2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

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I think CA's cousin is not only coocoo, but has been told exactly what to say by the mighty queen bee Cindy. It is just another way of putting poison into the minds of society so they will buy into their story they want to make money off of. It proves that Cindy doesn't believe and has never believed Casey did it.
So, between being held over as a potential juror, media contacted some of them? Is that where we are? I'm disgusted beyond belief if that's the case, and I'd want some serious penalty coming down on them...
Quote of the day provided by Judge Perry!

"Maybe trips to Walt Disney World with family kinda loosens up the tongue a little bit."

So, did they get trips to Disney while they were jurors or after the trial?
If they got them during the trial, kinda puts a damper on the juror who said they couldn't even swim.

I do remember HHJP mentioning side trips and entertainment.
Tha names will come out sooner or later. Some of them will give interviews for $$$$, I'm sure there are co-workers or neighbors too who know the names and why shouldn't they provide the names of these jurors for $$$ If KC/family/defense AND jurors can make money why not other citizens? what a circus!
Is someone saying one or more of the jurors was contacted before the trial? If so, didn't they have a responsibility to inform the judge of that ?

Yes ... the "juror" has a responsibility to inform the Judge IMMEDIATELY !



sheesh, now that's a problem. How void of character by the persons responsible for doing that.

News conglomerates are doing this.
In spite of what the SCOTUS says, corporations are not people.
Corporations do not have character ---or souls.

So, did they get trips to Disney while they were jurors or after the trial?
If they got them during the trial, kinda puts a damper on the juror who said they couldn't even swim.

I do remember HHJP mentioning side trips and entertainment.

during the trial
Aww how sweet now that Cindy's family knows Casey will be free and rich, they are suddenly supporting her. BARF
I thought JB said he didn't sign anything on behalf of ICA, didn't he? Nothing about himself signing tho, or about him signing for ICA later on...??

Apologies, yes. I am at work so I am going on by what has been quoted here.

I understand JB didn't deny or confirm if he had signed anything with William Morris. I will eat my shoes if he did. They are a huge, top level agency and don't rep killers, fellons or lawyers. I know they handle some politicians but they wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole.

I didn't see what Jose said/no idea if it was on tv or a written statement but this is Jose. He wants everyone to think agents are lining up to get press.
Pretty sure he/she was saying your comment was insane. Not you personally.

There is nothing in the 6th amendment about a jury having to explain their verdict. If the court and legal system are satisfied with it then they don't us anything,

I have a right to my opinion just like everyone else, I do not call other posters names or make insinuations about their mental state, the comment was rude.. plain and simple, the poster did not need to call my opinion insane, their opinion could have been worded differently without the need for snark, if you do not agree with my posts then just ignore them but not bash or belittle my opinions.
Yes ... the "juror" has a responsibility to inform the Judge IMMEDIATELY !




As I have said before...Cheney Mason has a lot of clout in the State of FL. Not accusing..just stating fact.
I wasn't talking about the jury being a victim. As far as they are concerned, they set the law of Karma in motion....for every action there is a reaction and they are reaping it now....Caylee is the only victim in all of this!

I have this bad habit of reading the thread backwards Wishbone so I thought you were. Assumed actually so I'm reading from page one now and sitting on my hands except to respond to you.
I'm so angry and hurt I could scream. ITA with your position...now that I'm not assuming I know what you meant in a one sentence response to someone else. Sorry- my bad totally.

I just never saw this coming and it's destroyed my belief system a little. Okay a lot! :(
And I really like Disney World! :( Shame on them...

I would also like to point out that DISNEY is one of the most ardently, vociferously litigious corps is the u.s.

We should ask them what they think of all this:innocent:
I'm having a real hard time understanding how "bird boy" was read the riot act about his actions possibly causing a mistrial but bookers in the courtroom and contacting the jury during the trial was just let go..............help!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the letters that Cindy's brother emailed her 3 years ago, he said that she never left George because of the financial aspect. Now Casey will come home, Cindy and her will get rich, and George will be bye-bye. We have not heard the last of the Anthony family drama.
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