2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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Sorry, don't have it. was on HLN this morning. IMO, obviously she changed her clothes in the car, took the bun down into a long pony tail and looked scared chitless as she ran up to a guy at the hangar.

I saw that clip- I thought I saw a girl with a white shirt hauling butt to get to a building (the hangar?) but I thought it looked like a younger girl running. It didn't look like FCA to me. JMO
Mike Brooks on HLN just said this is not the end of this story we are going to see Casey Anthony again and it is going to be sooner than later. Boy he has her pegged.
Casey had plenty of time to change clothes at C. Mason's office. There were reports that the light was on in his office last night.

And I agree with Mike Brooks she will not be long away from Orlando. She will go back.
I wish someone was watching the A's house. I'd love to know if they are home. I know they said their house was dark last night, but is there any activity there today? I don't think ICA went there, but I'd love to know if they are with her.

This is all i see so far...

Casey Anthony News13
Deputies blocking off road at Suburban Drive near Anthony home. They'll give tickets to people stopping in the road.
Casey had plenty of time to change clothes at C. Mason's office. There were reports that the light was on in his office last night.
I'm sure it was her. The pony tail was the same length, around waist line, and she did look totally confused and scared. 'WHERE THE HECK AM I GOING, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?"
Y'know, KC could be on websleuths right now!

I hope she does get on here and read, along with all the other sites. I want her to know that 95% of us know what she did and were not fooled by any of the bs her DT threw out there. I want her to be afraid. I don't want anyone to hurt her. That will simply destroy their life. I want her to spend the next 50 years afraid to walk down a street, or into a mall. It's not prison but it is close
I didn't watch the release last night but read through the comments and I'm glad there wasn't any violence because this cause, on the side of the protesters, didn't deserve that.

Since I am a long way away, there wasn't much I could do, so I took a long walk along the boardwalk alongside the sea, watched the sailboats, and cut back up through a forest trail to a living bridge to start back up the very steep hill to where I live.

Just as I stepped onto the living bridge, there was a huge crack and an long loud roll of thunder....just one...and I thought - she's out, eh? Checked my phone, it was 9:12 - and I'm three hours behind Orlando.

Watched the "release" online, and wondered if the gal running to the plane was a decoy and in fact Baez's wife. If Baez hasn't made a deal yet, and all reports say he hasn't, I wonder who is funding all this rubbish. Baez made a statement that he is only her lawyer, not a family and while he can initially do several things to assist her when she is first released he also said in so many words he needs to get on with his own life and leave this and her behind him. In other words, once he makes the deal, gets his cut - he is outa there. Figures!
Y'know, KC could be on websleuths right now!

I hope she IS on WS..and that she sees how intensely we followed her trial(got archives, KC?) and that she is scared chitless , knowing that we have her number and are NEVER going to forget what she did...and will do WHATEVER we can do make sure her life is one of misery and unending pain.
I think Justice for Caylee should include Cindy and George building a suitable memorial for Caylee that is NOT in the woods where she was found in trash bags. I would encourage anyone on websleuths or reading websleuths to not go to Caylee's place where she was found and not to support George and Cindy financially. I know that's a no duh, but I had to get it out of my big mouth!
Who here would watch any interview of Casey by anyone? I would.

And what's up with the lady with the poster and a "vision". Sheesh! The world has run amok.

I wouldn't watch an interview of her. :snooty: who wants to hear a liar lie some more?
I hope she does get on here and read, along with all the other sites. I want her to know that 95% of us know what she did and were not fooled by any of the bs her DT threw out there. I want her to be afraid. I don't want anyone to hurt her. That will simply destroy their life. I want her to spend the next 50 years afraid to walk down a street, or into a mall. It's not prison but it is close

I don't want her to feel fear - I want her to feel shame. I want her to know that we know what she's done and it disgusts us.

And Baez? Look up vortex in the dictionary or what the heck - google it. Vortex does not equal brilliant lawyer.
OK that video of the woman running to the jet is not the plane that they thought Casey was going on. Leave it to HLN. WFTV had a copter overhead and there was a large group of people leaving Orlando to Ohio on that jet with golf clubs etc.

Security at the airport really stepped up after that plane was boarded and the Airport cordoned off. They say that the plane Casey left on was at 3am from a hangar. That other Jet left about 1:15 am.

The plane that Macaluso owns and was confirmed by K. Belich is a single engine plane not a jet.
I hope she IS on WS..and that she sees how intensely we followed her trial(got archives, KC?) and that she is scared chitless , knowing that we have her number and are NEVER going to forget what she did...and will do WHATEVER we can do make sure her life is one of misery and unending pain.
Why in the world would she be on WS? :floorlaugh:

I hope people leave George and Cindy alone. Is it not bad enough they buried their grand daughter, now there daughter has disappeared into obscurity?

What in the world are people thinking? It's over! NG. The jury has spoken.

ETA: Here's an additional thought. Even if she were to do an interview and say, yes I did it, and explain how, when, and why, she cannot be tried again.
I had days to get over the reality that Casey would be released.That said, it really didn't bother me that much.However,the celebrity atmosphere did bother me. I thought Casey would be secretly whisked out, behind closed doors, at a time no one anticipated. What was I thinking. Casey & team wanted to give the public a little glimpse to keep their attention. They want to instill in the public, that Casey Anthony is indeed a celebrity. My wish that the media will slack off the attn. KC gets is a fantasy. Casey & team will not allow this. We will continue to receive little glimpses of her to keep this alive in the media, until such time, Casey is ready to give an interview. As I said, her release did not bother me that much. It's the celebrity status and the money she might make as a result that bothers me. It will be totally disgusting if the public allows Casey Anthony to become a wealthy woman off this tragedy. Totally disgusting! Jeff Ashton was right. The best way to get back at Casey is to turn your back on her.

edited to add: Just think how disappointed they would have been if there had been no one there to greet them.
Why in the world would she be on WS? :floorlaugh:

I hope people leave George and Cindy alone. Is it not bad enough they buried their grand daughter, now there daughter has disappeared into obscurity?

What in the world are people thinking? It's over! NG. The jury has spoken.


When the A's leave the people alone.......the people will leave them alone. Getting all up in "Caylee's Law" - not a good start. :maddening:
Reporting on HLN that JB was working a deal with some media for an interview, with pictures of (an acquitted murderer.) Wonder if this could be People mag.
Her pimp is working his contacts.
I B Boycotting.
I hope someone is starting a petition to Rupert at FNC to tell him that he better not "go there" with a G/ Perp in Chief. If we could make a list of who we hate most from the trial(tough call), mine would read like this;

THE JURY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The entire A. family
Roy and Roy's son.
Dr. Spitz
Fake grief counselor.

Caylee Marie Anthony.
JA and LDB(=)
Dr. G.
Yuri,John A. and other LE.
Mark E.
Nancy G.("the devil is dancing tonight")
CA"s time keeper at work.
Jesse G.

anyone else?

SERIOUSLY object to HHBP being on your hate list. He is a fine Judge and must operate within the law, even if it allows fools as lawyers and child killers to walk free.
Why in the world would she be on WS? :floorlaugh:

I hope people leave George and Cindy alone. Is it not bad enough they buried their grand daughter, now there daughter has disappeared into obscurity?

What in the world are people thinking? It's over! NG. The jury has spoken.

the jury has not spoken for me. FCA is a murderer and her Mother at the least committed perjury to help her get off...there wasn't much left to bury by the time they found poor Caylee...yet her murderer and parents are the ones to feel sorry for? NOT.
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