2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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Lat night, when the information about the computer searches came to light, I tried, nicely, to explain to my fellow WS members that this was important and why. I tried to explain the implications and what could have happened because of them and how this does constitute misconduct by the state and that regardless of how much weight should be placed on it did not matter, even stating and sourcing case law. Misconduct in any form is a violation of the defendant's constitutional rights and carries serious penalties for the state. Had she been convicted, her conviction could have been overturned. I ended up feeling attacked and apologizing to others I felt were being attacked for understanding what I was saying before it was over with. I assume, people now think I am some sort of Casey Anthony sympathizer. I can assure you all, that is not the case. I still feel that she is just as guilty as I have always felt she was.

One of the things that I loved about WS was the fact that it was a group of people who were not interested in anything but the truth, even if that truth revealed something other than what they initially believed about the case. While I understand that emotions are raw because justice for Caylee was not served. I can understand that. I really can. But it would seem that if there is any information out there that would even suggest that the state was wrong in any way, it is not welcome here. If that is the case, clearly, WS is not the place that I thought it was. Regardless, of what anyone wants to think or believe, this is a big deal. CFCA may now sue the state for violating her Constitutional rights. I know that no one even wants to discuss the situation since it was put up on blogs (that were fully trusted before this, I might add) but now it HAS hit mainstream media. And if you think for five seconds JB and CM and their little group won't at least attempt to sue over this you are sorely mistaken. I think that we can all agree that they are all about the dollar. If my posts are no longer welcome here because I am trying to be a voice of reason and explain so that other members understand why this is a big deal, I won't let the door hit me. But seriously, it's time that everyone take a look at what is being stated, especially tax paying citizens of Florida, for they are the people who will pay her settlement if this is proven true and she sues and they are the people who, if this is allowed to continue in other cases, will be disappointed when other murderers are allow to go free and they are the people who will live under a false sense of security when innocents are imprisoned and murderers are still walking the street.


Ignoring this because no one wants to think that the state did anything wrong, will not change the fact that this is VERY bad.

But according to defense KC did not do those searches, Cindy did. Apparently the jury never considered it and she walked. Both programs were presented to the jury....one only found one search, another found 84. Software is developed by humans and if there is an error in the system it's a human error and not presented to the jury to deceive them.

KC would be foolish to come forward now and say....I only searched once. My only question would be has this new person coming forward run this information through their system to see if there is, in fact, an error and what are the findings. jmo
But according to defense KC did not do those searches, Cindy did. Apparently the jury never considered it and she walked. Both programs were presented to the jury....one only found one search, another found 84. Software is developed by humans and if there is an error in the system it's a human error and not presented to the jury to deceive them.

KC would be foolish to come forward now and say....I only searched once. My only question would be has this new person coming forward run this information through their system to see if there is, in fact, an error and what are the findings. jmo
The state is in trouble due to this, really even leaving Casey out of it. If convicted, it would have been overturned due to prosecutorial misconduct. Really bad.
The NG was bad enough.. the fact that she got what she wanted.. A life without Caylee

But NOW she's going to be a millionaire, many times over, makes me absolutely SICK.. physically sick to my stomach. (and that's the truth, whether this rumor is true or not)

FICA said she would be famous someday. We will see. Don"t know what kind of talent she possibly possesses. Unless lying is considered one.
There was discussion about the 84 number was for 84 myspace searches instead of the chloroform.

Is this what some are saying FCA can sue the state for, because the state said there were 84 searches for chloroform when infact there were not 84 searches, (and the whole world believes FCA made 84 searches), but didn't the state bring out the mistake, saying there were not 84 searches for chloroform? I find it very hard to believe FCA can sew for anything, especially since she was found not guilty.
But according to defense KC did not do those searches, Cindy did. Apparently the jury never considered it and she walked. Both programs were presented to the jury....one only found one search, another found 84. Software is developed by humans and if there is an error in the system it's a human error and not presented to the jury to deceive them.

