2011.07.06 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

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I watched dr drew last night. I saw tracy the lady who stayed at anthonys while casey was on bond. very very interesting. I really liked her and found her believable. casey is child like and was putting stickers on her knees. I really think that the anthonys know something is wrong with her. yikes. I opened up my morning paper two days in a row and found a columnist writing about the trial. amazing. Ill see if i can find the link and post it. He usually writes about stuff in the community. He must of been following he trial. :floorlaugh:
Good morning everyone.

Don't know about the rest of you but I am totally sick of HLN and IS on their non stop coverage of the trial, it is over and I wish they would move on. They only need to keep us informed as to what is happening at the time and what may be news to us..we watched the trial and don't need to see the videos a thousand more times. I don't care one iota about the opinions of all these talkers, nothing is going to sway my opinion of what happened to Caylee...she was murdered by her mother period!
We are not going to be able to heal from this very unjust verdict if they won't let it die down, there is nothing we can do about it and I accept that, but I want it gone from my head. This entire saga has consumed to much of my life and my mind and would like to get my life back to normal.
I agree, and I agree with those who say we are partly constituted by our acts. The ravages of time aside, she will never again have the face she had prior to June 2008, because she can never again go back to being that person. And even then she was not exactly Helen of Troy, she was more like Delusion of Fusion.

I just laughed myself sick over that BBM....how right you are too, how very right.
I intend to boycot anything connected to an Anthony. That being said, I'd love to see an ongoing thread that compiles WHO is making them offers, so I can contact and protest. If enough of us do that we can derail their gravy train.
I intend to boycot anything connected to an Anthony. That being said, I'd love to see an ongoing thread that compiles WHO is making them offers, so I can contact and protest. If enough of us do that we can derail their gravy train.

I believe thats already started to happen.
My DH and I watched every day of JS and trial. The minute the verdict was read, he was through and didn't want to see or hear anything else. On the other hand, I can't seem to stop watching everything on TV. I don't even understand myself...it's like if I decide to stop watching these TV programs, then I accept the verdict. I know that sounds silly and I wish I could 'let go.' Maybe today will be the day.
I was just sitting here wondering how this trial and the outcome is going to 'snowball' for CM and JB. CM has the Windemere case coming up (the millionaire who is accused of sex with underage females and convinced the chief of police to help him cover it up). I wonder if one of the questions asked of the PJ's is 'Do they recognize any of the lawyers' and if they'll get disqualified if they do. This is a 'paying' case for CM, his client is a millionaire.

Media offers are coming in for JB and then quickly being withdrawn due to backlash from the public.

It's going to be interesting to see how this affects both of their careers.
I am posing what I think a conversation between JB and FCA will be in the future; may be years, months, who knows but it WILL happen:

didnt you ever hear the one about the guy that found a wounded rattlesnake and took it home and healed it, nursing it back to health? when it was well it bit him: as he lay dying, he said why? I helped you, you would have died if I hadnt took care of you? and the snake said....

you knew what I was when you picked me up
I have felt a lot of things since I came home yesterday from the zoo and saw the verdict. And I just feel like sharing some of those thoughts...so here goes...

I felt the jury got it wrong, like many here do. I believe, however, that the defense raised enough doubt, and the reality of the Anthony family's 'character', which was brought out on the stand, was what led to the NG verdict. The Anthony's aren't known for their stand for the truth. They are liars. And personally, when I encounter a person that has lied to or about me, I completely discount anything they might say to me in the future. I certainly never trust them. Which makes all of their testimony, whither true or not, suspect. And it must be discounted. Even George - who I do NOT believe would ever cover up the death of his granddaughter and NEVER molested his daughter. He lied too for the past three years.
What would Caylee's life been like, had she lived? That's what I keep coming back to....would Casey give custody to George/Cindy and go on her merry way? NO. She used that little girl to sponge off her parents. Would Caylee grow up to be a mentally healthy woman? I doubt it. Not in that house. As much as she SHOULD HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE SAME OPPORTUNITY as all of us here, to grow up and have a family of her own, it was ripped from her. But now....she is safe. She is loved. She will never shed a tear or live in fear. And that gives me comfort in this difficult moment. She is safe in the arms of God. And while earthly justice may have failed, eternal justice NEVER will.
Just my thoughts.....

