2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

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I'm having visions of how the Ocotomom handled the press-- going about her daily business, smirking and flipping her hair, wearing great big sunglasses. :sick:
I have a tattoo on my wrist to help me put thing in perspective. I got when dealing with some difficult things in my person life. "There will be an answer" "Let it be" I will use this over the next week to help me cope with this too.


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On Vinnie's show last night Jean Casarez said HHJP forgot to tell them not to even consider what punishment should apply. JVM confirmed that ... so that 's what they did. They seemed to work backwards from punishment on....

Even before that interview, I had posted on a local news channel blog that I thought the jury believed that they were supposed to decide the case based on the DP. When I heard the verdict and subsequent juror comments, they misinterpreted and/or misunderstood the two separate phases of the case. They knew that they were being questioned about their feelings about the DP during voie dire, and I think they believed that this meant that their decision could or would result in a death sentence for Casey. If this is what happened, justice has not been served in the case. jmo
Today I set you free from me baby Caylee, you've always been an angel to me, but, as someone a few days ago posted, now you sit on a rainbow, swinging your leg and singing, and when I find a penny on the ground I will think of you baby Caylee and I will remember you are at peace. Good by sweet baby.

I wish I could remember who wrote about baby Caylee sitting on a rainbow, they were beautiful words. Thank you, your words have truely helped me these last few days.
Shoot bet shes going to new york or hollywood. word on the streets is jose already got her a publist.

I'll scream if she comes out to Hollywood near me. She better remember that although we were responsible for letting go of OJ we didn't hesitate to put Scott Peterson on death row. We learned our lesson.
I'm having visions of how the Ocotomom handled the press-- going about her daily business, smirking and flipping her hair, wearing great big sunglasses. :sick:

Wonder if ICA still has those big white sunglasses and all the clothes she bought with stolen money?
The Anthony's have not yet returned to their Orlando home. Waiting to hear a response from them on Casey's release.

by cfnews13casey via twitter 10:12 AM
Casey better not think they will welcome her in Hollywood. Doesn't sound like any of the celebrities are too happy with her right now. Julie Chen was so upset she couldn't even continue speaking on her show "The Talk".

I love it that the first offer she got was for *advertiser censored* *advertiser censored* and even they took their offer back asap. That just goes to show you how unwanted Casey is in the US. Not even fit to be a *advertiser censored* star, Yikes.... Hopefully she will leave the country when she is allowed to be completely free of all her obligations in FLA.
I'll scream if she comes out to Hollywood near me. She better remember that although we were responsible for letting go of OJ we didn't hesitate to put Scott Peterson on death row. We learned our lesson.
Speaking of SP, when in the heck is his death day?
I'm having visions of how the Ocotomom handled the press-- going about her daily business, smirking and flipping her hair, wearing great big sunglasses. :sick:

This exact thought crossed my mind as well.....then I smiled a little smile and laughed a hearty laugh! Octomom ended up broke and hawking everything on her front lawn.:great:
Plans will have already have been made to book Casey into Plastic Surgery.

This time next month she could blend easily into a crowd with a new identity and new looks

This time next year she could have a baby

It's very sad but true.

She has not showed an ounce of compassion or shown any remorse at all - This is what galls us all

Let Karma take its course...the wheels started turning a long time ago - Karma will be justice
I'm having visions of how the Ocotomom handled the press-- going about her daily business, smirking and flipping her hair, wearing great big sunglasses. :sick:

What I truly hope (is this vigilante justice???) is that the press follows her very single minute of every single day for years and criticizes and slaps the most unflattering pictures of her all over the media. Run those pics right night to the back acne tattoo pic, and point out, relentlessly, about how Caylee is not eating a sandwich, Caylee is not at the beach, Caylee is not shopping.... For the rest of her life.
Funny you mention that. I just chastised my sorority sister on facebook today for complaining about jury duty. She was pissed she had to go in today. I love her to death but still *****ed her out for not understanding how important it is.

As I have been considering whether the jury could have possibly been influenced enough by their desire to go home to go ahead and settle on a "not guilty" verdict without going over the evidence, I thought about how hard people try to get out of jury duty and how they regard it as nothing more than a huge inconvenience. I guess if that is one's attitude, and then one is selected and kept away from normal life for several weeks, one might be chomping at the bit to get out, and feel more comfortable letting someone walk than potentially putting them in the death seat, in order to get one's freedom.
Does KC realize this trial was international? Does she think she can go to another country and not be recognized? Pfft, she's a baby killer, we ALL know who she is.

She has a rude awakening coming, because I don't think she's been made entirely aware-- they've been filling her with promised of shrimp and champagne, bubble baths and soft sheets, chocolate and good coffee-- not how infamous she's become world wide. jmo
Fluffy (your's is my favorite name on the board - it's DS nickname)

I must tell you that I am one of those people who has gone and served every single time I am called. Every. Single. Time.

I am not sure I will continue to do so.

(Sigh I know, I know, just give me some time)

Ty for your post and I understand your feelings completely and hope you reconsider about serving.
If anything we have learned that we need to stand up for our convictions, especially when serving on a jury.
I heard about the juror who described the discussions when they were considering manslaughter. If one, only ONE person had held out the events we are seeing this week would not be playing out in this way.
I cannot speak to why the jurors changed their minds concerning the manslaughter charge but I cannot help but wonder if some peer pressure may have played a part.
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