2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

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Does anyone know the DATE when the deleted computer files were deleted?
There is definitely something going on the week of 9 June, the precursor of all to come. One day when the trial is over I'm going to go back and really study this week because it is those 7 days leading up to 16 June that is the impetuous for ICA to put her plan in action.

There is something that niggles away at me that Caylee was found in a shirt that none of her family recognise and Caylee is pictured in that shirt two different times months apart at an apartment that ICA was saying was Zany's. When ICA left Ricardo's on the 10th she must have taken the big trouble shirt with her and probably left it in the trunk. I don't know why she slept there night but I imagine she was saying to herself it was the last time with Ricardo as she was well and truly moving on to Tony by then.

June 9 is a mirror image of June 16 with one important difference, ICA could not or would not take Caylee over to sleep at Tony's.

food for thought...
1-June 15 2008- CA takes Caylee to to Mt. Dora to great gpa for Father’s day. Despite e-mails and the accounts of neightbors there was no fight between KC and CA.

2-June 15 2008- according to KC ” I have not lived there” in the house for 9 days via a text message sent on June 24 2008 "drama". Not “we” “I”. (Casey lies too however I think she stayed with someone who provided an alibi)

3-June 16 2008- CA makes a point to say that she heard them “breathing” through the door before she left for work that morning, thus establishing that when she left the girls were both ALIVE! and feels she must assist GA when he recalls the day that yet (CA was NOT there)

4-June 16 2008-GA has reported several different versions about his interactions with the girls prior to them leaving the house that day.Hinky
5-CA contemplated suicide too in July and August as told on Larry King. Yet on July 3rd she was worried about who was caring for the little angel?
She knew KC wasn’t capable of supporting Caylee and she was just going to bail on a missing child and not be there when she was located? Really?

there are a few for ya
I've read all of the legal opinions, here and elsewhere, as well as researched some cases, but honestly, I do not see how this particular defense cannot be deemed "ineffective". I cannot imagine a less effective defense. Regardless of the experience of CM, for instance, or the credentials of DS, this was a horribly assembled defense, made no sense at all and more often than not, her own lawyers pointed out incriminating facts to the witnesses. To watch this case with an open mind, one would could be forgiven in concluding that her defense was "throwing" the case. I often felt like I was watching an athlete intentionally losing a game or shaving points to cover the spread.

As much as I hate the idea of another trial three years from now I will lose some respect for the system if this defense is deemed effective.

I agree. It may have been an impossibly difficult case, but Baez did not have to add fuel to the fire by turning his witnesses into state witnesses. I believe Casey had ineffective counsel. And the fact that the Judge said, about the jurors, "These folks want to return to their homes" is not too great, either. It is a death penalty case, and it takes as long as it has to take. Civic duty demands this. I love Judge Perry to bits, but that is not what a defendant should be hearing, and may be brought up in an appeal, the the jury was rushing for a holiday.
Don't forget she gave LE the wrong brush when they asked for Caylee's hair brush!

That really got me too. I could understand not giving them CASEY's DNA, so as to not help them indict her daughter. But Caylee's DNA was needed to search and identify her. Why wouldn't she want that to happen? It tells me she already KNEW back then what happened. imoo
I could be wrong but thought she changed her story about the dates. That she had said in her deposition that the ladder incident was some other time.

IMO it may be the grain of truth in the middle of a bunch of lies. Maybe the ladder really was up at some point (Casey could have gone swimming when parents were out and not too particular about the ladder because what's the point if she wanted Caylee dead anyways?) and the DT took that detail and weaved their theory around it, shifting the dates.

It probably happened on June 9- the original date CA said was the last time they saw Caylee. Which reminds me... it is so unbelievable that she got that date wrong, and ICA did too. If you were bothered by not seeing your granddaughter for x number of days, wouldn't you know how long it had been without a doubt??? If she knew it was 31 days so specifically, how do you mess the actual date up?
"why". Exactly. There's alot to contemplate now.

the reason I'm so shocked this came out today is because I always felt compassion for Cindy, that she was just under a lot of stress compounded by the media & protesters. He first trial testimony confirmed my good faith in her. When she lied last week I was discusted but never, NEVER thought she knew & COVERED UP caylee's death from day 1 . . . until today.
I truely am shocked.
It's evident now we will never know who knew what & when they knew it. It's hard for me to wrap my head around the implications of the "ladder story" being a lie from the start.

I don't think the ladder story was a lie at the start. The very first time Cindy ever said she found the ladder up on June 16 was during her trial testimony (unless I'm greatly mistaken). She was pretty unclear about the date in the beginning.
not sure which date that was. But Yuri was at the house and after he left she deleted them. It was early on I know.

Does anyone know the DATE when the deleted computer files were deleted?
There is definitely something going on the week of 9 June, the precursor of all to come. One day when the trial is over I'm going to go back and really study this week because it is those 7 days leading up to 16 June that is the impetuous for ICA to put her plan in action.

