2011.07.16-17 HLN & FOX (Weekend) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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Doesn't matter. Caylee loved her mom and no emotional reactions will ever change that.

All children love their mom, even the abused, even the innocent child like Caylee who was unsuspecting of her up-coming murder at the hands of the very person she trusted the most.

Yes, emotional reaction did change that; Caylee is forever dead but I am grateful beyond measure that Casey will never again enjoy Caylee's purity of love.

Casey is undeserving and if she learns no other lesson from this, let it be that one.
Why is it that "media" always picks the pathetic individuals to interview and film?

You never hear from the intelligent, educated, worldly, person on the street.......do you?

It looked like she found HIM. Three times. She was asking for Nancy Grace, he was trying to get away from her, and if I heard her correctly she said at the end there that "George did it". He said thank you, goodbye.
One thing I've learned from these people is to trust no one or nothing as far as the Anthony's are concerned. Who actually knows if the Anthony's were against her or did they all play a part in the scheme for acquittal....who knows?!?! I think there is a good possibility that they have put up this front to throw cameras and followers off their trail and she will be holed up in the Hopespring Dr. home of her parents. I wouldn't be suprised at anything anymore....who says she's still in the Orlando jail for that matter?!?!?!
Sorry but there is some nasty stuff being said on that blog from JimL. What is wrong with people? jmo
I wish no one cared a whit about where she goes. I pray I never hear of her again but I know I can't be so lucky.. I hope she never writes a book or that no one cares about it or reads it. I hope she is never interviewed and I hope if she is, no one watches it. I hope there are no movies and if there are that she is not involved. Everyone needs to make her anonymous and a parriah. No one anyone wants to know or speak of. I think she is thrilled she is getting all this attention.

And yet here we all are. :fence: Waiting and watching.
It looked like she found HIM. Three times. She was askin for Nancy Grace, he was trying to get away from her, and if I heard her correctly she said at the end there that "George did it". He said thank you, goodbye.

Yep! That'd be Lois. What an intelligent woman...:floorlaugh:
My date doesn't know it yet, but we'll be be staying here tonight.

ETA: If I lived in Orlando, I'd prolly suggest we go to the jail for some fun.

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

You just made me feel better about being married. (And I NEEDED that tonight!) I looked at DH and said "We're going live in Orlando." He didn't even blink an eye as I moved myself and laptop from the living room to the bedroom. :floorlaugh:

yes. some do block themselves from being tracked tho. some fly under tail number. others under the flt number. you can look at the setting for departures and arrival to see general traffic out and in.

It isn’t a matter of anyone blocking themselves from narrow band radar. It is a computer generated radar and names the target by whatever the pilot lists it as...however by far most smaller light planes flying under VFR rules are not being displayed on that screen. When I fly VFR I will only be shown if I request VFR Flight Following. If I file an IFR Flight Plan, then yes I will show up on that screen. There are so many small airports and privately owned planes in central Florida that if you saw all the targets on broad band you would not be able to distinguish individual targets.
And meanwhile, she takes off in the helicopter from the roof........ :floorlaugh:

I was wondering if they have a helipad on the roof. We have them on several of the large county jails here.

Does anyone know if anyone is doing live feed from Hopespring?

And while I'm asking questions, will someone please tell me which thread has the KC Anonymous 12 Step Program.
Why does the media want to chase her? Don't they know how stupid that looks? What is the big deal where she goes tonight or whenever? I don't get it...look what happened to Diana when they chased her, and no I am not comparing Diana and Casey, but seriously...it is so stupid, IMO.

I agree with you. This is completely insane. Why is everyone still so obsessed with her, if they don't care what happens to her?
I think the news networks, particularly HLN, have just revved people up more, they've kept the hate and the outrage going.
And she is loving this attention!!
Maybe this has already been said, and I wouldn't be surprised that someone is flying from Orlando to Puerto Rico, but there is a departure @ 1:40am to Ponce Puerto Rico @ Orlando airport.
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