2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

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I'm tired of seeing ICA shaking her head at testimony she doesn't like. I would like to see JP stop her from doing this. She chose not to testify so she should not be allowed to express herself. I expect her to do plenty of this during the PT CS.

At thispoint I think it is mute because she has been allowed to do it all through the trial. I agree with you, it should not have been allowed.
Good morning everyone! I've had a busy night here in the ICU, but I'm almost done with my 3 day stretch. *snoopy dance* I'm staring at the clock and sending psychic messages to day shift to hurry up. LOL

I am curious to see what the SA will do today after the DT's less than explanatory day. In a way, I feel like I've been cheated. I kept waiting for these startling revelations to happen and for it all to 'make sense'. I had held out some small hope that ICA would take the stand, but I wasn't surprised when she didn't.

I was amused to see that I missed the bird flipper incident. I swear some people believe every thing they do can be smoothed over. Glad Perry didn't cut him any slack AND embarassed him for good measure.

Btw, who was the young law student or attorney that ICA was flirting with? She has zero shame! And it boggles my mind that he seemed to look 'interested' in her. Her ego must be HUGE.

Did anyone see the news story (tabloid) that is saying ICA might be pregnant?!?!?

Can't wait to drive home to my nice warm bed, pajamas and watch JA cut loose. :)
Good morning Justice Seekers!

We are all SO ready for today!! My mum brought me a nice cheese pizza (a few days without hearing the pizza defense has brought back my craving for it!) to eat later during testimony. I'm pumped for today!

I want to say again and again how much I *love* Jeff Ashton, Linda Drane Burdick, Frank George and Judge Perry! Let's hope and pray that all goes well today and please pray for the jurors everyday! Justice for our precious angel, Caylee Marie!
At thispoint I think it is mute because she has been allowed to do it all through the trial. I agree with you, it should not have been allowed.

Why does JB always sit there with a Cheshire cat grin on his face and why do some of the TH's say that he's doing a great job and poked lot's of holes in the SA's case? Does he really think that he's doing a great job? From where I sit I think this is one of the worst DT that I have ever seen but I may be too biased to see when he is making good in roads (have a hard time believing that, lol). BTW, where has LKB been, she's been absent from all the shows. If I were her I'd be hiding on an island deep in the Indian Ocean.

We're in the home stretch now!! I can't wait to see JA and LDB wrap it up and present the jury with their well laid out case and plug the holes Cindy and the defense created!!:woohoo:
Mysteeri your dream shows a great deal of kindness and hope. Are you always this kind and hopeful? I only ask because I lost that ability quite a few years ago, not just about KC, but life in general.

Umm, really? Thanks but I think I just misspelled too many words. :D
Why does JB always sit there with a Cheshire cat grin on his face and why do some of the TH's say that he's doing a great job and poked lot's of holes in the SA's case? Does he really think that he's doing a great job? From where I sit I think this is one of the worst DT that I have ever seen but I may be too biased to see when he is making good in roads (have a hard time believing that, lol). BTW, where has LKB been, she's been absent from all the shows. If I were her I'd be hiding on an island deep in the Indian Ocean.

Why does JB always sit there with a Cheshire cat grin on his face and why do some of the TH's say that he's doing a great job and poked lot's of holes in the SA's case? Does he really think that he's doing a great job? From where I sit I think this is one of the worst DT that I have ever seen but I may be too biased to see when he is making good in roads (have a hard time believing that, lol). BTW, where has LKB been, she's been absent from all the shows. If I were her I'd be hiding on an island deep in the Indian Ocean.

She was on Vinnie's show on Wednesday. The George Anthony melt down day. It was the first time I saw her NOT smiling. She tried to defend Baez but nuh huh.....her body language was transparent. It was the biggest defense mistake in the trial by putting GA on the stand and allowing the pros to get the suicide letter in. Disastrous.
Good morning everyone…

I am a little melancholy today… I foolishly thought we would have more answers to the question of What happen to our little angel Caylee….
I did get a little uplifting feeling when my 22 year old son and his friends who started watch the trail but knew nothing about the case said after the “lost Pet” testimony they really think she is guilty now…

:lol: :lol:Oh, and Vinnie from Insession..is on Wdbo.com http://www.wdbo.com/caseyontrialvideo/

is hilarious he doesn't’t know the Mic and camera is on… he is staring up into space singing and doing CRAZY Stuff.:lol::lol:
I don't know who will be first, but I suspect CA will be on the stand about her work hours. I honestly wish that none of the Anthonys had to be on the stand ever again, enough is enough, even though it is necessary.

I have no idea what else is going into rebuttal, but that is just b/c I don't see where the defense made any real gains. Guess I am too biased to see clearly now.

Say it aint so! I am hoping they can do it via other witnesses. I really don't want to see her take the stand again!
Oh, I got it. Doh, I haven't had enough coffee yet. :loser:

That reminds me that my boyfriend once wrote "gold goff" when he was supposed to write "cold coffee" in English.

Too much coffee I´ve had.
Say it aint so! I am hoping they can do it via other witnesses. I really don't want to see her take the stand again!

I hope you guys are right, I don't want to see any more family members on the stand. If the people that gave the work records is enough, that is fine by me.
Good Morning!:coffeecup:

Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians!

Happy Canada Day to you too!
:fireworks: :fireworks:::fireworks2:

I'm heading out to the beach later with family so I will miss part of the rebuttal but I have faith all is going well so I'm going to enjoy myself today.
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