2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

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I just went to look real quick if there was anything on the net about LE and a new attorney and couldn't find anything, but like I said, it was a real quick look.
Could people please quit telling others it is time to move on. No one has the right to tell another person when it is time for them to move on. How in the world could anyone tell another person what is best for them in this situation? Each person is capable of making that decision for themselves. That is the same as telling other people what they should think.

Thank you!
This was reported live on HLN just a few minutes ago. Apparently some of the HLN producers were sitting in front of Cindy and George in the court room and they overheard a conversation between Lippman and the Anthony's. Lippman told them that he'd received a call from Lee and he said he had a new atty.


Everyone who's milking this for profit will be throwing wild rumours out to keep interest alive

Right now, they're trying to de-fuse the rage by ridiculing all those who feel this case was a travesty of justice. They're offering peanuts to people to post in blogs and sites all over the net. They're called Paids to Post. They post for pay -- for peanuts actually -- cents per post. They're trying to swing public opinion and SILENCE all those who're disgusted with the farce we've just witnessed

Every time one of us clicks on a site or tunes into 'news' and 'opinion' shows on tv or radio --- money changes hands

WE -- OUR opinions -- are worth BIG MONEY

So they're going to churn out another rumour every 60 seconds -- to keep us clicking on sites and listening to talking heads

You're VALUABLE. And they're going to keep on working you and your emotions for THEIR profit
She is no longer on probation. Her probation expired 1/11


Anthony is being held without bail in the Orange County Jail on a first-degree-murder charge. That's where she's serving her check-fraud sentence, which includes one year of probation.

The state's Web site lists all the people who are incarcerated, serving probation or parole, or who have escaped from supervision.

Normally, the site also provides photos of those people. But in Anthony's case, the photo is missing, as well as certain details about her physical characteristics, such as hair and eye color.

The state's not in a hurry to update its Web site.

A probation officer will soon visit her at the jail to explain the conditions of her probation and what to do if she is released from jail, said Gretl Plessinger, spokeswoman for the Department of Corrections.

The probation officer may take a photo of her during the visit for the Web site, Plessinger said. Afterward, the probation officer will check on Anthony's status at the jail regularly.

"She's in jail, so we know where she is," Plessinger said. "She is not out in the community like our other offenders."

Don't know how accurate this is but yesterday Kathi Belich and Bill Shaeffer were talking and Kathi said she remembered the probation on the felonies but said that the probation was not supposed to start until such time as she was released from jail. She said it was discussed in court when the sentence was imposed or something like that and that she was going to go look it up.

I don't know anyone that would buy a book ICA wrote .None of my friends or family ..who would the market be ?
I will boycott any movie promoting her ..who would sponser it ??
I think as a stipulation of her release that she should have to get spayed before shes released into the public.
Lee has a new attorney. Would he be able to file a civil suit against Casey?

Lee has been team Casey throughout the trial. He is partially responsible for this verdict. Never will he file a suit against her.
Juror #2 wished for more evidence to convict

"I just swear to God ...," said the juror, who spoke to a reporter on condition of anonymity on Wednesday. "I wish we had more evidence to put her away. I truly do ..."


Yes, because over 300 ITEMS OF EVIDENCE sent back to the jury deliberation room was not enough for them.

11 hours? They didn't take another look at ONE piece of evidence.

Not when you factor in 2 lunch breaks and God only knows how many "special breaks" in that 11 hours.

:loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser:
:loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser:
Oh yea, nothing prettier than a baby killer. This family needs a gift certificate for lifelong psychiatric care.

Don't think it would help, they are too twisted. I don't think that personality disorders respond well to treatment, and IMO theirs are really bad.
I just have a hinky feeling that by the time I get home this afternoon, she's gonna be out.

:waitasec::waitasec: So ... should Cindy keep that "pot of chili" warm ... or "freeze it " for when ICA does get out ?

So. Caylee just duct taped herself, jumped into a few bags and rolled herself on down to the swamp for giggles.


Evidence was there. The problem is: It wasn't looked at.

