2011.07.11 Greta Van Sustern interview with Jury Foreperson

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He probably got paid a nice sum for the first interview without showing his face. His "value" didn't decrease for the next interview because he held something back. (his face) Now a network will pay just as much for him to interview and show his face. The OTR site says they got his first interview.

I'm gonna be rude and quote my own post from 7/13/11. I knew that "scared to show his face" was just a ruse for more money.

can yall give a summary? pretty please? it wont let me watch cause I am in the UK :snooty:

He said he was shocked when he heard she was getting out of jail on Sunday. He said juror #12 would do his laundry and even fold his underwear. he said he refused to look at her when the verdict was read. he finds it mordifying that she was offered a million dollars for her story. On day 1 when the jury was being selected he said he thought she was guilty. "I think she played a hand in something, we just don't know what"
What do you think of CA? - "I don't ever want to see CA again" If you ran into her what would you say? "I wouldn't say nothing."
What would you do? " I would just walk away" bla-bla-bla
He continued his ONLINE studies every night for his masters degree. ALWAYS under the watchful eye of a Deputy. bla- bla -bla
------------JURY INSTRUCTIONS----

..as to count 3, the defense "special finding" was:

--------------Verdict Forms-----

--count 3 --manslaughter---page 4. special finding.

--we find that kc was a caregiver for caylee at the time of the offense
--we find that kc was not a caregiver for caylee at the time of the offense

--juror #2 , the last hold out for manslaughter---BY KC---changed his vote when he couldn't decide if ( the mother of the child ) WAS or WASN'T a caregiver at the time of the offense.

..apparently he concluded, either alone or with help from the other 11, that she wasn't a very nice caregiver----to be committing manslaughter---so had to check off "No, she was not a caregiver".

..which "made him by default" have to also check off "NG" on page 3----the manslaughter charge.

..which then resulted in--------"we have a 12-0 verdict!!".

..save us.
I understood this differently.
I took the caregiver instructions to mean that the juror had to believe that KC was the person present and responsible for taking care of Caylee at the time of her death. If they believed that GA may have been present at the time too, the juror could not check it off. We know that #11 emphasized to Greta that GA was there. (He said GA was there, he was there during all time of the grey area) I think #11 stressed that to #2 so that he would not check it off. Why did they not know GA was at work that day?
I'm gonna be rude and quote my own post from 7/13/11. I knew that "scared to show his face" was just a ruse for more money.


Yep! Whoda thunk money could remove his trembling fear? DISGUSTING!!!!

I still can't bring myself to watch the video, but I was reading through comments other places, it's being said that at the end of the report, Ashleigh Banfield thinks it's amazing that he continued his online studies every day during sequestration from the hotel.

Did any of you brave souls who watched this, hear that part?
Read as a comment underneath one of the articles today:

' The jurors should be charged with "accessories after the fact" '​

Sorry to all those who insist we should respect that jury, but, :rocker::rocker::rocker:
I'm gonna be rude and quote my own post from 7/13/11. I knew that "scared to show his face" was just a ruse for more money.


You were certainly right!


Here is our foreperson in all his glory, on Good Morning America. Ashley Banfield interviews him. Folks, it just keeps getting better and better. :sigh:

(It starts about 20 seconds into the video, after the commercial.)


Juror #12 was washing all his clothes?

So now that ABC is interviewing him, he's not so afraid to show his face? I wonder what perks he got for that? Of course he has to stand by and defend his decision, but it sounds like he's back peddling a bit to me.

And whoever said he looked like George Clooney? Umm..... just NO.
-----------excellent read

Alex Ferrer, a former criminal judge in Miami, said on Fox News that when jurors deliberate, they sometimes leave behind their common sense.
They said the prosecution had not shown exactly how Caylee Anthony died, where she died, or when she died. That was not their obligation. Their obligation was to determine if Casey Anthony had killed her daughter.

As for who did it, Casey Anthony’s failure to report the death of her daughter for 31 days, her lying to investigators trying to find her, and her obvious jubilation after the death of her daughter are as compelling as any DNA evidence.

Many commentators have said we must respect the findings of the jury and not second guess their decision. That is pure baloney. If we are to maintain our system of laws, we should respect the jury system.

