2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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Where is JVM getting this info? We know of one visit and that's it. I think JVM's lack of sleep is making her delirious. :innocent:

Actually Cindy tried about a week ago and also on Mother's Day.
Actually, I want to know where she is so I can BOLO since I heard she wants to be in my state!!!:eek::eek::eek:

:seeya: LinasK.

Could you let me know if you spot her?
My son and DIL live in San Francisco and I want to warn them! :panic:

I just searched for his tail number and came up with N686PC . That plane flew out of Van Nuys Ca to Glacier Park Int in Montanta . Flight started at 4:49 am California Time and is in Route now with a Arrival time of 8:56MDT

That plane would have taken 9+ hours (and 2 or 3 refuels) to get it to Ca. and there is no record that it was here


The plane in the hanger in Orlando was the same TYPE of plane that Mac owns and is experienced in piloting.

The actual plane was owned by another lawyer in the same building as Macs law firm.

Sort of a double blind. I'll lay odds they are in NY attempting to sell that big interview, but even with pitching pics and a 'day in the life of' they can't seem to sell it.
Major companies are still afraid of the backlash.

The ONLY one who will buy it is the 1 million guy (Taylor) and he will resell it.

However he has said it will ask the HARD questions, so the DT don't want that one.

The DT is not in control of this big deal ---we are, as long as we protest loudly, the companies will see her as toxic.
What is really hard for me to understand is how someone who is so definitely involved in her child's demise walks off scott free and others---such as the 3 in West Memphis--- who have no clear evidence against them can't even get another trial???????? Sorry, but this system is F----- UP!!!!!!!
Casey won't have trouble adjusting---after all she never lived in the real world-- her world was just a pack of lies she created!!! Myself, I will not buy a book or magazine with anything about her in it. The best way to deal with FCA is to ignore her and the entire Anthony family. They aint selling anything we want or need........Other felons have ended up with law degrees. She would be a good defense attorney------ability to lie with a straight face.
She won't go back to school or get any type of a job. A trait of psychopaths is that they have low initiative.
CA has been trying many times to see Casey since August/September 2008. Jane is correct.
ETA-CA was requesting no video recording at visitations because she thought that's why KC didn't want to see her. She was right, at least this last time...KC did not want to talk to CA post-acquittal because CA would ruin the big debut that KC and JB were planning.

I think they were thinking it would ruin the "I just got out of jail" interview. If Cindy asked Casey "How are you feeling....." and Casey answered that while in jail, there wouldn't be that "first" on air paid interview bonanza.

So many of you here have tallied her future earnings. So even if she gets paid for her "first" anything, the money will not last very long. In time she will be broke and her lack of GED will not afford her a job paying her enough to even shop at Target.

The plane in the hanger in Orlando was the same TYPE of plane that Mac owns and is experienced in piloting.

The actual plane was owned by another lawyer in the same building as Macs law firm.

Sort of a double blind. I'll lay odds they are in NY attempting to sell that big interview, but even with pitching pics and a 'day in the life of' they can't seem to sell it.
Major companies are still afraid of the backlash.

The ONLY one who will buy it is the 1 million guy (Taylor) and he will resell it.

However he has said it will ask the HARD questions, so the DT don't want that one.

The DT is not in control of this big deal ---we are, as long as we protest loudly, the companies will see her as toxic.

Yes, and I don't think we are the type to go away quietly :floorlaugh:
You know what I wish people would do for the next few months, I wish they'd pay for bill boards where ever Casey winds up moving. Signs, bill boards and flyers everywhere that say "We love you Caylee and we did not forget you."

I think it would drive Casey crazy to see that all everyone cares about is Caylee.
It all comes back to, ' What the hell can she say when I interview her ? '

That's the stumbling block

What are they trying to promote ?

What could she say that we haven't already heard ?

Any interview is doomed to be a non-event. And after watching two or three, people will turn their backs

She's unsaleable. There's no way to market her. She's not a victim. Even if her pimps try to sell her as an incest victim -- so what ? Victims of incest are innumerable

She can't claim to have had a hard time in prison, although they might try that angle

Any story they concoct will have more black-holes than outer-space

People have been programmed to expect increasing sensationalism, so the pimps will have to up the ante with every interview -- but using what ? They have no material because it was a highly publicised trial and the media has already drained it down to the dregs

I see JB and KC as Dumb and Dumber

Hope it destroys whatever's left of Geraldo's career. Ditto CM and the rest of that disgusting cabal

Here's what kills me...the misconception that if you let her talk rather than grilling her, you are being a good journalist. A good journalist, from my understanding, gets to the bottom of the Who, What, When, etc. by asking hard hitting questions. Sure he could ask questions about her acquittal, jail life, her family and the jury, etc...
But GR told Bill O'Reilly that he thought, basically, that KC killed Caylee. Having come to that personal conclusion, he certainly has questions in his mind about why she killed Caylee, where she killed Caylee, how she killed Caylee, etc. So ask her those questions!!! What, is she going to get angry?
So what?
Don't these dopey "journalists" know that their ratings will fly through the roof if they do go after her? It's like Howard Stern (see the ratings scene in Private Parts) or Bill O'Reilly-even those that hate them listen because they want to see who will be skewered next. So, GR, if you believe she did it, skewer her! I might actually watch your show then!
Guys,I thought this might be of some help, to those of us, having a hard time dealing with the verdict and the release. It sure helps me.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cyWipTrNV4"]‪The Serenity Prayer‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
The ONLY one who will buy it is the 1 million guy (Taylor) and he will resell it.