KC would be foolish to come forward now and say....I only searched once. My only question would be has this new person coming forward run this information through their system to see if there is, in fact, an error and what are the findings. jmo

This is posted by HRCODEPINK. She says it well:

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Originally Posted by kidz110 [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6926797#post6926797"]
I still don't completely understand the problem with the computer searches, but I did remember Baez addressing a problem with them right before LDB's rebuttal. It starts at 10:45 in this video. http://www.wftv.com/video/28440654/index.html

Okay, I am going to try to explain this again, because I DO want you guys to understand. Please bear with me, because my migraine is not gone, but I am willing to sit here and try to make sense of it for as long as it takes because I feel that it is that important.

When the state takes someone to trial on something, they are required to turn over to the defense any information that could help the defendant. They are also not allowed to present anything at trial that they do not believe is 100% true. The state's witness is now coming forward and saying that before trial was over, he realized that there was a glitch in his program that made the results seem as though CFCA had searched and visited the chloroform website 84 times, when in truth, she had only gone there once. He is claiming that he went to the state and told them about the error and he was told that they already knew this long ago, but continued to say at trial that she had been there 84 times and did not disclose to the defense that the original report was in error. This was a violation of CFCA's Constitutional rights.

Had CFCA been convicted, her defense team could have presented this evidence to the court on appeals and her conviction could have been overturned and she could have sued the state for violating her rights. It does not matter in the least how important the evidence was or how much weight the jury could or would have given to it. The problem is not necessarily with the evidence or how important it was. The violation of her Constitutional rights pretty much trumps everything else. Now, if this is proven to be true (like if this man still has the emails or recorded the call) CFCA can sue the state of Florida and could possibly win. Especially since she was found not guilty, this makes it even easier for her to do so. If she wins that case, the state of FL will be paying her for violating her rights.

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I did not get to see every minute of the final days because my daughter was hurt in an accident, so I am not 100% certain. I know that the mistake was brought out by the defense, but from my understanding it was never addressed and cleared up by the state and that when they questioned Cindy on rebuttal they asked her if she went there 84 times and that this was on July 1st, I believe. After it had been established that there were no 84 visits. If this is true, that is BAD.

I hope your daughter is doing better! :) I think it was all cleared up, not by CA, I'm sure CA only made it more confusing with her word games, but I really hope there is no reason for FCA to sue anybody for anything.
also here is a screen shot someone took if you are interested:


also, the @crich person is really sketchy from what I am gathering.

here is another on who she is "following" http://yfrog.com/z/kl6vwg

I honestly wonder if it is her based on the fact look at the timing of the entries....they are getting closer and closer together......normally a gag would start off with alot then less and less.....regardless who this person is....he/she wants attn and I'm not giving it to her!!!
They are international. From their Wiki page: CAA has offices in Los Angeles, New York City, Chicago, Nashville, London, Beijing, St. Louis, Calgary and Stockholm.

There you go, send her to Beijing, with a one way ticket. I think she would do very well there!
FICA said she would be famous someday. We will see. Don"t know what kind of talent she possibly possesses. Unless lying is considered one.

She doesn't have to have talent. She just needs to be marketable.
To be marketable just means that she can bring in money.
Paid interviews alone will bring in money. A single book co-written with a ghost writer will bring in money. People can say they won't watch an interview, or buy the book, but thousands upon thousands will.

She is already famous. They will want to get her while she's hot, and she is the hottest name in the country now.

America, the land of opportunity, is also America, the land of opportunists.
I honestly wonder if it is her based on the fact look at the timing of the entries....they are getting closer and closer together......normally a gag would start off with alot then less and less.....regardless who this person is....he/she wants attn and I'm not giving it to her!!!

I don't know anything about twweting or twittering or whatever.....lol

I am old school.:floorlaugh:
I'm not "jumping on" Mr. Ashton.

I'm wondering why this same scenario has happened twice in cases that he is involved with. With the same judge.

Well this is interesting. Can you tell us about the first scenario?
It's not her. They don't have In&Out in Florida. It's not her. It's someone jerking everybody's chain.

I'm gonna close this thread. If folks want to continue discussing where FCA is, they can do so here: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=144477"]Casey to be given new name & moved to secret location Where is KC? - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]


ETA: Link to Wiki about In&Out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In-N-Out_Burger

They still have NO In&Out in FL. Only recently has In&Out expanded into TX
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