Thank you, Jen. Your thoughts mirror mine. I'll just add a few things: you are correct that Caylee would have suffered. I was just thinking that with this family testifying, we can see how horrific the dynamics in the household were. And with this in mind, poor Caylee didn't have a chance.
If Cindy and George had been halfway normal grandparents, maybe there would have been hope for her.
But they were all locked in to the drama and as my therapist friend often says, "We all play our part".

Here's what I think their parts were/are in the family structure:
Cindy: the rageaholic/controller. She and KC had a volatile relationship that was the central focus of the family dysfunction. She also nagged and yelled at GA and Lee.

George: The wuss. He saw it all and did nothing to stop it. He was a weak non participant. I imagine he "left" the scene alot and most likely, had numerous affairs to escape.

KC: the bad girl, the attention seeker, the mentally unstable, entitled brat. She ran the show, manipulating and conning her way through all the family interactions. She was "the star" and everyone walked on eggshells around her and were terrified of her.

Lee: He knew everything but felt powerless like GA. He tried to "fix" things but couldn't. IMO, he is as culpable and his despicable parents and sister.

So in looking back on this horror show, I believe that short of an intervention from protective services(chances of which were slim because of all their lies and secrets), Caylee didn't have a chance. She was held hostage by those who claimed to "love" her but were too sick to give her what she needed.

So many people tried to make sure that her life mattered and that the perps who mistreated her were brought to justice. Our justice system failed her. her family failed her. But we didn't and God didn't and as you say, she is safe in His arms right now as she is sitting on his lap and singing softly to Him.
My DH and I watched every day of JS and trial. The minute the verdict was read, he was through and didn't want to see or hear anything else. On the other hand, I can't seem to stop watching everything on TV. I don't even understand myself...it's like if I decide to stop watching these TV programs, then I accept the verdict. I know that sounds silly and I wish I could 'let go.' Maybe today will be the day.

Well, it's good to know that I'm not alone or stark raving crazy. Well, that might be questionable...but.:innocent:

IMO, HLN is not healthy for me/us who are trying to move on and heal. And yes, the constant videos are impossible to watch, especially the hug between JB and the inmate post verdict.
Part of my plan to "let go" is to tune in to FNC, my fave channel, but I find myself switching back to HLN due to anger at having to see Geraldo...end result: tears and churning inside resumes.

I'm in a beautiful vacation spot. Maybe I should do out in the canoe this am. What a concept!

I only allow myself a few minutes a day of HLN: Dr. Drew or NG.
I know I won't truly begin to move on until I turn that channel OFF and refuse to listen to or read anything about KC and the whole rotten cast of characters.
I have felt a lot of things since I came home yesterday from the zoo and saw the verdict. And I just feel like sharing some of those thoughts...so here goes...

I felt the jury got it wrong, like many here do. I believe, however, that the defense raised enough doubt, and the reality of the Anthony family's 'character', which was brought out on the stand, was what led to the NG verdict. The Anthony's aren't known for their stand for the truth. They are liars. And personally, when I encounter a person that has lied to or about me, I completely discount anything they might say to me in the future. I certainly never trust them. Which makes all of their testimony, whither true or not, suspect. And it must be discounted. Even George - who I do NOT believe would ever cover up the death of his granddaughter and NEVER molested his daughter. He lied too for the past three years.
What would Caylee's life been like, had she lived? That's what I keep coming back to....would Casey give custody to George/Cindy and go on her merry way? NO. She used that little girl to sponge off her parents. Would Caylee grow up to be a mentally healthy woman? I doubt it. Not in that house. As much as she SHOULD HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE SAME OPPORTUNITY as all of us here, to grow up and have a family of her own, it was ripped from her. But now....she is safe. She is loved. She will never shed a tear or live in fear. And that gives me comfort in this difficult moment. She is safe in the arms of God. And while earthly justice may have failed, eternal justice NEVER will.
Just my thoughts.....

