2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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...any plane crashes last night? Just checking.
I decided to wonder what I'd be doing if she was seen somewhere just now. Would I start wondering where she was going? What she is doing?

:pullhair: I can't do that to myself. I have to accept that she is free as a bird and just forget about it. Like JA said, I'm turning my back on her, for now.
Why in the world would she be on WS? :floorlaugh:

I hope people leave George and Cindy alone. Is it not bad enough they buried their grand daughter, now there daughter has disappeared into obscurity?

What in the world are people thinking? It's over! NG. The jury has spoken.

ETA: Here's an additional thought. Even if she were to do an interview and say, yes I did it, and explain how, when, and why, she cannot be tried again.

Remember Heckel and Jeckel!!!!!

Technically, they were magpies. :)

Another thought. Casey left with 500 bucks in her commissary account. Her story has headlined the news for weeks. If there was a large segment of the population sympathetic to her, that number would have been much, much higher. (look at the donations that poured in to help find Caylee).

No one wants her. She's not Lindsay Lohan, a redeemable screwup who really needs rehab and a new entourage. She's not Amy Fisher, a slow moving train wreck. And even paris hilton has taken her wealth and added to it with a line of clothes, fragrances and night clubs. Paris is annoying and many other things, but she's not evil.

Put her actions on the side for just a split second. She's a plain-looking high school dropout. Where is the demand for that? Add the fact that she is a Bundy-level sociopath and you see why in a nation of 300 million people, she attracted a whopping 500 bucks in contributions.
I am sure that Cindy and George will be there waiting for her with open arms. They will be saying that they helped set her free with all their lies and George's agreement to be thrown under the bus for the alleged sexual abuse when she was young........they want to continue living the lie.......and Casey will be plotting how to get money from them...nothing has changed and will not change because they are all sick, sick, sick....They all will get theirs in the end......I truly believe in "what goes around, comes around"....they will be doing all the interviews and making their rounds; they gotta' make the money within the next couple of weeks....because it's sad to say, that people will soon forget all about the Anthonys (that's just the way our society is today)

Little Caylee is forgotten by them all (the A's).......but Caylee will live in our hearts forever and never be forgotten
I hope someone is starting a petition to Rupert at FNC to tell him that he better not "go there" with a G/ Perp in Chief. If we could make a list of who we hate most from the trial(tough call), mine would read like this;

THE JURY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The entire A. family
Roy and Roy's son.
Dr. Spitz
Fake grief counselor.

Caylee Marie Anthony.
JA and LDB(=)
Dr. G.
Yuri,John A. and other LE.
Mark E.
Nancy G.("the devil is dancing tonight")
CA"s time keeper at work.
Jesse G.

anyone else?

Dr. Arpad Vass
While I was walking this morning I had a couple of thoughts. If I were found not guilty of murdering my daughter why would I have surgery on my face IF I were innocent. If FCA does have surgery she would have to do her interviews before surgery, or wear a burka during the interview.

We don't give our criminals much punishment,
but we sure giv'em plenty of publicity-Will Rogers
As far as I'm aware, Casey Anthony can't sing

can't dance

can't put in a full day's work

can't string together a comprehensible sentence

She's short and will run to fat

She has buggy eyes and bags to go with it

Has a floppy mouth

and the mentality of a backward child

She has a disgusting history

of proven immorality, theft and lies

She betrays everyone she knows

and steals petrol

Rupert Lizard Murdoch wants to try to make a 'celebrity' out of that

then it's up to us to cost him every cent he invests in it

by refusing, on principle, to patronise anything bearing his name and in particular that of any company stupid and low enough to advertise via the Murdoch sewers


Well said! You know I've been boycotting fox news for years. I also boycotted all the sponsors for the Glenn Beck show and he is finally off air. this stuff does work a bit :)
I think I have a different take on her release and the jail's stance. To me, they pretty much opened the front door and said, see ya, don't let the door hit you on the way out. They could have arranged massive hidden security but they didn't. Says to me, they were very ready for her to just get out.

Also, someone better keep a watch on JVM. That poor thing isn't going to know what to do when this is done. I think she thought of herself as a big time journalist, quite the opposite for me. She was never really in the thick of the action. She just seemed to rehash what everyone else was saying.

And if I hear one more time that Cindy was destroyed because Casey didn't see her one last time, I may just scream.
I saw that clip at the airport too. I do think that it was KC. She ran like a rabbit to get on that plane and it was interesting to watch. I hope that we get a clip for posting soon.

I rewound and found it. Do you guys want me to upload it and add it to my youtube?
I think the reason HLN didn't carry it live last night is their ratings have dropped. I know I haven't watched since verdict day-- or anywhere else, for that matter.

I hope she's writhing and retching from too much booze and rich food... Oh, and lawyer boys, don't leave your wallets handy.
It will be totally disgusting if the public allows Casey Anthony to become a wealthy woman off of this tragedy.

Sadly that probably will happen. Heck Casey could just sign a limited supply of baby dolls, put them up on eBay and get $$$ rich. Rich enough to make any sane person wish they were on another planet. It is just the way it is.
While I was walking this morning I had a couple of thoughts. If I were found not guilty of murdering my daughter why would I have surgery on my face IF I were innocent. If FCA does have surgery she would have to do her interviews before surgery, or wear a burka during the interview.
We don't give our criminals much punishment,
but we sure giv'em plenty of publicity-Will Rogers

That look would work for me!!:fence:


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My opinion, her parents (whose names escape me for some reason) will now be clinging to her as their new cash cow. How iornic.
She has a disgusting history

of proven immorality, theft and lies

She betrays everyone she knows

and steals petrol


Ok, :waitasec: what I just can't quite wrap my already overloaded mind around is--
who in their right mind, with any intelligence whatsoever would want to be around such a character?

And btw, if I had so much as lifted a $20 out of my mothers purse for ciggies and gin I would not be here posting today. I'd have been knocked into next week!
SERIOUSLY object to HHBP being on your hate list. He is a fine Judge and must operate within the law, even if it allows fools as lawyers and child killers to walk free.

HHBP was way too beholden to the jury, shouldn't have berated JA for laughing, could have extended ICA's time in jail, could have charged CA with perjury, could have fined or berated JB for his outrageous behavior,was a huge liberal and should have worked harder on making sure the stupid 12some understood what "reasonable doubt" was.
In the end, he failed Caylee.
I am convinced that the whole outcome would have been different if Judge Stan had been in charge.
But I sure did laugh at "hill of a bean". LOL
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