2011.07.11 Greta Van Sustern interview with Jury Foreperson

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He said there was one person who was felt strongly about her guilt. Whoever that juror is, please come forward and tell what really took place.
It has to be #2 as he says he was the last holdout for guilt and sounds haunted by the whole thing.
So he must have been the one who felt strongly about 1st degree. I guess he gave in after he was chastised about emotions in front of everyone.

I got the votes mixed up. 1st one was 10-2 against felony 1 (2 for) then 6-6 for manslaughter. I don't remember if he said he wanted felony 1
It just really bothers me that they could not figure out WHY george might be a bit 'combative' on the witness stand. JB has the bus in high gear, aiming to roll right over him, and George was trying to stand up out of the way. But these jurors act all outraged that he could ' not just say yes or no.'

# 11 totally missed the point about the gas cans. Baez was trying to frame George with that tape on the gas can so of course George was putting up a fight. But #11 just said he was combative. WHO WOULDN'T BE if they were accused of child rape and murder?

The jury obviously didn't think the prosecution's case was "sexy" enough.
This was posted here but the date on the photo is 7/5=verdict day? It also says "while being a juror" but unless the other person with her is also a juror (I don't think so!) that makes no sense=it was verdict day..Confused? lol Me too!


OK that's not Disney.LOL July 5 was a Tuesday.
I totally agree. Remember how GA was Aston's first witness. Everyone was talking about how brilliant that was. Then JB was a total failure. He didn't even know how to conduct a cross. We were all laughing at him. That's when the foreman made his decision. He didn't hear anything after that.

Right, I am sure that's why he took 400 pages of notes.
That's the way I took it. I need to listen again because that's when he started talking in circles.

Greta took the interview from last night off her web page. I heard Vinnie played it today and took it apart sentence by sentence. I've been looking for a replay.

I don't know if it's gone from her web page but I saved it & put the link in a post above..I saw some of Vinnie doing that today..It was :great:
I got the votes mixed up. 1st one was 10-2 against felony 1 (2 for) then 6-6 for manslaughter. I don't remember if he said he wanted felony 1

I would be interested on which juror hung together more as a group. Bet I can make a good guess :crazy: Just from hearing the foreman I would say he had a loud personality :twocents:
I totally agree. Remember how GA was Aston's first witness. Everyone was talking about how brilliant that was. Then JB was a total failure. He didn't even know how to conduct a cross. We were all laughing at him. That's when the foreman made his decision. He didn't hear anything after that.

The fact they liked JB says all I need to know. If they couldn't see his tactics (which bordered on unethical in their presence and certainly unethical in their absence) for what they were then there is little else to say. I guess it is more important to smile and say good morning than present truthful evidence. I have seen absolutely no sign these jurors have even one iota of critical thinking skills. Their thinking is so elementary and superficial. It is apparent the evidence was above their heads so they focused on the DT opening statement which was more along the lines of a Lifetime movie plot...that they could identify with and understand. How unfortunate.
Ok, waited for days , but I finally contacted my Sis' and boyfriend.. both lawyers and they said, the jury DID NOT listen to JP"s instructions, nor bother to read the big packet they were each given. *Conger up aJP scowl here*

Instead, this jury relied on innuendo... Baez trailer talk trash! To the point where they could never see the forest for the trees.

Very sad all of this, but it won't stop me from signing every dingdang petition that flows my way...

So anyway, that gives me...personally a tiny bit of insight to the demographics of Pinellas County.

Glad I live where I do and not there!
Right, I am sure that's why he wrote 400 pages of notes.

Does anyone know what those "notes" were? He didn't even know that GA went to work on the 16th. He didn't know which day Caylee went "missing'. He didn't know that COD was not required for a guilty verdict. He told the other jurors they could not consider her bad behavior.
Don't be worried about the baby killer who threw her child into a swamp. Nah....worry about the lawyers instead. That poor baby was let down by all 12 of them. Did they totally forget this case was about a dead 2 year old?

I specifically heard Judge Perry instruct the jury that the attorney's were not the ones on trial. Guess that flew right over their heads too. Therefore, they were not to take their feelings about any of the lawyers into consideration. But what do I know, I'm just an "idiot blogger" :loser:
According to the brilliant foreman - they couldn't "legally" take her behavior into consideration. They were tasked with determining cause of death...only.

My head is going to explode.

Huh? They couldn't take her behavior into consideration? Is he for real? He really didn't pay attention. I guess KC's making eyes at him worked to her advantage.
Does anyone know what those "notes" were? He didn't even know that GA went to work on the 16th. He didn't know which day Caylee went "missing'. He didn't know that COD was not required for a guilty verdict. He told the other jurors they could not consider her bad behavior.

I am a little skeptical at these 400 pages of notes. I remember all kinds of tweets saying that not many notes were taken by anyone, except Ms Shall Not Judge, who only took notes when the defense presented.
A few years ago Greta would have had good questions instead of letting him control everything. Maybe he just has a way of taking control. He said he had someone helping him out and said "she" so it was a woman. I would bet that it was juror #3. He didn't really say in what way she was helping but it wouldn't surprise me if it was bullying the other jurors who didn't agree. Why didn't they use paper to put their vote on? That seems less intimidating to me. I have no doubt that this guy is the reason for the verdict. He is a know-it-all and is very persuasive. He can read people by his own words, and he knew just how to get at them to persuade them. The more I hear of these jurors, the sicker I get. They let this man tell them what they were supposed to do and he didn't have a clue.
The fact they liked JB says all I need to know. If they couldn't see his tactics (which bordered on unethical in their presence and certainly unethical in their absence) for what they were then there is little else to say. I guess it is more important to smile and say good morning than present truthful evidence. I have seen absolutely no sign these jurors have even one iota of critical thinking skills. Their thinking is so elementary and superficial. It is apparent the evidence was above their heads so they focused on the DT opening statement which was more along the lines of a Lifetime movie plot...that they could identify with and understand. How unfortunate.

This is what I dont understand. It seems most of the juror that have spoken all seem to like JB. Its almost like they hung with him outside the court room. Its like they are talking about a friend or something. Seems werid to me.
Yah, and she's the one that, according to all the reports and descriptions after Jury selection, seemed to want to be on the jury. She was loving the idea of free room and board in a nice hotel for a few weeks.

And if I remember correctly, she said something about 'how hard it was' to see the pool and not be able to go out there. FGS. How torturous that must have been. How did she ever get through it?
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