2011.07.16-17 HLN & FOX (Weekend) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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However, other vehicles did leave that building and she could have been out of sight in one of them. After the stop at Mason's office, do wonder if she could be at his house......


Mason was reported to be at New Smyrna Beach. She may be with him and his wife there. But lights were seen on in his office early morning hours. That bldg is a very secure bldg and no one can get near those offices I have read on Morgan's twitter.
No I wasn't saying that he was an MD. Sorry to confuse.
I was asking if he was one.
So he's a PhD?

Most Evil is an American forensics television program on Investigation Discovery presented by forensic psychiatrist Michael Stone of Columbia University. On the show, Stone rates murderers on a scale of evil that he has developed.

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most_Evil"]Most Evil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Most_evil_logo.png" class="image"><img alt="Most evil logo.png" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/7/72/Most_evil_logo.png/250px-Most_evil_logo.png"@@AMEPARAM@@en/thumb/7/72/Most_evil_logo.png/250px-Most_evil_logo.png[/ame]
WTH..GR asking Dr Stone about the white pages and how many ZGs there are??

Sombody put me out of my misery...what the heck is going on here. This panel is yelling and cross-talking.
I think this is a good bet because Jose needs to keep a lid on Casey if he expects to rake in a fortune on her so he has to have her under a lock down of some sort. He can then leave the yacht, go meet with whatever sleasy outlet wants to try to make a buck on FCA,then come back and sweet talk her. She'll fall for it because psychopaths do have some blinders. They never think anyone could outsmart them, for one.

Putting myself in Casey's shoes (purchased at Walmart with Amy's money) If I was now out, I would not want to be flown away, even with the dangers that may exist, I would probably be very close to JB as he has been my only means of human communication and support. I would be very attached to him for a while following this event. I am just being honest, I would probably want and need him to help me. She is young, she has no way to take care of herself and she only knows him right now. I think she is close by. (not going to be surprised if they hook up) just sayin...
Ummm how are the A's paying for their ever present lawyer while they are on disability?
Mason was reported to be at New Smyrna Beach. She may be with him and his wife there. But lights were seen on in his office early morning hours. That bldg is a very secure bldg and no one can get near those offices I have read on Morgan's twitter.

Regarding the office, she certainly would have to be with someone if she were still in there. Also, by tomorrow, everyone will be back at work and she'd never get out unnoticed!
I agree, I think he is scratching his head that no one is giving up money for "her story".....if we want a fairytale Jose we'll turn on Disney.....I've said all along this train wreck is going to catch up with Jose and his client....I heard that in his voice tonight.....KARMA

And she probably hasn't shut up since she got in the suv last nite.
Hopefully not many people are watching it....I'm not, just Boycotting anything related to this circus! I guess I can watch it later on Youtube:rocker:
WTH..GR asking Dr Stone about the white pages and how many ZGs there are??

Sombody put me out of my misery...what the heck is going on here. This panel is yelling and cross-talking.
Why is Geraldo even still on TV? He has been washed up for about 20 years.
Pit Bull Lipmman defends CA..because somebody on the panel called her a liar...god forbid. "She never testified she searched those days"..oh dear I can't take this...give me my beer!

I couldn't stomach Baez. To me, one of the best things about this trial is now that it's over, I no longer have to listen to his voice. JMO

I have been watching the rerun of Nancy Grace's Justice for Caylee on HLN and it definitely brought back the emotion. I cannot believe this is still affecting me this way nearly 2 weeks after the NG verdict. I have realized how emotionally invested I have become in this case and am struggling to recover from the tailspin that verdict has thrown me into. I hope we can all find closure in some way in regards to this case, but until I see some sort of accountability here I have a sinking suspicion that it will always be an open wound :(
I feel the same way!
The verdict truely took me by surprise and it has deeply sickened me!
I so want to see KC punished, as she deserves!
That would give me closure!
I think with everyone watching airports, she drove right by them and waved from her Toyota Camrey, in her hat and sunglasses.


She should be forced to sleep in it! I hope it smell just as bad today as it did when she dumped it :twocents:
I really believe Geraldo is helping them, Jose has not been on any other show, hasn't called in to any other show....but shows up tonight with his jacked up phone on Geraldo's show....Geraldo is selling his soul to the devil....the whole bunch of them makes me sick. I have to say I finally believe CA and GA are getting what is coming to them....Casey is treating them like garbage.....guess they should be glad they wouldn't fit in a laundry bag....
Well I'm going to go hug my sleeping child now and go to bed, hopefully I don't wake her up but I feel a strong and sudden urge to do so.. Goodnight justice seekers.. RIP sweet Caylee
I haven't forgiven Michael Vick. A Lot of people are boycotting BET and Subway because of their sponsorship of him.

I didn't know Subway was sponsoring him! I will certainly let them know what I think about that! :mad:
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