule...yes sir...after did your name become exposed in the media...what happened? beginning to be harrassed by media (object- sustain X2) can we appraoch?

Whatever River or Krystal is trying to sell.....I'm not buying it.

Hate to be the one to tell you, but I don't think it is YOU she is trying to sell to....

I think she has visions of 48 Hours, Dateline, Good Morning America, People magazine....
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