2011.07.02 Sidebar Thread

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OK this feels like an eleventh hour scare has been averted


Why does Geraldo like JB so much? Are they friends in real life?

Yes, since this case started JB has hung out on GR's boat... can't you tell by the pro defense stance GR always takes? He's the only TH that praises JB's skills :floorlaugh:
I'm guessing Mark is not an actual criminal lawyer?

Thank GOD the TH's weren't stupid enough to be that wrong. lol

No he does civil cases. Why is he dabbling like this, making me nervous !! :banghead:
Yes, since this case started JB has hung out on GR's boat... can't you tell by the pro defense stance GR always takes? He's the only TH that praises JB's skills :floorlaugh:

Maybe they can both get on the boat together after the trial and go on a really, really long trip and go live together on an island so we don't have to hear either of them ever again. :floorlaugh:
No, what I'm saying is that we don't know which of the seventeen jurors are alternates and which are the 'real' jurors. That the sequential numbers 1 through 17 doesn't necessarily mean that the first 12 are the 'real' jurors and that jurors 13 through 17 are alternates. In other words, the controversial juror #4 could end of being an alternate when the final draw is made by HHJP.

Did that make sense? Again, though, I may have totally missed the boat on understanding this.

No the alternates don't know but the public already knows. This came out during the jury selection.
I'm guessing Mark is not an actual criminal lawyer?

Thank GOD the TH's weren't stupid enough to be that wrong. lol

Mark said ICA would be testifying too the night before defense rested...
No he does civil cases. Why is he dabbling like this, making me nervous !! :banghead:

This is embarassing to admit but I was frantic!!! Could not believe what I was reading.....thank goodness it was just a scare...
Hey, what time do the closings start tomorrow? Is it 9am as usual? I'm going to be driving, and trying to listen to it on my Iphone. We'll see how well that works, lol.
just shows how screwed up the politicians have written our laws.
a housefull of lawyers can't even read them.
bad part is I just had to read this three times to figure it out.

I am so glad we have spell check here because I am discovering that I can not spell most big legal words and a lot of common ones too.
we do man I am blind! duh now I see it. thank you!
No he does civil cases. Why is he dabbling like this, making me nervous !! :banghead:

I guess he doesn't know the criminal code. I know I had some of the same concerns but I'm not a lawyer, so I figured everyone else was right. Good thing they were. lol I just couldn't imagine everyone being that off the mark.
Hey, what time do the closings start tomorrow? Is it 9am as usual? I'm going to be driving, and trying to listen to it on my Iphone. We'll see how well that works, lol.

Either 8:30am or 9:00am. I've heard both.
From the case that Hornsby cited:

As Deparvine's second challenge on appeal, he argues that the indictment charging him with two counts of murder in the first-degree was void for failure to specify whether the State would pursue a conviction under a theory of premeditation or felony murder. Deparvine contends that this failure results in a jurisdictional defect that warrants resubmission to a new grand jury. The State contends that Deparvine has waived this issue for review because he waited until after the State rested to move to dismiss the indictment. The trial court agreed with the State.
maybe we have been too tough on jb.
if real lawyers cannot figure out the law, how the
heck is jose.:floorlaugh:
I would like to know from experience from those who follow as close as I do.
Does anyone know of television coverage national not local that is going to have all the days events with as LITTLE commercial interuptions as possible. I watch HLN and I cringe at the commercials due to missing a moment of words spoken is missing way too much. In session is a little better on commercials.. but the HLN is filled with commercials every 5 minutes.

I heard fox news is covering tomorrow.. I wonder how many commercial breaks will be taken.

The jury,,, how late at night can they go into delibarations? Can they return a verdict at anytime of the day or night?

I know that they say 20 minutes we will have notice.. however since this is such a national media case I think that the jury may give decision and the Judge will give a few hours notice. I hope so.
This is embarassing to admit but I was frantic!!! Could not believe what I was reading.....thank goodness it was just a scare...

Don't be embarrased~!! I was about to have a heart attack:maddening:
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