2011.07.16-17 HLN & FOX (Weekend) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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I wonder who else is with Casey & Jose? She's been incarcerated for 3 years. He's a man, a married man with a wife and child at home. Even if they're in a hotel suite with separate bedrooms that's pretty risky on his part. She could make all sorts of claims against him, beginning with improper advancement.

Even besides that, she's got to be off kilter some.:crazy: Wasn't she alone in a cell for 23 hours of every day?

Perhaps you are confused on the West Coast? You do reference Rumson, which is a 5 minute walk from where Gerlado lived, just across the bridge, which goes across the Navesink River. I have been to his house and perhaps Riverside Drive and "Riverside" ( a city?) are confusing you?

Gerlado has NEVER lived near Philly....maybe that's the issue...the street name versus the city, but now that you know...I am sure you'll agree that a house on the Navesink beats Burlingame any day!! :)

New Jersey trivia for $500? I'd play, but it matters not...Geraldo is now in Hoboken with Erika, wife #5 and I am sure Casey is nowhere nearby. Take care!!

As much as I like Geraldo, he's never been a citizen of a like-named city near Philly.............his not-so-recent past was near Rumson, on the Navesink, on Riverside Dr, Hope that ends the confusion!!

WOW, Dont you just know everything about Geraldo!! I think if I was him, Id be looking for more security:)
Perfect hide-out. Just don't know if his wife would go for it. I keep thinking she is at a hotel. I have been wrong about everything in this case. I keep hoping I'm going to get something right.

Maybe the wife went to Hotel and FCA and Baez went to the home ..........She might want to insure the Baez Cash Horse(Cow) :innocent:
I think JB is simply going to hold out for more money now .

Or an interview that does not include a lie detector test and a judge! Even if it's far less money, he wants FCA off his hands. IMO
I wonder who else is with Casey & Jose? She's been incarcerated for 3 years. He's a man, a married man with a wife and child at home. Even if they're in a hotel suite with separate bedrooms that's pretty risky on his part. She could make all sorts of claims against him, beginning with improper advancement.

Even besides that, she's got to be off kilter some.:crazy: Wasn't she alone in a cell for 23 hours of every day?


She doens't seem the worst for it either. For the first year she had constant company. Attorney visisted about four times a week and then other attorneys would visit. She had lots and lots of company. I didn't follow the next two years but I imagine her visits were many.

Many inmates would love to have a single cell. She got 33% time off for being in high custody too. Inmates will sometimes do a crime inside just to get put in high custody so they don't get more time tagged on and they get out much sooner.

She is the type that adapts to any situation she is put in..no problem..
Or an interview that does not include a lie detector test and a judge! Even if it's far less money, he wants FCA off his hands. IMO

Baez let her loose:loser:.................He can keep her:floorlaugh::great::floorlaugh:

:seeya:Hi Jose:seeya::loser::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I really believe Geraldo is helping them, Jose has not been on any other show, hasn't called in to any other show....but shows up tonight with his jacked up phone on Geraldo's show....Geraldo is selling his soul to the devil....the whole bunch of them makes me sick. I have to say I finally believe CA and GA are getting what is coming to them....Casey is treating them like garbage.....guess they should be glad they wouldn't fit in a laundry bag....

Didn't Jose do an exclusive interview with Barbara Walters shortly after the trial ended?
Ok I am thinking so if you smell something burning ...
I have never seen a defense att. stay with a client after their arrest .
She has probably already told him that if she leaves her there and goes home that she's calling her own agent .
I can just see her doing that .
Why in the world would he have to spend every second with her ? He has a family so why stay with her unless he kinda has to ?
He must be losing his mind ..realizing what he has REALLY gotten into .

Watching this play out has actually made me appreciate this verdict. LOL It has backfired imo. Casey will never really be free, but neither will her Defense Team. With all of these upcoming lawsuits and appeals pending, and the negotiations for the possible media projects, which will be eaten up by the lawsuit costs, and FCA's clinginess and neediness, Baez must be going insane. Besides that ,he knows she is a ticking time bomb. It is only a matter of time before she finds herself saying or doing something stupid or dangerous to his mission of rehabilitating her. This is kind of fun watching it play out actually. Hearing Baez on GR tonight, sounding confused, garbled, saying his client needs a psychologist, not a lawyer, and saying he was going back on his decision to meet further with the million dollar offer guy. It sounds to me like things are in turmoil. And we know they spent the previous hour sitting and watching FOX NEWS. Probably NOT what Casey was envisioning.
He did sound extra stammer-stuttery even for Baez, didn't he? It's probably just beginning to dawn on him... 'what the hell have I gotten myself into?!' Oh well, that's what happens when you see your soul to the Devil.

Poor Geraldo. He's just trying so hard to rehabilitate ICA for his buddy, the 'brilliant' lawyer.

