2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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There is such a creep factor between JB and XICA - he'd better watch out or he's going to be paying a whole lot more child support in his future. Who knows though, maybe he's sent her away with the promise that he'll come up with some lucrative offer. Wherever she ends up I can't think the welcome would last...we know she doesn't like to work. What does she think she's going to do, cook and clean for rent? Kinda like she did with Tony. That'll get old quick.

I sure know that the IRS is going to dog her, doesn't matter if it's in CA or any other state of the union.

ETA - And now that I think about it...you know she's jonesing for a make over. What self respecting hair salon owner would want to work on her? I bet ole Todd, if that's where she's ending up, will have to pay someone big time just to come near her. If I was a hair stylist you couldn't bribe with a big enough tip to work on her. And dontcha know, they'll have the salon or make over people come to her, not her go to them. Another reason she'll think she's a STAR baby! It probably won't even occur to her that it's dangerous for her to go anywhere. She's like Nicole Kidman in To Die For, she loves the lights and attention, even if it's negative.

However...my addendum to all this is that I expect her to be in trouble again within the next couple of years. Her DT will fade away and she'll have nothing. It'll be a DUI or stolen checks, and it'll snowball for her from there. I can guarantee that.

To protect her, Chaney Mason's wife was prolly there with a pair of scissors and a box of bleach color. I doubt they would let anyone in their inner circle at this time -- too risky. I hope the "do" turns out horrible and her hair is now green.



Someone say something about a girl in a yellow dress?

The only one that matters.

Did anyone get a good look at the driver of the car FCA got jumped into? All I saw was gray hair, it didn't look as though he had facial hair.
That's always been my thought. What better place to do her first interview? And what better person to do it. And before it goes on air she can take off and get her face redone.

It all comes back to, ' What the hell can she say when I interview her ? '

That's the stumbling block

What are they trying to promote ?

What could she say that we haven't already heard ?

Any interview is doomed to be a non-event. And after watching two or three, people will turn their backs

She's unsaleable. There's no way to market her. She's not a victim. Even if her pimps try to sell her as an incest victim -- so what ? Victims of incest are innumerable

She can't claim to have had a hard time in prison, although they might try that angle

Any story they concoct will have more black-holes than outer-space

People have been programmed to expect increasing sensationalism, so the pimps will have to up the ante with every interview -- but using what ? They have no material because it was a highly publicised trial and the media has already drained it down to the dregs

I see JB and KC as Dumb and Dumber

Hope it destroys whatever's left of Geraldo's career. Ditto CM and the rest of that disgusting cabal
I think we will in time hear about where she is. It won't be long before she is sighted out partying with new friends. As soon as the community she has gone to finds out, her days living there will be numbered. She will be chased out of every neighborhood she tries to live in. She better get a book deal cause no one is going to hire her plus she isn't trained to do anything. I'm sure she will get a book deal and a movie deal which is fine because the more she talks the more obvious it will be to everyone what she did and what kind of person she is. She will blow any money she earns and will then be begging for handouts or stealing from family and friends as she has always done. I read on line that she intends to appeal her conviction for lying to police. She just doesn't learn. It would have been better for her to let that one rest. Nothing good can come from her challenging the lying to police conviction. But hey let her go for it. Just makes her look even worse if that's possible.
I think she's still in Orlando. She has to get her driver's license renewed, get a haircut, and hang with her legal cronies until she figures out her finances and where she wants to go. And there is no one who wants her, except the legal team who will pimp her.

I think when the attention dies down in a few days and they have figured out some income opportunities, she'll then go somewhere. But with who? She's going to be a lonely person, except for fantasy online relationships.
Could Baez be anymore of a PIMP???? Seriously???? The NERVE!!!

No cocky look on his face last night! What's the matter Jose? Those dollar signs aren't rolling in like you thought? I could've sworn I could read your mind last night," Did all this, put my career on the line, getting death threats & I can't give this biatch away"! LOL careful what you wish for...:great::woohoo::great::floorlaugh::great::woohoo::great::floorlaugh:
I'm not sure why we're all waiting to find out where's she flown off to. What would we be able to do about it? She's been let go by a DT that lied, were unable to back up their opening at ALL with ANYTHING and a jury that didn't deliberate and certainly IMO didn't understand the instructions or take the time and responsibility to ask the judge for further instruction.