Thank you! I needed that! this has been my argument. When someone does a poor job at their job we have every right to tell them so. When doctors mess up they get sued. It does not mean we do away with doctors it just means that doctor did a poor job!

"If we are to maintain our system of laws, we should respect the jury system. It is far better than carrying out lynchings in banana republics. But as demonstrated when juries convict people who are later exonerated by DNA evidence, juries are far from perfect. We have no obligation to pretend that they are by saying we respect their verdict however mindless it may be.

"In the Casey Anthony case, the jury failed at its job, and a murderer went free."

loved these statement too! :rocker:
I don't get the clothes washing part. What on earth is he talking about?

Apparently she was the "den mother" type. Very helpful. Even washed all his clothes and folded his underwear. He didn't know underwear could be folded.
Yep! Whoda thunk money could remove his trembling fear? DISGUSTING!!!!

I still can't bring myself to watch the video, but I reading through comments other places, it's being said that at the end of the report, Ashleigh Banfield thinks it's amazing that he continued his online studies every day during sequestration from the hotel.

Did any of you brave souls who watched this, hear that part?

I have TWO major problems with that.

Number one, how do we know he didn't break his sequestration--the deputy was not looking over the guys shoulder every second. He could have sent and received im's or emails to/from anyone.

Two, doing an online college course is very time consuming and mentally challenging. I have helped my son with editing some of his essays for his BA in criminal justice. Those online classes can be very time consuming and difficult. It is hard to imagine that this foreman could listen to forensic testimony all day long and then study for his masters in the evenings and keep it all straight. And he didn't. imo
I sincerely hope that the other jurors, armed now with more information, are questioning and regretting their verdict.

This foreperson will never, ever see what people are so wigged out about. He has all the answers -- just ask him. I wouldn't be surprised if he bullied the others into his version of the law and that a few others, now removed from his influence, regret and recognize what I believe was a gross miscarriage of justice. I hope so anyway.


If he bullied me in a case this serious, I would not have wasted a second getting word to HHJP about what he was doing, I don't suffer fools or bullies well. Nobody stood up to this guy for Caylee. This was about justice for Caylee not wild theories. He was to deliberate over evidence along with 11 others not orchestrate a verdict or a theory that in no way fit FACTS and bully 11 people to follow suit.
Thank you! I needed that! this has been my argument. When someone does a poor job at their job we have every right to tell them so. When doctors mess up they get sued. It does not mean we do away with doctors it just means that doctor did a poor job!

Respectfully snipped. I adore your mind , Manatee :tyou: :hug: :takeabow:
So now that ABC is interviewing him, he's not so afraid to show his face? I wonder what perks he got for that? Of course he has to stand by and defend his decision, but it sounds like he's back peddling a bit to me.

And whoever said he looked like George Clooney? Umm..... just NO.

But he did not show his face, not really. He did back of the head, and side shots only. They will need to buck up some more cash to get the frontal view. If we want to see the Clooney wannabe in all his glory someone needs to pony up some more cash. Yuk
Thank you! I needed that! this has been my argument. When someone does a poor job at their job we have every right to tell them so. When doctors mess up they get sued. It does not mean we do away with doctors it just means that doctor did a poor job!

"If we are to maintain our system of laws, we should respect the jury system. It is far better than carrying out lynchings in banana republics. But as demonstrated when juries convict people who are later exonerated by DNA evidence, juries are far from perfect. We have no obligation to pretend that they are by saying we respect their verdict however mindless it may be.

"In the Casey Anthony case, the jury failed at its job, and a murderer went free."

loved these statement too! :rocker:

right on!!!!!!!!:rocker:
But he did not show his face, not really. He did back of the head, and side shots only. They will need to buck up some more cash to get the frontal view. If we want to see the Clooney wannabe in all his glory someone needs to pony up some more cash. Yuk

He needs to grow a set ... if you know what I mean :banghead:
If the other 11 jurors allowed themselves to be "bullied" by the foreman, that is on them, not on the system. This isn't a schoolyard where the "bully" is bigger and tougher than they are. Everyone had the right to hold out, if they did not agree with the group decision. And if they "caved", well, we are dealing with humans here, not machines, it happens. Probably lots more than we know, but this case is getting all of the attention. JMO.
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