That's what really bothers me. They didn't care how the child was bagged and tossed. Did they truly think it was an accident? An accident and Casey spent three years on jail keeping her mouth shut? They left their common sense at home.
I think that The Prosecution gave the jury too much credit - Jose Baez started instructing them on what Reasonable Doubt is - I thought I was listening to a lecture as I never have heard a lawyer give such instructions. The Prosecution did go into an explanation of Reasonable Doubt but I wish that The Prosecution would have talked about The Validity of Circumstantial Evidence - told the jury if you walk outside and your shoe is wet it's circumstantial evidence that it has rained.

There are so MANY BIG HEARTS on this forum - and so many intelligent posters. It's what makes this forum so great because you can read what intelligent caring people think. I have no fears that this forum will be changed forever for the worst because of the verdict in this case - I don't think it's reasonable that out of 12 people not one of them stated that they had to review the evidence before coming to a verdict. The female juror - nursing student, single - said that if she along with her 11 other jurors had to write down the cause of death none of them would have had the same answer & therefore they had to say Not Guilty. This juror is wrong in her belief that she along with her other 11 jurors had to believe exactly the same thing - so I think this jury was ignorant in many ways. I wouldn't want a Nurse who couldn't figure out my leg was broken after seeing the bone starting to break through my skin - I think as a Nursing Student she could tell if my leg was broken but was VERY IGNORANT in how to reach a verdict & her responsibility as a juror.

In my opinion, Judge Perry has done everything in his power to ensure justice for Caylee. I have a feeling Judge Perry sits in every case that he presides over ensuring justice.

This case brought me to this board - I'm grateful that I found this forum - it's filled with so many smart good hearted people who illustrate there is still good in this world. I think members of this forum will work hard to see Caylee's Law become a law - no one will ever be able to repeat what Casey Anthony did & get away with it. Our children of the world deserve this - they deserve for all of us to work together to make sure that they are protected & safe. I think this is one of the reasons this verdict is so difficult - because it's as though the jury is stating that we don't care about children - children can be dumped in a swamp like trash & we don't care. Our children of the world are cared about - it's evident on this board. I don't think anyone on this forum before this case would think a law would need to be in place to deter people from going over a month before reporting their child missing - this case highlighted a new evil & members on this forum I'm certain will work hard to get Caylee's Law passed.

First of all thank you mods for giving us a place to vent...I think we all needed it...

Second...thank you for bringing us back under moderation.

Not sure what I am looking forward to today...

Nothing will bring Caylee back...nothing will change the last 3 years. IF KC decides to stop lying and actually work maybe become a law student...that will be worth the last 3 years...but if she continues to lie...to live a selfish life...I believe that there are 12 people that will be held responsible by a higher authority.

Morning all!!!
Convicted felons may not receive federal financial aid, so at least the country won't be paying for her education. Right? :waitasec:
:grouphug: I haven't been around because I am so heartbroken, like a lot of you. I am thankful the judge has sentenced her to the max. That's all he can do. I am just thankful he carried out some kind of justice with what he had to work with.

Hugs to everyone... I cannot stand watching anything about this case anymore so I'll be hangin' out in other threads :)

I am so sorry Caylee. At least you are in the arms of angels and surrounded by the love of mommies that have also gone too soon...
Inside the jail she will be drumming up business for Baez. Everyone will want to know how she did this. Probably be very popular there.

No doubt. JB will be unindated with calls from every accused child molestor and child killer in the state of Florida. Sad...
According to a Florida lawyer's site I am reading, an uncle or grandparents cannot file "wrongful death" and there is a 2-yr statute of limitations anyway...FWIW
Lee has been team Casey throughout the trial. He is partially responsible for this verdict. Never will he file a suit against her.

Well, he might -- to gain publicity and keep interest alive until they can rush out a doco and movie and series and book
They just said on HLN she will put in general population. I would be scared sh**less if i were her.

No offense, but I would have to hear that from a court or Sheriff official before I would believe it. She is still considered high profile.
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