2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

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Sleuthers: I know this is kinda a crazy idea but are any of us feeling totally calm or in control right now? :) Several ever savvy sleuthers have suggested that the Prosecution end with Caylee singing "You are My Sunshine". It is a brilliant idea and maybe JA and Co. have thought of it. But in case they haven't, what would be wrong with trying to get that message to them before Sunday?????
I want Justice for Caylee so badly, I would do ANYTHING for her right now.
You know, that would be heartbreaking, but very effective....:waitasec: I don't think you need to worry about justice for Caylee, though, as I believe the Defense more or less fizzled out. Did not bother to expand on any of the theories of molestation or pool drowning, so I cannot see how a jury can side with them. In any case, can you send an email or twitter their way?
Can't believe we are down to closing statements. It's been a long haul my friends. I honestly don't know what I'll do with my time (and my work day--I'll actually have to work-YIKES!!). I'm so glad to see justice for Caylee. I'm sad to not be seeing Linda, Jeff and Frank on a regular basis. Oh, and his honor Perry and his staff.

I've been on this board for a while, longer than ICA's case, but man, what a journey we've come. I am so glad that closing statements will be on Sunday. I'll miss church for this one. I can finally watch and not have to hide the fact that I'm doing so and listen in on headphones!!

Here's to team Caylee and the SA and everyone who has fought to bring justice for Caylee. Cheers.
Sleuthers: I know this is kinda a crazy idea but are any of us feeling totally calm or in control right now? :) Several ever savvy sleuthers have suggested that the Prosecution end with Caylee singing "You are My Sunshine". It is a brilliant idea and maybe JA and Co. have thought of it. But in case they haven't, what would be wrong with trying to get that message to them before Sunday?????
I want Justice for Caylee so badly, I would do ANYTHING for her right now.

She will get her justice - I don't even believe the jury needs to deliberate very long. I'm really looking forward to HHHP's jury instructions...
Now - after having HLN on in the back ground for a few hours - I must go and find what Bill S. had to say about today to cleanse my mind.
There is definitely something going on the week of 9 June, the precursor of all to come. One day when the trial is over I'm going to go back and really study this week because it is those 7 days leading up to 16 June that is the impetuous for ICA to put her plan in action.

There is something that niggles away at me that Caylee was found in a shirt that none of her family recognise and Caylee is pictured in that shirt two different times months apart at an apartment that ICA was saying was Zany's. When ICA left Ricardo's on the 10th she must have taken the big trouble shirt with her and probably left it in the trunk. I don't know why she slept there night but I imagine she was saying to herself it was the last time with Ricardo as she was well and truly moving on to Tony by then.

June 9 is a mirror image of June 16 with one important difference, ICA could not or would not take Caylee over to sleep at Tony's.

I'm wondering if June 9 could be what LA is referring to when he asks KC is this like the last time. Could something have happened to baby CayLEE except maybe with CA being a nurse she was able to save baby CayLEE, that time. And when KC says, "don't worry I didn't say anything" was KC referring to something that happened on June 9????
Sleuthers: I know this is kinda a crazy idea but are any of us feeling totally calm or in control right now? :) Several ever savvy sleuthers have suggested that the Prosecution end with Caylee singing "You are My Sunshine". It is a brilliant idea and maybe JA and Co. have thought of it. But in case they haven't, what would be wrong with trying to get that message to them before Sunday?????
I want Justice for Caylee so badly, I would do ANYTHING for her right now.

Sandford, I'm with you here. But we have to believe that the SA has their closing already wrapped up tight. To contact them at this point would be to distract them, IMO.

Rumor had it that LDB was prepping for a cross of ICA two years ago. FG/JA/LDB alone know how best to present closing arguments in this case, :cow: .
I had to leave when the SA had 3 witnesses left, can someone tell me who the last 3 were and did they start closings? Thanks had to go to doctor and just to tired to hunt tonight.