The only one with a public announcement of an offer. There could be dozens of other offers which have not been announced by the one making the offer. Say nothing to the public until the deal is sealed.
You know what I wish people would do for the next few months, I wish they'd pay for bill boards where ever Casey winds up moving. Signs, bill boards and flyers everywhere that say "We love you Caylee and we did not forget you."

I think it would drive Casey crazy to see that all everyone cares about is Caylee.

Exactly! I thought it would be a great idea if someone (like Trump) bannered every inch of Times Square with giant Caylee photos for the day KC rolls into town. Sweet.Heaven.
Here is a quote from Jose in a NY Times article....

“I am trying to stay away from that whole thing,” Mr. Baez said about her post-release plans. “I’m her lawyer. I’m not a relative. I am assisting her to a certain extent. There is not much beyond that I can do. As a legal professional, you are always concerned about all of your clients. You want them to go on to live productive lives. I will say that when a person is acquitted in a court of law, that should mean something.”

Here is the whole article

I thought it was too funny that he said "I'm her lawyer. I'm not a relative." That may be, but you have driven all her relatives away Jose. You are all she has left. Lucky, lucky you.

And he is trying to stay away from that whole thing??? Yeah right. :loser:
I imagine there will be endless fighting over money. FCA will not want to share and will want control. She will not be able to handle being the cash cow while she can't even leave her residence or show her face. JB and others will be out living their lives on the money she makes. They will take eachother down eventually. They are greedy money hungry attention seekers with big egos who care only for themselves at any cost. It will get ugly...imo.
Here's what kills me...the misconception that if you let her talk rather than grilling her, you are being a good journalist. A good journalist, from my understanding, gets to the bottom of the Who, What, When, etc. by asking hard hitting questions. Sure he could ask questions about her acquittal, jail life, her family and the jury, etc...
But GR told Bill O'Reilly that he thought, basically, that KC killed Caylee. Having come to that personal conclusion, he certainly has questions in his mind about why she killed Caylee, where she killed Caylee, how she killed Caylee, etc. So ask her those questions!!! What, is she going to get angry?
So what?
Don't these dopey "journalists" know that their ratings will fly through the roof if they do go after her? It's like Howard Stern (see the ratings scene in Private Parts) or Bill O'Reilly-even those that hate them listen because they want to see who will be skewered next. So, GR, if you believe she did it, skewer her! I might actually watch your show then!

No matter which way it's played -- we win, she loses

It'll be hilarious, imo. People will enjoy seeing her squirm and fidgit. Out will come the head bumps and jutting jaw, the moment things get 'real'

If they let her ramble -- people will tune out

If they grill her -- she'll turn into Predator

And once she's spilled her guts for money -- her one-trick-pony show will be over and so will the money

So whichever way it goes, she'll lose. And so will JB via association

It's a Nine Day Wonder that's soon to be over. She has nothing to sell except the truth -- and that's the one thing she won't (can't !!) give up

I hope someone is starting a petition to Rupert at FNC to tell him that he better not "go there" with a G/ Perp in Chief. If we could make a list of who we hate most from the trial(tough call), mine would read like this;

THE JURY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The entire A. family
Roy and Roy's son.
Dr. Spitz
Fake grief counselor.

Caylee Marie Anthony.
JA and LDB(=)
Dr. G.
Yuri,John A. and other LE.
Mark E.
Nancy G.("the devil is dancing tonight")
CA"s time keeper at work.
Jesse G.

anyone else?
:snooty::hand:Sorry, I put Roy Kronk under the hero list, without him Caylee's remains would not have been found!!! I praise him!
For Heaven's Sake, why read a book of lies, or listen to an interview of lies. That's all she can do. Just look at how she lied to everyone, including her attorney. She will never tell the truth because her truth is never going to be about the chloroform or duct tape or car trunk or garbage bags in the swamp. Call her a pathological liar or sociopath - that is her forever.... and I'm sure she has had plenty of time to make new ones!
Here is a quote from Jose in a NY Times article....

“I am trying to stay away from that whole thing,” Mr. Baez said about her post-release plans. “I’m her lawyer. I’m not a relative. I am assisting her to a certain extent. There is not much beyond that I can do. As a legal professional, you are always concerned about all of your clients. You want them to go on to live productive lives. I will say that when a person is acquitted in a court of law, that should mean something.”

Here is the whole article

I thought it was too funny that he said "I'm her lawyer. I'm not a relative." That may be, but you have refused adriven all her relatives away Jose. You are all she has left. Lucky, lucky you.

And he is trying to stay away from that whole thing??? Yeah right. :loser:

' As a legal professional ' ? -- that's rich

Suddenly he's concerned about professionalism - as if we all suffer short-term memory-loss re: his total lack of professionalism when it mattered most
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