2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

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I just don't this argument of bashing the state is going to win over the jury!
SUSTAIN it's already out there. Yeah JB is dumb, like a fox. I sure hope the jury can see through JB !!!!!!
No Mr. Baez, you are outrageous!!! I don't know if I can deal with this without cocktails... he's basically saying everyone but ICA has lied. Whatever!
baez is insinuating that evidence has been hidden, altered, etc.
I actually think JB MIGHT have a point about the cholorform searches.

But I think he's making it ALL wrong.
No doubt in my mind someone on the DT has been reading comments here on WS. He's using statements in his closing which I've read here. i.e. 'not a chemist' and 'throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks.'

If I was on the jury, I think I'd be wondering why Casey had set herself up for this persecution by the state when Caylee's death was a terrible accident. If Casey had just told the truth anytime over the last 3 years, we would not be here today. That's what's outrageous to me. It has nothing to do with all the forensic evidence. That one thing just doesn't make any sense to me.

I can understand why people want Jose Baez to flop but he is making points if one takes an objective look at it through eyes of jurors.
Who ever does the States Final Closing should deliver it wearing wading boots
RichardHornsby Richard Hornsby
@MarthaSugalski I think Baez may start crying soon! This is OUTRAGEOUS!
38 seconds ago
Don't know what makes me more nauseated: JB's 'show' OR Casey's faux face :sick:
OK, so now we know he's gonna do lots of emotion raising. If he had content, he would be presenting it.
Uh oh. Jose is getting a little emotional.
OMG please tell me the jury has to be as nauseous about this as me.
AmandaOberWESH Amanda Ober
#CaseyAnthony Jose is saying the Canadian computer expert testified falsely, committed fraud, tried to pull a fast one. Wow!
1 minute ago

I knew I didn't like how he mentioned some guy in Canada.
I don't know if you saw that vid I posted this morning at YouTube or not, but when it's sentencing time JB and crew may wish they had never filed their Motion to get him off the case.

I didn't realize until recently that Judge Strickland has NEVER sentenced anyone to the DP. Not so with HHJP.

Not only that, but HHJP actually attends *his* executions.

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