This Al Taylor dude said he has a verbal agreement with Baez and will sue if he renigs. Add another to the top of the pile.

As for hearing the 'real' story from ICA, she had her chance to tell it in court. Now it just doesn't matter. Period - End.

:clap: :clap: Thank You!
ID is Investigation Discovery channel . It is just about all I watch now .
Someone else made an awesome post about his show in this thread ..I am going to go find it for you now .
Here's the interview

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QOlowfErTk"]‪Jose Baez Interview with Geraldo‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Pensfan posted this great info

Dr Michael Stone, a forensic psychiatrist, who created the Most Evil show and the Graduations of Evil Scale, was on Geraldo stating that KC was a psychopath. Dr. Michael Stone is a Columbia University Psychiatrist who studies the minds of killers on the show Most Evil. On the show, Stone rates murderers on a scale of evil that he has developed. The show features profiles on various murderers, serial killers, and psychopaths. Stone researched hundreds of killers and their methods and motives to develop his hierarchy of "evil."

Here is the Most Evil Scale/Graduations of Evil Scale:

1. Those Who Kill in Self-defense
Those who kill in self-defense and who do not show psychopathic features; these cases do not involve murder.
Take the case of Cheryl Pierson. At 17, she had already endured many years of sexual abuse at the hands of her father, a violent and controlling man.
Pierson paid a high school classmate $400 to kill her father. She was sentenced to only six months in prison for what was essentially a self-defense killing.

2. Jealous Lovers Who Kill
These murderers, though egocentric or immature, are not psychopaths.
This level on the scale includes crimes of passion — like the murder of "Scarsdale Diet" doctor Abe Tarnower at the hands of his scorned lover Jean Harris.
Harris shot and killed Tarnower in a fit of jealousy after she found another woman's underwear in his things.

3. Willing Companions of Killers
Killers on this level are usually impulse ridden, meaning they have a hard time controlling the kinds of violent thoughts that most people ignore.

4. Criminals Who Kill in Self-defense, But are Extremely Provocative Toward the Victim
Susan Cummings shot her boyfriend, Argentine polo player Roberto Villejas, after he became vindictive and abusive, or so she claimed. She called 911 after she shot him and told the dispatcher that he had been threatening her with a knife.
When police arrived on the scene, they believed the cuts on her arms to be self-inflicted.
At her trial she was declared guilty of manslaughter and was sentenced to just 60 days in jail.

5. Traumatized, Desperate Persons Who Kill
These murderers may be genuinely remorseful and they lack significant psychopathic traits.
Susan Wyche thought she had found Prince Charming when she married Jeff Wright, but their fairy-tale romance quickly turned into a nightmare. Wright reportedly beat Susan and even gave her herpes at one point.
In order to escape, she enticed her 6'3" husband into bed, tied him up and then stabbed him 193 times.

6. Impetuous, Hot-headed Murderers with No Marked Psychopathic Features
Issei Sagawa started to fantasize about cannibalism while still in high school. Only a few years later, while studying at the University of Paris, he realized his dream. He shot and killed student Renee Hartevelt and then ate her, with mustard to improve the bland taste of her flesh.

7. Narcissists Who Kill Out of Jealousy
After a New Year's kiss Prosenjit Poddar thought that he and Tatiana Tarasoff were meant to be together. She had other ideas.
Tarasoff tired to explain to Poddar that she was not interested, but he would not hear it. After being brushed aside one too many times, he told his psychologist-therapist that he wanted to murder Tarasoff.
The psychologist-therapist tried to get Poddar committed, but police said Poddar was rational. He later stabbed Tarasoff to death with a kitchen knife.
Her parents sued and now doctors are required by law to inform potential victims of a psychiatric patient.

8. Non-psychopathic Persons With Smoldering Rage
These people kill when their rage is ignited.
One day Charles Whitman literally snapped. He killed his wife and mother and then went up into the University of Texas clock tower and started shooting. He killed 14 people and wounded 31 others before he was shot dead by police officers.
An autopsy discovered a tumor in Whitman's brain. It is theorized that the tumor may have contributed to the impulse to carry out the massacre.

9. Jealous Lovers With Marked Psychopathic Features
When Betty Broderick's husband, Dan, left her for a younger woman, Broderick became enraged. She eventually broke into their house and shot both of them to death.

10. Non-psychopathic Killers Who Murder People Who are "In the Way"
When it became clear to John List that he could no longer support his family, he killed them all. The murders were so methodical and well planned that it took weeks for anyone to realize that List, his wife, mother and three children were all missing.
List's crimes were so cold-blooded and calculating that he became the inspiration for the character Keyser Soze in the movie The Usual Suspects.