Computer experts that proved that CA was lying about her computer searches. Showed she was at work, typing in medical record changes, when "chlorform" was searched at the Anthony house. CA did not search "bamboo roots" or "hand sanitizer" at any time. The "neck breaking" search was intentionally typed into the home computer, again, at the time that CA was not at home. CA's boss said that CA's work hour records were not changed; witness did not change CA's records. Basically, the state could file perjury charges against CA if they choose. More importantly, they shine the light back on ICA and how this speaks to premeditation of murder. Hope that helps.
Sleuthers: I know this is kinda a crazy idea but are any of us feeling totally calm or in control right now? :) Several ever savvy sleuthers have suggested that the Prosecution end with Caylee singing "You are My Sunshine". It is a brilliant idea and maybe JA and Co. have thought of it. But in case they haven't, what would be wrong with trying to get that message to them before Sunday?????
I want Justice for Caylee so badly, I would do ANYTHING for her right now.

I wish I were calm but I'm not........just filled with fear...
I won't be able to breathe when the foreperson begins to read the verdict...trying to watch the words form..... in other words NNNN Guilty or GGGGuilty. I know, I'm a nut case but this woman just has to be found guilty of murder and nothing less......
Am I right, the foreperson does read the verdict?
I wonder what will happen to Ashton after this case? Was he known at all before this case?
I'm hoping he goes on tour. :heartbeat:
Perhaps go on a vacation? It wouldn't surprise me if all the players do except for KC of course..
I could be wrong but thought she changed her story about the dates. That she had said in her deposition that the ladder incident was some other time.

IMO it may be the grain of truth in the middle of a bunch of lies. Maybe the ladder really was up at some point (Casey could have gone swimming when parents were out and not too particular about the ladder because what's the point if she wanted Caylee dead anyways?) and the DT took that detail and weaved their theory around it, shifting the dates.

I think that is quite possible. I also wondered if Casey might have purposely left the ladder up, after George left for work. That way her mom would chew him out. And I truly believe THAT CASEY BEGAN FRAMING GEORGE FROM THE VERY START.
BBwwwaaahhhhaaa - Andrea Lyons has now jumped on the bandwagon saying the Defense did as good a job as the Prosecution - that the Defense promised to show a number of things and so did the Prosecution - which they did not deliver. The Prosecution did not prove cause of death via the duct tape and that it was a homicide. Mark E. is giving her a hard time in a joking kind of way. She is saying that jurors will find a lot of questions unanswered....blah...blah - Lennie tried to get her say she signed off on this defense but she went sideways by saying she couldn't divulge that information.

All such a crock! (Hope that isn't a TOS is it?) But just so silly to listen to. I have no idea how people can watch HLN on a regular basis regarding this case and have any idea at all what is going on with it. What they pump out on a regular basis is just so wrong!

Yes I agree

I appreciate that HLN is staying with Caylee but as soon as it is over I will have no reason to watch them for a long time.

I was especially upset that they let River flow all over everything and by the time she was done her story was bigger than ever.
Can't believe we are down to closing statements. It's been a long haul my friends. I honestly don't know what I'll do with my time (and my work day--I'll actually have to work-YIKES!!). I'm so glad to see justice for Caylee. I'm sad to not be seeing Linda, Jeff and Frank on a regular basis. Oh, and his honor Perry and his staff.

I've been on this board for a while, longer than ICA's case, but man, what a journey we've come. I am so glad that closing statements will be on Sunday. I'll miss church for this one. I can finally watch and not have to hide the fact that I'm doing so and listen in on headphones!!

Here's to team Caylee and the SA and everyone who has fought to bring justice for Caylee. Cheers.

I have been on Webslueths since SP case. I usually lurk and rarely post, but I love it here! I was just thinking a few hours ago, what am I going to do when this case ends. I felt the same way with the SP trial.

What draws us to these cases?

I want justice for Caylee. Keeping positive thoughts.
I wish I were calm but I'm not........just filled with fear...
I won't be able to breathe when the foreperson begins to read the verdict...trying to watch the words form..... in other words NNNN Guilty or GGGGuilty. I know, I'm a nut case but this woman just has to be found guilty of murder and nothing less......
Am I right, the foreperson does read the verdict?
Yes, they do. In all trials, that is a scary moment, but with this one, particularly so. I think the state did their job to the best of their ability, so all is in good hands.
My emotions are all over the place. One hour, mind you not day but hour by hour my emotions change. Happy to see her looking depressed, then next thing you know, I felt pity when I saw her having a little panic attack at todays end.

I'm way to invested in this case, I can't keep my emotions in check. Maybe it's stress from being so involved from Day 31. I'm know I'm going to feel depressed when this case is over but I should be glad so I can get my life back in order.

