2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Apparently the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists recommends the first visit to be between 13-15.

Probably that's because it can be hard for a parent to know when their daughter IS sexually active. A lot of teens are in high school.

Regardless, as mentioned I'm sure that the women on the jury can point out that not going to the obgyn until your late teens / early 20s is common.

And while they're at it, someone can ask what Casey Anthony's obgyn visits (or lack thereof) has to do with the murder of a 3-year-old girl!
Good morning all. Will this end today? I sure hope so because I am ready for my life to be normal again.
I am so very confused at this point, because I believe that all of the A's - George included, have played into the scenario painted by JB. I can't quite get my mind around it...but what came first? The A's lies or JB's defense theory. Did he mastermind the defense theory of the century and the A's follow the script? Or did he use their dysfunction to write his defense theory?
Mind boggling. If this jury lets her go, I will not have faith in our judicial system anymore (and I work for a judge). It would seem the the one who lies the best, wins.
Someone should make a t-shirt for JA that says "The Laughing Man"
Wow! My mom dragged me to the gyn at 13, but she's a nurse and obsessed with health. The dentist was her favorite place to take me.

I don't believe I ever mentioned it to any of my friends at the time, but then again I was mortified at even having to go! I always thought my mom was just odd, but perhaps its more common???

I had irregular periods up until my mom took me to the gyn at around age 15-16. I was a virgin, so he, of course, would not do a gynecological exam. However he put me on birth control pills to straighten out my periods. I was so naive I never knew what they were. Just some pill I took every day. I later said if I had known, I could have had a lot more fun in my youth!!!
Side note- I am always amazed when girls 12 and up come into L&D downstairs. I guess it shouldn't shock me anymore, but it does. Not to say it happens everyday, but at least once a week a 'baby' comes in to have her baby.

We all stand around and shake our heads. Sad. Very sad.
Good morning friends :) I'm mentally prepared for LDB's closing arguments! I'll have breakfast with you, then shower and get dressed. I couldn't possibly attend court in my pajamas and incur HHJP's wrath....
Yesterday when JA went, everyone was soo impressed. Then JB went, and people were impressed... people are a little fickle and we listen to the last thing that we hear. I think it's awesome that SA gets to finish up today, right before deliberations. What THEY say will be fresh on the jurors mind and we all know that sometimes JB comes out with some 'reasonable doubt' and then SA gets up and crushes him like a soda can, so I have total faith.
That probably is because many "little" girls and I say little are actually starting their periods at 10 years old which was unheard of in my day.

My neice started her period her 10.

eta, morning, morning everyone, I am getting in where I fit in and between work calls playing catch up
A kitchen knife was found in the backseat of the car, and Cindy washed it and put it back in the drawer, so I think she cut the duct tape with the knife. I don't know what she did with the duct tape, but I believe she used it in the car. I have no idea what she did with the tape, but she probably tossed in the trash somewhere.

Here's what I wonder...did Caylee drown while ICA was neglecting her...ICA fished her out of the pool and laid her on the ground. The took her inside, laid her on Caylee's bed, wrapped the blanket around her, WRAPPED HER HEAD IN DUCT TAPE, bagged her and put her in the trunk. Then when the body decomposed, the blanket rotted away, the duct taped logically ended up where it did?
Help me...I need to believe once again that she murdered Caylee in cold blood.
I have this tendency to tune out when JB and CM are talking, so I can't say I'm impressed with their arguments yesterday. I just hope there aren't any jurors that have this "tuning out" problem when JA and LDB are talking!
Why is Richard Hornsby saying on twitter that he believes Frank George is finishing up for the state today? I think it was obvious yesterday that LDB will be (she was dressed very nicely and had notes on Lavender cards)
I had always heard 16-18, or when you become sexually active, whichever comes first, but I googled it just to be sure... I was shocked! Apparently the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists recommends the first visit to be between 13-15. I can't think of anyone I knew growing up that went at that age. I was 16 or so when I had my first visit, as were most of my girl friends at that time.


I have never heard that age before. I asked my OB/GYN when my daughters were in their late teens when they should come for their first visit. He said unless they are having problems or are sexually active, really no reason to until 20 or so. I know I didn't even go to an OB/GYN for my first two deliveries.

Remember one of the things Cindy said about this while she was testifying was that there was no reason for Caylee to go to a gynecologist because her regular doctor was able to take care of whatever came up. I didn't even go to an OB/GYN for my first two pregnancies. My general practice family doctor handled the prenatal care and delivery. Me thinks Baez needs to butt out of women's health care and just worry about his own health issues.
I had irregular periods up until my mom took me to the gyn at around age 15-16. I was a virgin, so he, of course, would not do a gynecological exam. However he put me on birth control pills to straighten out my periods. I was so naive I never knew what they were. Just some pill I took every day. I later said if I had known, I could have had a lot more fun in my youth!!!

LOL How funny! I was boy crazy, but I was an only child. My mom had nothing better to do than chaperon every date I had until I was about 17. I got my first kiss at 17 after my mom deemed me capable of dating alone. I walked down the aisle at 19 still mint in the box. LMAO I can't complain though. I never had the problems some of my friends experienced (pregnancy scares, regrets, etc).

I have 4 kiddos, so I don't know what I'm gonna do! Go grey I am sure.
After listening to various TH's I am very frushtrated, that I can't swallow. I do not see how ICA could walk with time served. I think JB did a good job yesterday, but I'm saying that because I expected him to fail, so anything better than fail, is good. Lot's of smoke and mirrors and the omission of certain testimony that would refute some of the facts that he presented (e.g. Maria Kish and the date that TL gave for the smell in the car). Again, he did do better than I expected.
I was a bit disappointed in JA and the whole laughing episode, I wish he hadn't done that. I didn't expect that from him. He is a very professional and very passionate man and awesome attorney, but that was not cool.
The State has been awesome in rebuttal and I think (I no longer expect anything) that LDB will tie this all up and make a lot of things perfectly clear.
I want Justice for Caylee, I do not want that precious child's murder ICA to walk free on this earth. I'm hoping for LWOP.


I, too, am disappointed in JA's part of that. I always marvel how attorneys and (most) defendants can keep emotions out of their faces, and I don't think I could do it. I think JA has been doing it often, however, and got busted only because of JB's outburst.
I wonder how it played to the jury, though, because all they heard was JB's outburst and an objection, sustained.
I think JB lost the jury in the first hr-I can not imagine them remembering half of what he said in the other 2 hrs or more he spoke..
Good Morning and Happy 4th!

I am thankful that the defense's "baffle them with BS" strategy is done and we can listen to LDB bring it home with basic common sense. I am worried though that the jurors have had enough reasonable doubt intro'd....it's NOT reasonable to ME, but I have way more info from the last three years than they do.
I won't deny that the Anthony family does not impress me. They have taken lying to levels I have never conceived of. However the blatant character assassination of George is just too, too much. He had NOTHING to do with his granddaughter's death or disposal. I really hope the jury believes this too.
I couldn't stomach all of the DT's closing yesterday, so I ended up watching a movie instead. That was a good move for me, because Jose was making me physically ill. I am so glad that we are about to hear the states rebuttal, can't wait.

Prayers for the jury.
Our Prayer Group has gotten together (280 People)
To pray all day together during LDB Rebuttal Closing Arguments,
And then all during the deliberation of the Jury.
I think JB lost the jury in the first hr-I can not imagine them remembering half of what he said in the other 2 hrs or more he spoke..

He may have lost them the second he started setting up his easel :crazy:
I'm off to work and can't watch today.

Want to wish my neighbors a :happy4th: :fireworks:
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