I'm not sure but I don't think we'll know anything more now until some "friend" posts a picture on twitter or she does something again (which I'm sure she will as it is her way of life and she has no good bone in her body).
News sources last night stated just before Casey departed the jail, that George Anthony was down at the jail with another person awaiting daughters release. With the Ants home dark last night, I suspect they were at Mason's office waiting for her arrival to say good bye, since Mason's office is so close to the jail.

I couldn't agree with you more! I think this whole thing has been one big "act" by all the A's. I think Baez was the producer of this whole charade. This was done to get Casey off. And, it worked! I am sure they will all be together soon, if that hasn't happened already. This is all they have worked for in the last 3 years and now they will all be rich too! Sad, just sad!
Goes to show you how much support she has on the outside....... I'm not talking about the Anthony family. But that he couldn't find decoys?????

Ya gotta admit it's a tough sell. "Ok, we'd like you to pretend to be this girl that a lot of people want to kill, howabout it?"

Wonder how long it will be for C & G to be boarding a private plane for their big reunion with their "lovely" dtr??? IMO, just a matter of time.......

I don't think they'll ever see each other again. I think she's done with them and GA is definitely done with her. JMO
Casey Anthony free, but in another kind of prison
Will Casey Anthony's notoriety over the death of her two-year-old daughter Caylee bring some measure of wealth and security, or will it, instead, condemn her to a different kind of prison?
An angry crowd jeered comments as Casey Anthony walked out of the front door of the Orange County Jail a free woman just after midnight on Sunday, about three years and one day after she was arrested for the disappearance and eventual death of Caylee, her two-year-old daughter.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwt95ieSjeA&feature=player_embedded"]‪Casey Anthony released from jail‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
A bright yellow dress highly visible at night? Could have been to make people assume it was a decoy, but it really was her. Another reason could be that it is meant as an in your face, look at me gesture.
How can she go into law when she's been convicted by four counts of lying to police? She wouldn't be able to be hired anywhere?

Sounds like Ann Finell would be more than willing to hire the paralegal wannabe. I hope not since that means she would be living in my city. :maddening:

....and announcing during the trial that LA was supposed to have answered that he was left out because his parents thought he might be the father

Did he really say that?! :doh:

NancyGraceHLN Nancy Grace
#JoseBaez has not told #CindyAnthony where #CaseyAnthony has gone. Cindy's heart still breaks.

Boo freakin' hoo, Cindy. Her heart should be broken for what her evil spawn did to her granddaughter. She got me for a few minutes with her performance on the stand but never, EVER again will I feel an ounce of sympathy for anyone in that family.
I just heard DC has been staking out the A's house. He reports that everything looks normal so something must be going on inside it.
Someone say something about a girl in a yellow dress?

The only one that matters.

Thank you for bringing it back to Caylee!!
I watched HLN at work last night and got sick and angry then driving home this morning heard Caylee's song-She's Going Places on the radio and it brought me to tears again just like it was 2008 again!!:sigh:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUx4nArDNaE"]‪Caylee Anthony Tribute--Goin Places by Rascal Flatts‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
A lawyer on JVM just said that this pimping her story for money just goes beyond what a defense attorney should be doing. That he believed in what Baez said after the verdict about Casey's constitutional rights. But now he is taking it too far and that if Casey wants to sell her story this should not be her defense attorney but entertainment attorneys handling this for her.
The running girl didn't look like ICA to me. From what I could see that ponytail wasn't long enough and she looked smaller and younger. Plus, why run across the tarmac? It looked like the car could have pulled up alot closer to the door. I think maybe a decoy meant to be seen.

I'm dreading FCA getting her new look and announcing she generously donated her ponytail to Locks of Love. :sick:

That's what I thought -- the car could have pulled up right close to that door. Also imagine the felon hasn't moved those legs in 3 years -- being shackled and all. She was allowed to walk, but not run. I noticed she seemed to be a little ackward even walking out of jail at a brisk pace.

Oh, someone should have told her rolled up jeans are so 5 years ago. When I saw she rolled up the cuffs of her jeans, I laughed. I'm suprised she didn't have that polo tied in a knot on the side! And could those jeans have been any tighter? GAG.


JVM also said she can't believe that they asked the Anthony family to be decoys. Cindy has tried so many times to see Casey and Casey has refused. She said it is like a dagger into the heart of Cindy to do this.
When are they going to release the jurors names?

I don't want to go anywhere near a single one of them - sorry if that inadvertently harms their employers, but that is the way it is.
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