Thank you, Jen. Your thoughts mirror mine. I'll just add a few things: you are correct that Caylee would have suffered. I was just thinking that with this family testifying, we can see how horrific the dynamics in the household were. And with this in mind, poor Caylee didn't have a chance.
If Cindy and George had been halfway normal grandparents, maybe there would have been hope for her.
But they were all locked in to the drama and as my therapist friend often says, "We all play our part".

Here's what I think their parts were/are in the family structure:
Cindy: the rageaholic/controller. She and KC had a volatile relationship that was the central focus of the family dysfunction. She also nagged and yelled at GA and Lee.

George: The wuss. He saw it all and did nothing to stop it. He was a weak non participant. I imagine he "left" the scene alot and most likely, had numerous affairs to escape.

KC: the bad girl, the attention seeker, the mentally unstable, entitled brat. She ran the show, manipulating and conning her way through all the family interactions. She was "the star" and everyone walked on eggshells around her and were terrified of her.

Lee: He knew everything but felt powerless like GA. He tried to "fix" things but couldn't. IMO, he is as culpable and his despicable parents and sister.

So in looking back on this horror show, I believe that short of an intervention from protective services(chances of which were slim because of all their lies and secrets), Caylee didn't have a chance. She was held hostage by those who claimed to "love" her but were too sick to give her what she needed.

So many people tried to make sure that her life mattered and that the perps who mistreated her were brought to justice. Our justice system failed her. her family failed her. But we didn't and God didn't and as you say, she is safe in His arms right now as she is sitting on his lap and singing softly to Him.
I watched dr drew last night. I saw tracy the lady who stayed at anthonys while casey was on bond. very very interesting. I really liked her and found her believable. casey is child like and was putting stickers on her knees. I really think that the anthonys know something is wrong with her. yikes. I opened up my morning paper two days in a row and found a columnist writing about the trial. amazing. Ill see if i can find the link and post it. He usually writes about stuff in the community. He must of been following he trial. :floorlaugh:

I watched it too. Great insight. Different people see this family differently, however. Dateline last night (which I just watched online) painted CA as controlling over KC. Jesse Grund painted her the same way. I got the feeling KC had to conform to CA. Then Tracey on Dr. Drew depicted KC has having more control over CA, and CA had to tiptoe around her to try to get the truth.

According to Tracey, KC was the happiest person she had ever met, and never once mentioned Caylee. The atmosphere in the house was that KC wasn't going to talk about Caylee until she was good and ready, and no one was going to force her to do it. The two that tried, GA and Leonard Padilla, were swiftly chewed out.

Tracey's explanation of how Leonard ended up searching the river near Blanchard Park was interesting. KC had been listening to a song by that mentioned somthing about "I hope you don't call out to me from under the water", and that led Tracey to believe Caylee was under water.
I am posing what I think a conversation between JB and FCA will be in the future; may be years, months, who knows but it WILL happen:

didnt you ever hear the one about the guy that found a wounded rattlesnake and took it home and healed it, nursing it back to health? when it was well it bit him: as he lay dying, he said why? I helped you, you would have died if I hadnt took care of you? and the snake said....

you knew what I was when you picked me up


I am definitely dating myself but here's a song from my uh....... teen years.......that explains it perfectly!

I saved you..... You bit me!
You knew darn well I was a snake before you brought me in!
ssssssssss-sighed the snake.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFQ6zZ5aID4"]YouTube - ‪the snake‬‏[/ame]
Al Wilson - The snake
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