11. Psychopathic Killers Who Murder People "In the Way"
People at rung 11 on the evil scale kill those they feel who are in the way, like those at rung 10. However, unlike the murderers at 10, those at rung 11 have psychopathic features — making them just that much more evil.
One such killer is Robert Chambers. He murdered Jennifer Levin because she caught him trying to steal money from her purse. She said that she would press changes against him and Chambers killed her because he didn't want to be arrested.

12. Power-hungry Psychopaths Who Kill When Cornered
Jim Jones was an archetypical No. 12.
He turned to murder when his carefully constructed world started to fall apart.

13. Psychopathic Murderers Who Kill Out of Rage
Shortly before midnight on July 13, 1966, Richard Speck broke into a townhouse where nine student nurses were living. He methodically killed eight of the nurses and left. The ninth nurse hid under a bed and managed to escape Speck's murderous rampage.

14. Ruthlessly Self-centered Psychopathic Schemers Who Kill to Benefit Themselves
Sante Kimes is a classic psychopath. She conned and killed her way into money and power until her own egocentric diaries were her undoing.

15. Psychopathic Spree or Multiple Murderers
Charles Starkweather, a classic No. 15, inspired the Bruce Springsteen song, Nebraska as well as many movies including Bad Lands and Natural Born Killers.

16. Psychopaths Committing Multiple Vicious Acts, Which May Also Include Murder
Dr. Michael Swango used his position as a doctor to poison and kill as many as 60 people.

17. Sexually Perverse Serial Murderers
In males, rape is usually the primary motive and the victim is murdered to hide evidence.
Ted Bundy, one of the most famous serial killers of all time, only comes in at level 17. While he raped and murdered many women, he did not keep any of his victims alive for long periods of time in order to prolong their torture and suffering.

18. Torturer-murderers
Murder is the primary motive and victims are killed after a torture that was not prolonged.
Unlike with Ted Bundy, the motive behind Jerry Brudos' crimes was murder. But he did not kill his victims until he was done torturing them.

19. Psychopaths Driven to Terrorism, Subjugation, Intimidation and Rape, But Short of Murder
Gary Krist didn't kill his victim, but the hell he put her through lands him and others like him at 19 on the evil scale. He kidnapped Barbara Mackle and buried her alive, allowing her to breathe via a tube. She was rescued after 83 hours underground.

20. Torturer-murderers: Torture is the Primary Motive
Joseph Kallinger and his 13-year-old son got their victims to let them inside by pretending to be salesmen. Once inside, the Kallingers tortured and murdered entire families. Kallinger's evil has remarkable depths; he also drowned another of his sons.

21. Psychopaths Who Do Not Kill Their Victims, But Do Subject Them to Extreme Torture
Cameron Hooker and his wife kept Colleen Stan captive for seven years. The couple chained Stan up and imprisoned her in a box under their bed. Though they made Stan their slave — torturing and raping her for years — they did not kill her. After regaining her freedom Stan went on to marry and have a child.

22. Psychopaths Who Inflict Extreme Torture on Their Victims and Then Murder Them
Dennis Rader (aka "the BTK Killer") liked to sneak into the homes of women he had been stalking, and then bind, rape, torture and kill them.
He remained at large for 20 years before he was finally identified, arrested, and sentenced to life without parole in Wichita, Kan.

Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil. ~Jerry Garcia

Last edited by Pensfan; Yesterday at 10:22 PM.
Oh Silkprint I saw that post. It intrigued me. He had all levels of crimes of psychopaths. It is well worth another look.

I'm stunned GR asked him about the number of Zenaidas he found in the white pages...WTH? What a waste of a question...

At least I got to hear him call her a psychopath...that made my day.
I am definitely seeing an upside to how this has all worked out. Instead of JB being a hero who saved her from DP, he is now trying to work out how long he has to babysit Public Enemy Number One, and instead of being feted and adored she is living La Vita Incognita. Let her have a bubble bath and some room service, the better she has it now the worse she'll miss it later when it's all gone.

The mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceedingly small.
She doens't seem the worst for it either. For the first year she had constant company. Attorney visisted about four times a week and then other attorneys would visit. She had lots and lots of company. I didn't follow the next two years but I imagine her visits were many.

Many inmates would love to have a single cell. She got 33% time off for being in high custody too. Inmates will sometimes do a crime inside just to get put in high custody so they don't get more time tagged on and they get out much sooner.

She is the type that adapts to any situation she is put in..no problem..[/QUOTE]

Guess that's a craft she learned right after having Caylee. When she learned Cindy would not be babysitting 24/7. That's when she made up the fake "used to be" job and all the rest...boy, it takes my breath away to think of the extent she went to to have her young, care free party ways back...even though she was now responsible for Caylee.

She HAD to fit in with the likes of Ricardo, Caylee in tow, just to have her "fun" time.

What a disturbed, psycho.

JMHO, as always.
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