All I'm saying is one minute I'm thanking someone for saying "look how bad Casey is looking hope she gets the max sentence", then the next several posts that are negative about Casey, I can't "thank", I get a bad case of the "guilts". However, if someone says something nice, I don't thank that post.
I pick and choose what negative post I want to thank and show my support
I thank 2 out of 4 negative, makes me feel better about my self, I'm not a 100% let's get the Anthonys mob, I'm just a 50%. wingnut.
Same for cindy and george. I have a love hate relationship with all the Anthonys.

This case has affected me deeply. aaaannnnnnnd I'm gonna really miss all of you. We have a strong bond, Caylee was our glue.
Only exception is Baez, I think he is a mean sneak who only cares about his "camera" time. he is an embarressement to the law profession and humanity...ruining how many innocent lives to save a murderer.

I just downloaded a book called "Are You Being Kind?" by Michael Chase.
Your feelings are all too familiar.
Over the last several days I've posted that I can't try to figure the A's out anymore. Other than the obvious lies by Cindy ,I don't know who's being honest about what,so I just quit trying. It's almost over.
I'd rather be me than them right now,that's for sure.
I think if you went to their home for a BBQ you'd have a great time.If it weren't for this tragedy we'd think they're your average family. They started out on the wrong foot with the public and never got back into step.Almost 3 years of distrust has built up ,and for good reason,but it's time to move on.
Caylee wouldn't want anyone to be hurt ,probably even ICA.
That doesn't mean I want everyone to get off scott free,though.
I hope after the sentence comes down ,the A's will go back to work ,to their lives,hopefully still together,with Mallory and Lee and we never hear about them again.

I do want more of YM,JA FG and YM .....but most of all HHJP :great:
Yes, they do. In all trials, that is a scary moment, but with this one, particularly so. I think the state did their job to the best of their ability, so all is in good hands.

The most intensity I have ever felt was in the gallery before they announce a verdict in a murder case.
After reading about these women, I do NOT think ICA will get the DP.

I don't know about that, she seems to have a lot in common with this one:

Ana Marie Cardona

DC# 162180 WF, born 11/26/61, was sentenced from Miami-Dade County for the torture murder of her three-year-old son. The boy was nicknamed "Baby Lollipops" because of the tee shirt he was wearing when the police found his beaten body. The sentence was vacated on November 22, 2002. She was re-sentenced to death in June 2011 by Circuit Judge Reemberto Diaz in a Miami-Dade courtroom.
I've read all of the legal opinions, here and elsewhere, as well as researched some cases, but honestly, I do not see how this particular defense cannot be deemed "ineffective". I cannot imagine a less effective defense. Regardless of the experience of CM, for instance, or the credentials of DS, this was a horribly assembled defense, made no sense at all and more often than not, her own lawyers pointed out incriminating facts to the witnesses. To watch this case with an open mind, one would could be forgiven in concluding that her defense was "throwing" the case. I often felt like I was watching an athlete intentionally losing a game or shaving points to cover the spread.

As much as I hate the idea of another trial three years from now I will lose some respect for the system if this defense is deemed effective.


Here is the PROBLEM. The defendant has the legal right to tell their OWN story. The attorney works for them and answers to them. If she insists that her Dad raped her in the AM while she waited for the school bus, and she wanted the jury to hear about it, then Baez has no choice but to say it in his OS. If she tells her team that she and her dad found the child dead, but the meter reader stole the remains, AGAIN, it is out of the DT's control.

So that cannot go to Ineffective Counsel. If she was the one who wanted HER story told, then no legal action can be taken against that decision. In fact that was the ONLY decision the DT could legally take. Ineffective Counsel usually goes to some one who is negligent, and unprofessional in a massive way.

There is one thing that might point towards that IC appeal---that is the fact that the DT, apparently, never looked at the jailhouse tapes, and thus never had any of them redacted. That could have helped quite a bit because those tapes were devastating for the DT, imo. Once the jury sat through those they surely disliked ICA intensely.
Yes I agree

I appreciate that HLN is staying with Caylee but as soon as it is over I will have no reason to watch them for a long time.

I was especially upset that they let River flow all over everything and by the time she was done her story was bigger than ever.

I miss the old Court TV days. Not nearly as sensational and it went all day.Now In Session stops and 3 and you have to switch over to HLN for the same TH's.
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