There is something that niggles away at me that Caylee was found in a shirt that none of her family recognise and Caylee is pictured in that shirt two different times months apart at an apartment that ICA was saying was Zany's. When ICA left Ricardo's on the 10th she must have taken the big trouble shirt with her and probably left it in the trunk. I don't know why she slept there night but I imagine she was saying to herself it was the last time with Ricardo as she was well and truly moving on to Tony by then.

June 9 is a mirror image of June 16 with one important difference, ICA could not or would not take Caylee over to sleep at Tony's.

Another very interesting thing in respect to the 'timeline' even earlier than that, March in fact and I dont want to say as a fact but it is VERY close to almost the exact date of those computer searches is that is when the trip to Puerto Rico was planned, booked; in fact IIRC CASEY booked it for Amy & Ricardo....fast forward to May/June, she is texting with Amy and/or Tony (I think) speaking to them AS IF SHE IS GOING ON THIS TRIP...

IMO, the plan to do away with Caylee started WELL BEFORE June 2008. In fact, I'll go as far as to say I think the 'creation' of Zanny in Spring 2006 was setting up THEN that one day, just maybe ONE DAY, this child would 'disappear' and that was going to be her story...eventually here was this trip that was too tempting and Caylee far too much of a burden and I think she HOPED to find a way to go, perhaps with stolen money and she would deal with the fallout of Caylee 'missing' when she got back...Maybe her story for Cindy was going to ultimately be "I didnt want to tell you I was going because I knew you would object but I made arrangements for Zanny to keep her while I was gone - now she has taken her." Just between the time of doing away with Caylee and actually getting the money in order to GO on the trip didnt come together like she planned.

Maybe far-fetched, I dont know, but just something I have pondered. I am no good at searching these forums but I am sure the info is available somewhere with regard to how close those computer searches were in time relation to the booking of that PR trip, and again very recently I read texts where she is speaking in May or early June of plans to go on that trip. I think they were to Tony with her blabbing on about a 'problem' with 'finding out' Ricardo was going, which was just another lie because according to Amy she always knew Ricardo was going.
And another question...Was it google or yahoo..?? I thought they were google searches..I use all of them, i know..But I thought they were pretty consistent with google comments...His comments today were about yahoo.. Google does not have ads/stories on their homepage, yahoo does.

Not sure if it was testified or if I read it here that GA and CA used Yahoo and IE and Casey Firefox and Google. So I thought JB was getting ready to point out that Cindy searched for the chlorophyll in Yahoo, but if he was he never got there and I don't know if it would have helped if the keyword didn't appear in the record at all. It looks like the keywords appear in Yahoo search URL's as well. And why would she search for Chlorophyll in yahoo and then switch to Google in order to search Chloroform?
I am surrounded by people who think she will be found Not Guilty. Ugh.

My DH, my Mom, even the doctor I work with. They all say about the same thing, not enough evidence of murder and/or cause of death.

Am I in the Twilight Zone?

Thank goodness for this forum.

Usually the people that think NG are the ones who haven't seen and heard all the evidence, IMO. The jury has seen every bit of it. Hopefully they can make sense of it and see what most of us WSers see.
not sure which date that was. But Yuri was at the house and after he left she deleted them. It was early on I know.

I thought it was in the early morning hours of the 16th of July...sometime between about 4 AM when YM left and before they returned to take her to Universal.
I bet they'd say Padilla deleted them!! I don't think they asked anyone about deleting them either. But I might have missed it.

Well one thing we know for sure. We can't ask Cindy cause she has no idea what her computer does on its own when she isn't there. For all she knows, it goes about deleting files for her. :waitasec:

Or lord, Lippman says, CA maintains she made the searches but didn't make them on those days. She never said she did it in March.

WOW. That is exactly the kind of 'explaining' my kids used to do in middle school. [" I said I turned the report in, but I never said I turned it in on time.
I didn't have a party--just had a few friends over, that's all" ]
I've read all of the legal opinions, here and elsewhere, as well as researched some cases, but honestly, I do not see how this particular defense cannot be deemed "ineffective". I cannot imagine a less effective defense. Regardless of the experience of CM, for instance, or the credentials of DS, this was a horribly assembled defense, made no sense at all and more often than not, her own lawyers pointed out incriminating facts to the witnesses. To watch this case with an open mind, one would could be forgiven in concluding that her defense was "throwing" the case. I often felt like I was watching an athlete intentionally losing a game or shaving points to cover the spread.

As much as I hate the idea of another trial three years from now I will lose some respect for the system if this defense is deemed effective.


Too many experienced attorneys on this case. In my experience, a successful IAC appeal only happens in low profile cases with only one defense attorney, and no supposed "dream team" as in this case. The fact that CM and AF are part of this team precludes an IAC reversal.
Happy Canada Day to all our friends from the North!


Mount Rushmore from the Canadian side​
from this angle she says...

"That's fine."
"Got enough of this, no, just take it back with you."
(smiling) "I can't take anything with me."
....JA and LDB in the way...
"Someone would actually have to bring it in to me..."

that's all i can get from this angle, but it seems to me that her lawyers want her to take something - looks like paperwork - back with her and she's telling them she can't. JMO

Yep. Then she sort of rolls her eyes to the young guy atty on her way out as if to say, "those old farts are hardheaded. I told them I can't take it with me."
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